Using LanguageⅡ5.docx

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1、课文标题:Keeping advertisers honest单元名称:Inside advertising教材版本:人教版授课年级:高二Keeping advertisers honest德清县高级中学 高斌芳教学设计I. Analysis of the teaching materialAccording to the English curriculum standard, the topic, together with the text itself, should play a leading part of the passage learning. The topic of m

2、y chosen material is Advertising controls. Therefore, I lay my focus on developing ways to control advertising. Obviously, this passage is a problem-solution discourse. In the modern world, we are flooded with advertisements. However, the problem is that dishonesty exists among them. There are four

3、solutions mentioned in the passage to control advertising. At last, a conclusion can be drawn by discussion after reading.II. Analysis of the studentsThey are interested in various topics in English and willing to express their own opinions. However, they would be shy especially under the cameras. F

4、or senior two students, it is necessary to enrich their vocabulary and give them chances to practice applying the newly-learned vocabulary and structures. Some practical guidance for reading and framework for writing are needed.III. Teaching objectivesCore competencies for English learners are the m

5、ain focus of the lesson.1. Intercultural awareness and social valuesa. To judge the advertisements by themselves and to be a wise consumer.b. To understand the culture of advertising.c. To form a correct code of ethics.d. When it comes to complaints organization, students should be educated that in

6、China, if they need to complain about an advertisement, they should turn to the State Administrations for Radio, Film and Television.2. Thinking skillsa. To understand the structure.b. To apply different thinking skills Learning strategies.3. Learning strategiesa. To arouse the interest in English a

7、nd the topic.b. Students should be goal-driven by finishing some tasks.4. Language content and language skillsa. To master the vocabulary.b. To express their opinions orally and literally.IV. Teaching procedures1. Warming up With the help of some pictures, talk about the topic of advertising and som

8、e new words and expressions are led in, such as: dishonest; untruthful; misleading; immoral; unethical; promote immoral or harmful behaviorPurpose: a. To get students involved with the topic. b. To present some new words.2. Reading While reading paragraph one, a bottom-up question was designed. With

9、 the help of them, it is easier for students to find out the problems and general solutions.In para. 2 to 5, ways to keep advertisers honest are introduced. In order to help find detailed information, a mind map plays an important role.Purpose: a. Students became very clear about the structure of th

10、e passage. b. Detailed information can be highlighted.3. Interpretation Can you give some examples of advertisements shown in unsuitable places?What is the negative influence of the advertisements?In China, what advertisements are banned, alcoholic drinks or tobacco?What do you think is the reason?W

11、hat is the qualities or codes of ethics of advertisers?As a students, what is your code of ethics?What will influence your code of ethics?Present all the information above together with the help of the sentence patterns in the passage:Many advertisements are shown inIn some advertisements,There are

12、also advertisements thatWhen it comes to the negative influences, the dishonest advertisements not onlybut alsoPurpose:a. To help students to have a deep understanding of the topic;b. To encourage them to present the problems and negative influences of dishonest advertisments.4. Discussion and concl

13、usion At the end of the passage, the responsibility of the consumers is mentioned. In the text, the saying “Buyer beware” is introduced. It means buyers or consumers should be careful before buying. But as consumers, we should not only beware, but also be aware of sth. So students are inspired to di

14、scuss what should be aware of as a consumer. Their answers are presented on the blackboard. After the discussion, a conclusion can be made:As we have learned, there are so many dissatisfactory advertisements. They have many negative influences. Of course, advertisers are responsible. In the meanwhil

15、e, consumers should not only beware, but also be aware. Thanks to your suggestions, we can be wise consumers.Purpose:a. To help students fully understand the text and the topic of advertising.b. The structure of the passage will be presented clearly in their mind.c. Correct codes of ethics will be f

16、ormed.5. Output activityAfter reading and interpretation, they are invited to take part in the output activity. A bridge between input and output has been built. With all the information on the blackboard, they are asked to introduce the problems and negative influences of the dishonest advertisements and to put forward suggestions.Afterwards, they are



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