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1、2023中考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school _I met in the English speech contest last yearAwhom Bwhose Cwhich Dwh

2、ere2、Every time I see strawberries, the sweet and beautiful color always make my mouth water.AvoiceBtasteCshapeDsmile3、Snakes dont have ears but they can feel things _.Amoving Bmove Cmoved Dto move4、 What else do you want?- _ else. I think I have got everything ready.ASomethingBNothingCAnythingDEver

3、ything5、Give me another chance, _ Ill give you all a wonderful surprise.AandBorCsoDbut6、The novel Gullivers Travel is very nice.So it is. Could you tell me_?Ahow long I can borrow itBif I can keep it for another weekCwhen should I return itDthat I can borrow it7、Everyone in my class except Liu Fei a

4、nd Lin Yang _ to Sanya more than once. We all like the beautiful beaches there.Ahave beenBhave goneChas beenDhas gone8、Listen, someone _ in the room.Awas singing Bsang Csings Dis singing9、-Can you tell me how to have a good relationship with parents? -Certainly. If you often talk about your ideas wi

5、th them, they will talk about with you, too.AtheirBthemCtheirs10、Cindy, did you watch the Airshow (航展) 2018 on TV?You mean the one that _in Zhuhai? Of course I did!AheldBis heldCwas held. 完形填空11、 Once there was a little girl Lily, who was very friendly and popular in her class. She was friends with

6、everyone in her class. There was no one in class who didnt 1 her.She was very 2 and would always be busy with her friends. She felt very happy that she had so many friends at school.On Friendship Day, their class organized an event, in which everyone had to prepare three 3 and give them to their bes

7、t friends. Lily was very happy for the coming Friendship Day and was expecting gifts from her 4 .However, when all gifts were shared in class, she was the only one who didnt receive any gift! She felt 5 and cried a lot. She thought to herself how it was possible. She had made so much effort (努力) to

8、be friends with everyone but in the end no one thought of her as one of their best friends.Everyone came and tried to comfort (安慰) her but each one only stayed for a short time before 6 . This was exactly what Lily had done so many times to others.When she got home, seeing her sad face, her mother a

9、sked her why she looked so down. She questioned, Where can I 7 true friends?Her mother was surprised at her question. Then Lily told her about the day in school. Her mother comforted her and said, You cannot get real friends with a smile or a few good words. if you really want true friends, you will

10、 have to 8 them real time and love. For a true friend, you must always be there, in good times and bad. There just isnt enough 9 to be there for everyone, so its only possible to have some true friends.With tears in her eyes, Lily got to know what makes 10 friends. She nodded and made up her mind to

11、 do something different.1AmissBlikeCseeDask2AkindBcleverCcarelessDdifficult3AjokesBgamesCgiftsDcards4AparentsBteachersCbrothersDclassmates5AhappyBexcitedCtiredDterrible6AleavingBwaitingCthinkingDshopping7AtestBcallCthankDfind8AtellBsellCgiveDteach9AtimeBhelpCmoneyDadvice10AfunBtrueCniceDfine. 语法填空12

12、、This is Tammela School, a primary school in Finland. The students are having a math class with their robot teacher.The “teacher” is1small, blue machine about 25cm high, Reuters reported.Whenever students have problems, it helps them very2(patient) and never gets bored.“The robot can make students3(

13、active) in class than usual. I see Eliasas one of the 4 (tool) to get different kinds of practice and activities into the classroom,” a teacher told Reuters.So far the school5(introduce) four robot teachers, one of whom is a language teacher that can speak 23 languages and dance to music. 6is necess

14、ary to encourage kids to come up7new ways to make use of technology in school life, the head of the school 8(add) in the interview.The robot teachers are used9(help) improve learning. This doesnt mean that human teachers will lose their jobs. The robots can teach well,10they are not able to keep cla

15、ss in order. The school still needs human teachers. 阅读理解A13、On October 31st, 2015, the official Xinhua news agency reported that China would allow two children for every couple. That meant that the countrys one-child policy came to an end.To control the population growth, China started a policy of one child per couple in the 1970s. Why does China



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