第七章 报 盘 Quotations and Offers.doc

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《第七章 报 盘 Quotations and Offers.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第七章 报 盘 Quotations and Offers.doc(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第七章 报 盘 Quotations and Offers1. 报盘函电的作用报盘就是承诺按照合同中规定的条款及条件来供应货物,是向一个或一个以上的特定的人提出的订立合同的建议。报盘又称发价或报价,在法律上成为要约。报盘有报实盘(在某一时间限制内报某一指定价格且受其约束)和虚盘(报盘不受约束)之分。2. 报盘函电的内容第一部分:确认收到询函,并对客户对自己的产品感兴趣表示真诚的感谢,并指明询函发出时间。第二部分:说明货物目前的供应情况,并明确的陈述所有交易条件。如支付方式 折扣及佣金的规定,包装及交货日期,报盘的有效日期(实盘)。第三部分:表示希望买方对报价满意并接受所给报价。3. 报盘函电的

2、注意问题在书写报盘函电时,要注意使用友好的语气,切记不要强迫客户接受,礼貌的语言和言简意赅的措辞,巧妙的表达技巧有益于促使客户对其它产品产生兴趣。另外,报盘时,应确保询盘来函中的所有问题得以答复。Sample 1 报实盘Dear Sirs,We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of March 11 enquiring about Colored Hats and we offer as follows, Art No: N46 Colored Hats Quantity: 600 Design Number: 7689-45 Pa

3、cking: in boxes Price: 160 per number Shipment: to be made from August to October Payment: by cashFor more information about our goods, you may refer to our catalogue and price list enclosed. We must point out that this offer is firm for two weeks only because of the heavy demands.We can assure you

4、that these goods are very popular in your market. If you compare our products with others, it will be found that ours are of high quality. Moreover, in case of an order for more than 500 pieces we would grant a special discount of 5%.We await with great interest your prompt answer.Yours faithfully,S

5、ample2 报虚盘Dear Sirs,Thank you for your enquiry of July 22 for our Canned Beef and as requested, we are sending you, under separate cover, one catalogue and two samples. We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection.In order to establish new business between us,

6、 we take pleasure in making you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows: Quantity: 500 casesPrice: CIF net Copenhagen per case in US$ 36.2Packing: By standard export case of 120 cans eachShipment: November, 2007 Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight

7、to be opened 30 days before the time of shipmentWe trust the above will be acceptable to you and await with keen interest your order. Yours faithfully,Sample3 对虚盘的确认Dear Sirs,Upon receipt of your letter of May 5 asking us to send an offer of our printed Shirting, we would like to confirm our letter

8、dispatched on May 10 offering without engagement the following:Art No: 96000 printed Shirting Design No: 62435-2A Specifications: 32387060 35/642 yards Quantity: 23,000yards Packing: in boxes or in wooden cases, at sellers option Price: RMB 15 per yard CIF C.5% Callao Shipment: to be made in three e

9、qual monthly installments beginning from July, 2007. Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 40 days before the time of shipment.We wish to point out that this is the best price we can quote and that we are unable to entertain any counter-offer. We hope that you

10、 can take advantage of our offer of this time. We trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and look forward to receiving your order.Please be assured that your order will receive our careful attention.Yours faithfully,Proper names: Colored Hats 花边帽子 Canned Beef 罐装牛肉 printed Shirting 彩色布料Callao

11、 喀劳俄港 秘鲁西部港市Notes:1. offer n./v.发盘;报盘;提供报盘make an offer for /on.对报价 , 类似的表达还有:send offer,give offer, fax offer, 后接介词for或on,例如:Please make (send ,fax)us an offer for walnuts.请给我们报核桃的盘。I have had an offer of $30 each for the radio sets. 我方发盘这批收音机每台30美元。We are making an offer of a reduction of seven ce

12、nts in the price to all customers who place an order before October. 对于凡在10月之前订货的顾客,我们都减价7美分。For large orders of more than $6.000, we can offer a discount of 4% on list prices. 对于金额在6,000美元以上的大订单,我们可以按价目单给予4%的折扣。2. We offer you firm as follows我们以以下形式给您报实盘as follows = as what follows,是习语。“as”是关系代词,不论

13、句子的主语是单数还是复数只可用“as follows”不可用“as follow”,例如:Our recommendations are as follows. 我们提议如下。Subject to our final confirmation we will send you our offer as follows. 在我们最终确认以后,就将实盘报给你们。We quote as follows. 我方报价如下。3. If you compare our products with others, it will be found that ours are of high quality.如

14、果你方将我们的产品与其他公司的产品进行比较,就会发现我们的产品质量优越。compare v. 比较compare with把.与.进行比较compareto把.比做.Comparing with theirs, you will agree that our price is not on the high side.与他们的价格进行比较后,你将会同意我们的价格并不高。The quality of our goods is high compared with that of others.与其他公司的商品相比,我们的产品质量是高的。4. Moreover, in case of an ord

15、er for more than 500 pieces we would grant a special discount of 5%.另外,若你方能订购多于500件,我们会给予特殊折扣。in case of sth 若发生某事;假如 例如:In case of delay of your shipment, we will inform you at once.若要将你方订货推迟装运,我们将立刻告知。discount n. 折扣grant a special discount 给予特殊折扣,还可以表达为,make / give a special discount例如:We give you the same goods at a discount of 5% off our last prices.我们报给你方同样的货物,按我方上次价格打5%的折扣。We are prepared to grant you a discount of 8% on the original price.我们愿意给你方在原来价格的基础上打8


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