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1、专访中非合作论坛妇女论坛2009中国团长陈至立时间:2009-11-10 21:29来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:732次Interview with Chen Zhili, head of Chinese Delegation of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Womens Forum 2009 “中非合作论坛妇女论坛2009”活动期间,中国妇女代表团团长、全国人大常委会副委员长、全国妇联主席陈至立10月13日在开罗接受了人民网和新华社记者联合采访。以下为采访实录:In the course of Forum on China-Africa Coo

2、peration Womens Forum 2009, head of Chinese Delegation, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of National Peoples Congress and President of All-China Womens Federation (ACWF) Chen Zhili received a joint interview with journalists from Peoples Daily Online and Xinhua News Agency in Cairo on Oct

3、13.记者:请您谈谈此次出席“中非合作论坛妇女论坛2009”活动的主要目的。Journalist: Could you please tell us the main objectives of participating in the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Womens Forum 2009?答:这次我率中国妇女代表团一行近50人来到埃及首都开罗,主要是出席由中华全国妇女联合会和埃及国家妇女委员会举办的“中非合作论坛妇女论坛2009”。本次妇女论坛是即将召开的中非合作论坛第4次部长级会议的配套活动,也是中非妇女首次举办的大型多边交流活动,同时这也

4、是中非妇女交流史上一个新的里程碑。Answer: This time I led the Chinese womens delegation of about 50 members to Cairo, the capital of Egypt with the main purpose of attending the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Womens Forum 2009 that was hosted by ACWF and Egypts National Council for Women. The Womens Forum is a su

5、pporting activity for the 4th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation which will commence soon; it is also the first large-scale multilateral exchange that is hosted by Chinese and African women. Meanwhile this forum is a new milestone in the history of exchanges between Chin

6、ese and African Women.论坛的主题是“中非妇女携手应对挑战、共谋发展”。我已经与埃及总统夫人、埃及国家妇女委员会主席苏珊穆巴拉克女士进行了亲切友好的会晤,她对此次论坛给予了高度评价。明天我将与肯尼亚总理夫人奥廷加女士以及其他与会国家的代表会面,共同探讨新形势下进一步深化中非妇女友谊与务实合作的新途径。我们中国代表团的成员(主要来自全国人大女代表、全国政协女委员、全国妇联及省市妇联领导、中央和国家机关的代表、优秀女企业家等)也将与来自近30个国家负责妇女发展性别平等事务的政府机构和妇女组织负责人,就“妇女参政、妇女与千年发展目标、妇女应对金融危机”等议题开展讨论,分享在性别平

7、等与妇女发展领域的成果和经验,共商应对全球金融危机、实现联合国千年发展目标的新举措。大会将签署中非合作论坛-妇女论坛2009宣言,并将其提交给中非合作论坛第四届部长级会议。The theme of this forum is that Chinese and African Women work together to face challenges and seek development. I have already had a warm and friendly meeting with the first lady of Egypt, and the president of Egy

8、pts National Council for Women, Ms. Susan Mubarak. She spoke highly of this forum. Tomorrow Im going to meet wife of the premier of Kenya,Ms. Odinga and other representatives who participate in this forum in order to have a discussion on new approaches to further deepen the friendship between Chines

9、e and African women and cooperate pragmatically under new circumstances. Members of Chinese delegation (mainly consisting of women representatives of National Peoples Congress, women members of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, leaders of All-China Womens Federation (ACWF) and W

10、omens Federation of provinces and cities, representatives of the central government and national institutions and elite women entrepreneurs etc) will also carry out discussions with leaders of government bodies that are responsible for womens development and gender equality and leaders of womens org

11、anizations from nearly 30 countries. They will touch on topics such as women s participation in politics,Women and Millennium Development Goal, women facing financial crisis etc. They will share their achievements and experience in the aspect of gender equality and womens development as well as cons

12、ult together about new measures to deal with global financial crisis and to achieve Millennium Development Goal of the United Nation. Declaration of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Womens Forum 2009 will be signed and submitted to the 4th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Coo

13、peration.记者:2006年中非合作论坛北京峰会后,全国妇联开展了一系列对非洲妇女交流活动,请您谈谈主要有哪些工作?Journalist: Since the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation 2006, ACWF carried out a series of exchanges that are aimed at African women. Could you tell us what the main exchanges are?答:全国妇联是中国最大的妇女组织,早在上世纪50年代初就开始了对非妇女工作

14、,与非洲国家妇女和妇女组织进行了接触和交往,形成了妇女民间外交的独特优势和成果。经过多年努力,到目前为止,在56个非洲国家中,全国妇联与51个国家的妇女机构和组织建立了联系和交往,向45个非洲国家的妇女机构和组织提供了小额物资援助,向4个国家派遣了刺绣、编织技术培训小组。Answer: ACWF is the largest womens organization in China. In early 1950s, ACWF started the work that was aimed at African women by getting in touch with women in Af

15、rican countries and African womens organizations; as a result, the unique advantages and achievements of women nongovernmental diplomacy have been formed. Through many years hard work , so far, ACWF have established contacts with womens institutions and organizations of 51 out of 53 African countrie

16、s, and it has it has provided small amount material aid to womens institutions and organizations of 45 African countries, and sent training teams of embroidery and sewing to 4 countries.进入新世纪后,特别是2006年中非合作论坛北京峰会首次在中非合作论坛北京峰会宣言和中非合作论坛北京行动计划(2007至2009年)中将妇女交流纳入到了中非交流的整体框架内,提出了增进中非妇女事务交流与合作的内容,为中非妇女交流提供了新平台。After entering the new century, the Beijing Summi



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