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1、7A Unit 4 Food【单元学习重点和要求】一、 语音1. 单词重读hamburgerhungry energy never exercise vegetable dancer tired healthy diet seldom oftenlifestyleperson power water sour salty vinegar lemon hotpotroller skating noodle story mango carrot favoritekilo pancakebiscuittotal partnersupermarket calory vitaminpeanut impo

2、rtant ice cream piano potatotomato overallquestionnaire congratulation amount 2. 不完全爆破par(t)ner I wal(k) to my bowl many times a day. Wha(t) food do you like?I wan(t) to be a dancer. I ge(t) tired when I dance. I nee(d) lots of energy to dance.3句子重音和语调Do we need to buy some vegetables?Are we going t

3、o have some fruit? What do we need to buy?How often do you walk to school?二、 词汇1. 单词hungry, need, never, exercise, hate, vegetable, dancer, tired, important, healthy, change, before, seldom, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meat, top, fast, juice, person, water, dry, story, ice cream, glass, tea, of cour

4、se, favorite, kilo, salt, tomato, soup, less than, notat all, try, feel, luck, supermarket, carry, large, take in, mean, fat, stay, taste.2. 词组take more exercise 多锻炼walk to school 步行上学three time a week 每周三次keep healthy 保持健康join the army 参军the love of ones country爱国心want to be 想成为play cards 玩牌play ga

5、mes 做游戏get from 从获得(得到)would like(sb.)to do sth想要(某人)干某事less than 不到how much/many 多少keep fit 保持健康not at all 根本不;一点也不feel worried 感到忧虑Good luck with sth/to sb 祝好运be busy doing sth 忙于干;give sb sth.=give sth to sb 给某人某东西三、 日常用语We need an egg and a tomato for the soup.我们需要一只鸡蛋和一个西红柿做汤。Would you like a g

6、lass of water?你想要杯水吗?Lets make a pancake.我们做个薄煎饼吧。How to keep fit?怎样保持身体健康?四、 语法1频率副词。频率副词告诉你事情每隔多久发生一次。never 0% 从不seldom 20% 很少sometimes 40% 有时often 60% 经常usually80% 通常always 100% 总是表示频率的副词在句子中放在动词之前,be动词之后。例如:I always play basketball with my classmates after school.放学后我总是和同学们打篮球。Mike is always hap

7、py.麦克总是开心。表示频率的副词提问,用how often。例如:How often do you watch TV?你多长时间看一次电视?Twice a month.一个月两次。2. 名词(可数名词和不可数名词)在英语中,名词分为不可数名词和可数名词两大类。不可数名词就是没有复数的名词;可数名词就是有单数和复数之分,两个以上的名词要用名词的复数形式。一个人或事物为单数,两个或两个以上是复数。可数名词变为复数形式的规则如下:一般情况是在单数可数名词后加“-s”,如a penpens, a sistersisters.以s, sh, ch, x等结尾的单词,变复数形式需加“-es”,如:a b

8、usbuses, a dishdishes,a watchwatches, a boxboxes.以f,fe结尾的名词,变复数形式需将f,fe变为ves,如:a knifeknives, a leafleaves.以o结尾的词多数都加-es,如:a heroheroes, a potatopotatoes, an echoechoes, a tomatotomatoes.少数词加-s,如:a zoozoos, a radioradios, a photophotos, a pianopianos, a kilokilos, a studiostudios. 辅音字母+y结尾的名词,变复数形式需

9、先将y变为i,然后再加“-es”,如:a storystories, a factoryfactories, a familyfamilies.复数同形的名词,如:sheepsheep, deerdeer, ChineseChinese.少数名词的复数形式是不规则的,如:a manmen, a womanwomen, a childchildren,a footfeet,an oxoxen, a mousemice, a toothteeth, a goosegeese.【知识讲解】1. Lets have a hamburger.我们吃个汉堡包。lets=let us, let后面用动词原形

10、即Lets do sth.“让我们干吧。”例如:Lets have a rest.让我们休息一下吧。Lets play games.让我们做游戏吧。注意lets开头的祈使句,其反意疑问句在句末加shall we?表示包括听话人在内的一种建议。如果不表示建议,而是提出一种请求,表示允许,不包括听话人在内时,则let us不缩写成lets,其反意疑问句为will you?Lets play basketball, shall we?我们踢篮球,好吗?(表示建议)Let us see your picture, will you?让我们看看你的图画,可以吗?(表示请求允许)have动词,“吃、喝;有

11、”。例如:Would you have a cup of tea?你要喝杯茶吗?What do you have for breakfast?你早饭吃些什么?2. You are always hungry, Eddie.你总是饿,埃迪。always副词,“一直,总是”,是一个频率副词,常用于一般现在时。例如: She always has lunch at home.她总是在家吃午饭。 The sun always rises in the east.太阳总是从东方升起。 hungry形容词,“饥饿的”,其反义词是full,在句中作表语。例如: Are you hungry?你饿了吗?I a

12、lways feel hungry after school.放学后我总是觉得饿。3.You never exercise.你从不锻炼。never副词,“从不,永不”,本身具有否定意义,语气比not重,用never表示否定时,不需要加助动词“not”。例如:I never go to school late.我上学从不迟到。She never writes to her father.她从不给她的父亲写信。exercise动词,“锻炼,训练”,在句中作谓语。例如:Mikes sister often exercises her voice in the morning.麦克的姐姐经常在早晨嗓子

13、。He is exercising the boys in swimming. 他正在训练男孩子游泳。名词,“训练、锻炼(单数);做操;练习、习题(复数)等”。例如:Youd better take more exercise.你最好多锻炼。Eat less and take more exercise, you will be thin.少吃饭,多运动,你会苗条的。Have you finished your Chinese exercises?你的语文作业做完了吗?do morning exercises做早操do eye exercises做眼睛保健操4. I want to be a dancer.我想当一名舞蹈演员。want to be“想成为”,want动词,“想,想要”其后可接名词或动词不定式作宾语,也可宾语接动词不定式,即want sth想某物,w



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