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1、新东方在线 CET6通关班网络课堂电子教材系列 综合CET6综合通关班电子教材主讲:罗蓓欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材教材说明:本电子教材word文档的顺序跟老师的声音完全一样,学员只需顺序来学习即可。请提前预习、认真学习、及时复习,祝广大学子考试取得成功!一:六级考试几大题型各自的比重安排: 1.听力 35% 2.阅读 35% 3.写作 15% 4.改错、完型 10% 5.翻译 5%二:六级考试06年12月底颁布的最新大纲: 改错和完型填空都是测试同学们各个层面上的语言理解能力,以及语言综合运用 能力。尤其是改错部分要求考生根据对文章的理解,运用语篇、语法和词汇知识辨认文章中出现的语言错误并加

2、以改正。 改错部分的短文长度是250字-280字。三:六级改错中的七大错: 1.平行结构错 2.动词错 3.连词错 4.代词指代错 5.语意矛盾错 6.词性错 7.固定搭配错四:03年12月大学英语六级考试试卷 Part IV Error Correction (15 minutes)Directions:This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word

3、, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark () in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If yo

4、u delete a word, cross it and put a slash (/) in the blank.Example:Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods.1. time/times/periodMany of the arguments having used for the study of literature as2. _a school subject are valid for study of television.3. _the_Thomas Malthus published

5、his “Essay on the Principle of Population” almost 200 years ago. Ever since then, forecasters have being warning that worldwide famine was (S1) just around the next corner. The fast-growing populations demand for food, they warned, would soon exceed their (S2) supply, leading to widespread food shor

6、tages and starvation.But in reality, the worlds total grain harvest has risen steadily over the years. Except for relative isolated trouble (S3) spots like present-day Somalia, and occasional years of good harvests, the worlds food crisis has remained just (S4) around the corner. Most experts believ

7、e this can continue even as if the population doubles by the mid-21st century, (S5) although feeding 10 billion people will not be easy for politics, economic and environmental reasons. Optimists (S6) point to concrete examples of continued improvements in yield. In Africa, by instance, improved see

8、d, more (S7) fertilizer and advanced growing practices have more than double corn and wheat yields in an experiment. Elsewhere, (S8) rice experts in the Philippines are producing a plant with few (S9) stems and more seeds. There is no guarantee that plant breeders can continue to develop new, higher

9、-yielding crop, but most researchers see their success to date as reason (S10) for hope.五:1.同样意思的中文和英文的句子区别: 语序的差别eg:中文:我早上6:30起床。英文:I get up at 6:30 in the morning.2.中文、英文的最大区别: 英文:中心词至上原则Eg: 中国北京海淀区的中关村大街旁边的一栋房子里的一间房间里的一把椅子上的一条虫。 There is a worm on the chair in the room in the big house in Zhong G

10、uan Cun Street in Hai Dian District Bei Jing China六:1. 不能按照顺序读英文句子,不能按照顺序去翻译英文单词。2. 改错一个长句子,但句中各个单词都不认识,那就先找谓语动词。 判断谓语动词: A:16种时态 B:语态:主动语态;被动语态 C: 主谓一致七:六级改错中的三大句式:(句式指文章的行文当中的三种不同的公式) A: S(简单句)代表的词是谓语动词 B: S+连词+S C:主从复合句八:七大错 1:平行结构错(and、 or、 like其左右长相一致,词性一致,褒贬一直) 1. do, do and doing 2. 介词+doing

11、and do 3. n, like+n的复数,n的复数 and n的复数 4. 形容词+名词 and 形容词的比较级+名词 5.词性错 6. 贬,贬 and 褒2:动词错 A:谓语动词 1.时态:a:谓语动词的时态可以通过上下句的时态暗示或者本句的时间状语判断出来 b:时态的两大错误公式 do-did did-do 2.语态(主被动) a: 直接关注主谓关系 b: 直接关注被动语态的公式是否正确 be+ved+by/of/in/with 3.主谓一致 谓语动词的主谓一致通常情况下要和最前面的中心名词保持一致。 a: n,. ,v b: n1+介词+n2+v c:倒装:介词短语+谓语动词v+主语

12、eg: 一些孩子正坐在树底下。 Several kids were sitting under the tree. Under the tree were sitting several kids. B: 非谓语动词 1. 不定式 to do 2. doing 3. done eg: the excited newsC: 三个非谓语动词的区别: 1. 不定式 to do 表将来或者放在句首或句末做目的状语。 2. doing 表主动或进行(现在) 3. done 表被动或完成(过去)D: 非谓语动词两大错: 1. 主被动 doing 改成 done; done 改成 doing eg: the

13、 excited news 把 excited 改成 exciting 2. 大于法 s, do (把do改成 doing或 done) E: 独立主格结构: 1. with + n或短语 + to do 2. with + n或短语 + doing 3. with + n或短语 + done 4. with + n或短语 + adj. / adv. 5. with + n或短语 + 介词短语 3:连词错 A:1.两个谓语抓连词 2.根据括号的位置确定从句类型 a: n+( 从句 ) 此从句是定语从句 b:( 从句)+ v +(从句)从句在v前是主语从句,在v后是宾语 从句,在be后是表语从句,这些从句统称为名词性从句。 c: 状语从句 ( )+s+( ) B:1.定语从句错 a: ,that 经典错 b: 介词后面不能加that和who 2.名词性从句错 a:that + 完整的s b: what + 不完整s 3.状语从句错 a:as if



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