【精品】高中英语人教版必修4课时跟踪检测七 Warming UpReading — Language Points Word版含解析

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1、人教版英语精品资料课时跟踪检测(七)Warming Up & Reading Language Points.单句语法填空1Please give my greetings (greet) to your parents.2With each colour on the chart representing (represent) a different department, you can easily find his office.3My son felt curious (curiously) when he saw his own reflection in the mirror.

2、 4At the approach of Shanghai, we all felt excited.5China is building up her army force to defend (defence) herself against the enemy.6All flights (fly) have been cancelled because of fog. 7He spent the major (majority) part of a year abroad. 8My intention was_misunderstood (misunderstand) at the me

3、eting yesterday.9I benefited a lot from my association (associate) with him. 10He shouted in anger, dashing (dash) out of the house. .完成句子 1Not_all_boys (并非所有男孩) like majoring in science.2Mary and Tom, representing_the_manager_of_our_company (代表我们公司经理), will go to Beijing to meet the boss.3The littl

4、e girl is_always_curious_about (总是很好奇) everything she sees.4In_general/Generally_speaking (一般来说), he is an excellent teacher.5All_approaches_to (所有通往的道路) the earthquakehit areas were cut off. 6They are_likely_to_win (有可能获胜) in some other states as well.阅读理解AYour gestures and how you hold yourself du

5、ring a presentation convey as much as words might. You should face the audience rather than turn your back to them. Here are some more tips.Dont gaze down. Never look away from your audience. Never lose eye contact with those who have come to hear you speak. Eye contact helps you connect with people

6、 and win their trust.Dont play with your hands. Playing with your hands is distracting. Unless you are pointing to something in your presentation or making a big movement, keep your hands by your side.Dont turn away from the audience. “Nobody wants to look at your back,” says Rosenthal, CEO of Commu

7、nispond in East Hampton, NY. And you often cant be heard if you are speaking to the screen. Rosenthal likes the “think, turn, talk” method. Look at an item you are discussing to gather your thoughts, turn to look at the audience, and then start speaking.Dont roll your eyes. You dont want to distract

8、 your audience with visual effects like rolling your eyes. This is especially true when youre responding to questions, or comments, and you dont want to appear impatient. Dont chortle (咯咯笑). “Nobody wants to see a clown performing unless, of course, youre at the circus,” says Rosenthal. Dont haw (支吾

9、). Do your best to avoid “filler” words. Keep the “um”, “you know” and “like” out of your speech.Dont look messy. You should be neat and organized. Dress for the environment.So what should you do? Smile. Stand. Make eye contact. Open your arms. Speak loudly. Rosenthal says, “Plan for success. Look g

10、ood, sound good, and know your material.” 1What is this passage mainly about?ASome tips on how to win peoples trust.BSome tips on how to give a presentation.CSome tips on how to prepare a presentation well.DThe importance of eye contact during a presentation.解析:选B主旨大意题。通读全文,可知主要是讲我们在做演讲时该留意的一些事情,故选B

11、。2What does the underlined word “convey” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?AExpress.BCompare.CHide. DImprove.解析:选A词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“as much as words might”可知,这里是说演讲时我们的动作可以“表达”跟语言一样多的东西。3When giving a presentation, the writer suggests that we _.Amake use of our hands as often as possibleBshould keep our han

12、ds by our sideCnever make big movementsDnever point at something解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段的“Unless you are pointing to something in your presentation or making a big movement, keep your hands by your side.”可知应选B。4What should we avoid doing during a presentation according to the passage?aSpeaking to the screen

13、.bLooking at the audience.cRolling our eyes.dChortling.Aabc BabdCacd Dbcd解析:选C细节理解题。根据第四段的“And you often cant be heard if you are speaking to the screen”、第五段的“Dont roll your eyes.”以及第六段的“Dont chortle.”可知,a、c、d项都是需要避免的。BBody language is a nonverbal communication that becomes a key in understanding ch

14、ildrens feelings and thoughts.The following are the basic components of body language of children:Face Shortly after birth,a baby shows facial expression reflecting innermost (内心深处的) feelings. At the age of three, a child has different innermost emotional expressions.Posture Once toddlers (学步的儿童) be

15、gin to move,they show a variety of body postures.For example, when they move slowly and hunch their shoulders (耸肩), it means they are sad.Hands and fingers If your children close their hands and clench them tight, they are certainly upset and angry. However, if their fingers open and their arms hang beside their body, it means that they are relaxed.Feet If your children move their feet forward and backward, it indicates that they are thinking about something or they may feel guilty about what they have said, or they are frightened.Distance When a chil



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