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1、首页献给格格_unit4 We are going to visit the Great Wall Lesson 19-20一. 教学内容:Unit 4 We are going to visit the Great WallLesson 1920(一)单词:1. ship船2. train火车3. visit参观(二)词组:1. the Great Wall2. go on a trip3. the longest wall4. in the world5. take a plane/train/ship.6. the West Lake7. plan to8. in the north(o

2、f China)9. the capital of10. many interesting places11. by plane/train/ship12. think about13. the map of14. decide to15. go there(三)句型:1. They will go to Hangzhou by plane.2. They are going to take a plane to Hangzhou.(四)语音:dr二. 语法:1. be going to的用法be going to是一种固定结构,它后面要接动词原形,表示将来。(1)主语的意图,即将做某事。(2

3、)计划,安排要发生的事。(3)有迹象要发生的事。(4)be going to 的肯定句形式。(5)be going to否定句和疑问句的形式。(6)注意:一般不常把动词go和come用于be going to 结构中,而常用现在进行时来代替be going to结构,即通常不用Im going to go而用I am going;不用I am going to come而用I am coming.2. will表示将来的基本用法(1)will用来表示将来的事实(2)will表示瞬间的决定,即表示几乎在说话的同时决定要或同意要做某事。(3)will用来预测未来(4)will可以用来点菜等。(5)

4、will还可以用于主动帮忙和邀请3. be going to和will+动词原形的比较在许多情况下既可以用be going to 结构又可以用will+动词原形,但是它们之间是有差别的,因此有些场合只能用其中之一。其主要差别是:be going to 结构总是表示经过预先思考的意图,常常是等于意图+计划。will+动词原形只表示意图,且这意图通常是未经过预先思考的。因此,如果已经为这一行动作了准备,就必须用be going to._小精灵 儿童网4. will同want/would like的比较:will同want/would like互相混淆。will表示一个意图+实现该意图的决心。wan

5、t/would like 仅仅表示一种愿望,它并不提供任何有关打算怎么做的信息。然而,要注意Id like 常可以代替Ill have/take.would like和will都可以用于表示邀请。当表示接受邀请时,两种形式都可以使用。三. 重难点分析:1. Peters family is going on a trip around China during the holiday.Peter一家准备在假期期间做环中国游旅行。句中family是集体名词,当它指整个家庭这个集体时,当作单数;而当它指家里的人时,当作复数。around到处;在内的各处;遍及2. The great wall is

6、 the longest wall in the world.长城是世界上最长的墙。在英语中,形容词和副词有比较级和最高级的用法:(1)表示两者(人或物)的比较时,用形容词比较级。(2)形容词的最高级表示三者或三者以上(人或物)的比较,在使用时,前面通常要加定冠词the,并带有一个表示比较范围的短语或句子。(3)副词的最高级和比较级的用法副词的比较级和最高级用法大体上和形容词一样,只是副词的最高级前面很少用定冠词。3. They plan to go to Xian and Harbin,too.他们也计划去西安和哈尔滨。此句意思相当于:They are going to Xian and H

7、arbin , too.4. in the north(south , east , west)of China在中国的北(南、东、西)部。to the north(south , east , west)of China. 在中国的北(南、东、西)面。两个词组意思不一样。第一个词组表示“是其中的一部分,位于中国领土上的”第二个词组表示“不是其中一部分,在中国领土外面的”5. The first place to go is the Great Wall. 第一个要去的地方是长城。The first place to go在这里不定式to go 作定语修饰名词place.长城作为专用名词应大写

8、,作为世界上独一无二的事物前面还要加定冠词the。6. What do you think about Shanghai?你觉得上海怎么样?think about 和think of许多时候通用,表示“认为,考虑”后面可以接名词或动词ing形式。用于What疑问句中表示“认为,觉得”;用于肯定句中时表示“考虑,想起”。小精 灵 儿童 网站unit4 We are going to visit the Great Wall Lesson 22Teaching content:Unit 4 We are going to visit the Great Wall.Lesson 22Teaching

9、 time:One periodTeaching aims:Knowledge aims:1.能够听、说、读、写下列单词:visit, the Great Wall, palace, the Summer Palace2.能够在适当的情景中听、说、认读下列句子:Were going to visit the Great Wall this morning.When are we going to visit the Summer Palace?On Sunday.Ability aims:1.要求学生掌握的具体功能话题包括:1) 能够掌握所学的地点名词。2) 能够掌握表达将要进行的活动的说法。

10、Moral aims:培养学生热爱祖国大好河山,为祖国感到骄傲和自豪。Important point:1. Master the words and the sentences.2. Use the sentences correctly.Difficult point:能够主动地将学到的英语语言知识运用到日常生活中。Teaching ways:Using pictures and cards.All body reactions way.Directing way.Teaching materials:教具准备:pictures cards computer板书准备:写好课题及日期、天气Te

11、aching steps:教学内容教师活动学生活动设计意图Warming-up1. A chant.We are going to listen.We are going to say.We are going to study.We are going to play.We are going to stand up.We are going to sit down.We are going to visit.We are going to watch.1. Say and do the actions.We are going to listen.We are going to say.W

12、e are going to study.We are going to play.We are going to stand up.We are going to sit down.We are going to visit.We are going to watch.1.复习、运用已学过的语言知识为新课做铺垫Presentation1. (出示课件)T: I like traveling. Now lets see some pictures of my traveling.T: Whats this?Ss: Its Tiananmen Square.T: Where is it?Ss:

13、Its in Beijing.T: Yes. Were going to visit Beijing today.接着出示六福北京名胜古迹的图片并教授。1. T-Ss/Ss-SsT: I like traveling. Now lets see some pictures of my traveling.T: Whats this?Ss: Its Tiananmen Square.T: Where is it?Ss: Its in Beijing.T: Yes. Were going to visit Beijing today.学生学习六个单词。1.通过看老师旅行的照片引出本课主题,学习地点

14、名词2. PPt. A game: 快速说出篮球上显示的单词。the Ming Tombsthe Temple of Heaventhe Summer Palacethe Forbidden CityPeking Opera学生大声快速说出篮球上所显示的单词。the Ming Tombsthe Temple of Heaventhe Summer Palacethe Forbidden CityPeking Opera2.巩固新学的地点单词Practice1. 教师说句子请学生模仿。(出示课件) 教授:Were going to visit the Great Wall this morning.其余五幅图请学生说:Were going to visit the Ming tombs this morning.Were going to visit the Temple of He



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