【精品】【人教版】必修四:Unit 4 Period 5 RevisionConsolidation 讲义含答案

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1、人教版英语精品资料Period 5Revision & Consolidation1.复习本单元重要的单词、短语、句式。2.深化对动词-ing形式作状语的理解,通过练习加以运用。1.通过总结归纳,形成高考背景下的单元知识网络。2.通过教师的深层次探究,指导学生自学、对学和群学,解决学生复习中遇到的知识性和技能性问题,并形成有效的复习策略。重点单词1.statement n.陈述;说明state v.陈述;叙述;声明2.greet v.问候;迎接;打招呼greeting n.敬礼;致意greetings n.问候语;致词3.represent v.代表;象征representative n.代表

2、4.association n.社团;联系;联想associate v.使发生联系; 使联合associated adj.联合的; 关联的5.curious adj.好奇的curiously adv.好奇地 6.approach v.接近;靠近 n.接近;方法;途径approachable adj.可到达的;可亲近的7.defend vt.保护;保卫defense n.防卫;防卫设备;防御8.major adj.主要的minor adj.较小的;次要的9.misunderstand vt.误解;误会misunderstanding n.误解;误会understanding n.谅解; 理解10

3、.likely adj.预期的;可能的11.ease n.安逸;舒适v.减轻(痛苦;忧虑)12.facial adj.面部的13.function n.作用;功能;智能 functional adj.功能的;实用的;起作用的14.truly adv.真实地;真诚地;真正地truthful adj.真实的;真的truth n.真理;真相15.anger n.怒气;怒火 angry adj.生气的;发怒的16.subjective adj.主观的(续表)重点短语1.defend against保卫以免受2.in defence防御;保障3.together with与某人一起4.be likely

4、 to很可能;有希望5.on the contrary相反6.in general总的来说;通常7.be nervous about对感到紧张8.at ease舒适;快活;自由自在9.lose face丢脸10.be willing to渴望;愿意11.turn one􀆳s back to 背对;背叛重点句式1.Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.2.Wh

5、at are some situations where body language is the only form of communication?重点语法动词-ing形式作状语.品句填空1.Our headmaster who r all the teachers and students in our school went there to see the injured. 2.His m in the college is Politics. 3.Children like to see new things and they are always c about the wor

6、ld around. 4.The cat walked slowly and carefully to a the mouse and then suddenly it jumped onto it.5.We shall d our city, whatever the cost may be.【答案】1.represented2.major3.curious4.approach5.defend.选词填空follow by; be likely to; shake hands with; may have been; step back1.When we are introduced to o

7、thers in China, we often them.2.The professor walked ahead in the forest, closely his students. 3.Mr Smith give us a test on maths this afternoon, for it is a long time since we had a test on maths. 4.Look, how happy the girl looks! She praised by her head teacher.5.When she saw a snake on the road,

8、 she and held her mother in fear. 【答案】1.shake hands with2.followed by3.is likely to4.may have been5.stepped back1.curious翻译下列单词或短语(1) adj. 好奇的(2) 对某事好奇 (3) 急于做某事;极想做某事(4) adv. 好奇地(5) n.好奇心;稀奇物【答案】(1)curious(2)be curious about sth(3)be curious to do sth(4)curiously(5)curiosity.完成句子(1)The reporter (很想

9、知道) whether the official is involved in the case.(2)The baby (好奇地四处张望着).(3) (我真是很好奇) how she lost so much weight in such a short time.【答案】(1)is curious to know(2)looked around curiously(3)I􀆳m really curious about.单项填空I􀆳m about this book she is supposed to be writing.A.curiousB.exci

10、tedC.anxiousD.careful【答案与解析】A句意:我对她将要写的那本书感到好奇。be curious about“对好奇”,符合语境。excited“兴奋的”;anxious“担心的”;careful“仔细的”。2.approach翻译下列单词或短语(1) vt. & vi. 接近;靠近n.接近;方法;途径(2) 关于某事向某人商量/交涉 (3) 接近;近似;约等于;(做某事的)方法/途径(4) 在快到的时候(5) 与某人打交道【答案】(1)approach(2)approach sb on / about sth(3)approach to(4)at the approach

11、of.(5)make approaches to sb.完成句子(1)As you (快到镇上), you will see the college on the left.(2)I appreciate Mr Wang􀆳s (新的教学方法).(3)(秋天的来临) brings joy of harvest.【答案】(1)approach the town (2)new approach to teaching(3)The approach of autumn.单项填空The system has been designed to give students quick an

12、d easy to the digital resources of the library. A.access B.passage C.way D.approach 【答案与解析】A句意:这个系统的目的在于让学生便捷地访问图书馆的数字资源库。access to为固定短语,意为“有权使用;有机会接近”。3.likely翻译下列单词或短语(1) adj. 可能的;预期的 adv.或许;很可能(2) adj. 不大可能的 (3) 很可能/不可能; 有/没有希望(4) 大概不行(5) 有可能【答案】(1)likely(2)unlikely(3)be likely / unlikely to.(4)n

13、ot likely(5)It is likely that likely, possible, probable, perhaps和maybe的用法区别:likely是常用词,指从表面痕迹来看很有可能。主语既可以是人也可以是物。可以说“sb / sth be likely to do”,但是不可以说“It is likely for sb to do”。possible强调客观上有可能,但含有实际上可能性很小的意思。主语不可以是人,只能用it 作形式主语。构成“It is possible for sb to do sth”。probable 语气比possible强,常用来指有根据、合乎情理

14、、值得相信的事,可能性最大,相当于most likely,含有“很有可能;十有八九”的意思。其主语或所修饰词只能是物,此外,该词也不能用人作主语或构成复合宾语。表示“某人可能做某事”,只能用“It is probable that sb.”或“It is probable for sb to do sth”句型。perhaps 作“或许”解时,有“也许如此,也许不如此”的意思。maybe也作“也许”解,同perhaps意思接近,但比perhaps更为普通而又不那么庄重。perhaps是英国英语,maybe是美国英语。.完成句子(1)I (可能很忙) in the next three months.(2)She is (最有希望得奖的学生).(3)(有可能) it will rain tomorrow.【答案】(1)am likely to be very busy(2)the most likely student to win the prize(3)It is likely that.单项填空Studies show th


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