【精校版】英语人教版必修4练习:Unit 2 Period 1 Warming Up Reading Word版含解析

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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 2Period 1 .语境填词A根据汉语或首字母提示,写出所缺单词1The thief _ (挣扎) to get away from the policeman but failed.2The soldiers were well e_ with arms and ready to start. 3This magazine is widely _ (流传) among teenagers.4The _ (烦人的) problem has been making him hard to sleep every night.5He was preparin

2、g for tomorrows lecture; t_ he couldnt come to the party.答案:1.struggled2.equipped3.circulated4.disturbing5.thereforeB填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或用所给词的正确形式填空1After that he continued to devote himself _research work.2Please state your name,address and _(occupy)3Without electricity,we couldnt lead a _ (comfort)li

3、fe.4We students should equip ourselves _knowledge for the competition nowadays.5A great number of people are going _and hundreds of children have died of _.(hungry)答案:fortable4.with5.hungry;hunger.选词填空thanks to, rid.of, be satisfied with,would rather, equip.with1You must _ yourself _ the burden of t

4、he secret.2Well have to _ our office _ word processors, wont we?3_ the teachers explanation, its clear to me now.4Nowadays many teenagers _ get advice from strangers online.5One shouldnt _ only a little success.答案:1.rid;of2.equip;with3.Thanks to4.would rather5.be satisfied with.单句改错1Id rather you go

5、 home now._2No matter where he is,he makes a rule to go for a walk before breakfast. _3Although they are very poor,but they work hard. _4That matters most in learning English is enough practice. _5This building is four times as taller as that one. _答案:1.gowent2.makes后加it3.去掉but4.ThatWhat5.tallertall

6、.完成句子1下周日晚上你有空吗?如果有的话,让我们一起聚聚吧。(if省略句)Are you free next Sunday evening?_,lets have a party.2老师对我们所做的事情很满意。(what引导的名词性从句)Our teacher is very satisfied with _ .3我发现和这个女孩相处很有趣。(it作形式宾语)I _ to get along with the girl.4这座新桥是旧桥的两倍长。(倍数原级比较)The new bridge is _ the old one.5他总是第一个来并且最后一个离开。(the序数词名词to do)He is always the first _ and the last _.答案:1.If so2.what we did3.find it very interesting4.twice as long as5.to come;to leave


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