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1、南京市2014高考英语完形填空训练(3)及答案【2014高考英语四川省凉山州一模试题】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)来源:学科网阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 It was January 25th, 2008: Nisha and Akshayes marriage anniversary. But things hadchanged 11 their marriage. The couple quarreled about 12 things.,Yet they still loved each oth

2、er. Nisha thought her husband might have 13 about their anniversary. When door bell rang,Nisha was 14 happy that Akshaye had finally remembered. She ran to open the door. Indeed,Akshaye was standing outside and 15 a bunch of flowers. They started to have a(n) 16 night. But then the phone started rin

3、ging. Nisha went to 17 it up. There was a man on theother 18 of the phone. Hello, madam. I am caflingfrom the 19 station. Is this Mr. AkshayMalhotras number? Yes, it is. There was an 20 ,and a man died. We got your number from the mans 21 weneed you to come here and 22 the body Nishas heart 23 Whhha

4、at? B .but卿husband is here with me. Sorry, madam, the accident took place at 3:00 pro, She had heard that the soul of the dead person would come to meet you 24 it departedShe ran to the sitting room. Akshaye was not there. Had something bad really happened? If shehad been given 25 chance, she would

5、have mended all her 26 She was about to lose hetsenses. 27 Akshaye came out of the bathroom, saying, Dear, my wallet was 28 while Iwas 29 my way home this afternoon. Life might not give you a 30 chance. So never waste a moment when you have thechance to make up for your deeds11. A. at B. before C. i

6、n D. since12. A. important B. small C. interesting D. wonderful13. A. forgotten B. memorized C. reminded D. remembered来源:Zxxk.Com14. A. friendly B. surprisingly C. luckily D. fortunately15. A. holding B. giving C. carrying D. delivering16. A. geode B. normal C. extraordinary D. romantic17. A. put B.

7、 pick C. get D. give18. A. beginning B. line C. end D. call19. A. police B. bus C. post D. railway20. A. accident B. affair C. event D. incident21A. ID card B. passport C. wallet D. license22. A. realize B. identify C. achieve D. know23. A. beat B. drowned C. shocked D. sank24. A. after B. before C.

8、 since D. because25. A. another B. other C. the other D. one26. A. mistakes B. faults C. disadvantages D. failure27. A. Sadly B. Luckily C. Suddenly D. Unfortunately28. A. stolen B. thrown C. dropped D. attached29. A. in B. over C. above D. on30. A. nice B. second C. satisfied D. third【参考答案】1130、DBA

9、BA DBCAA CBDBA BCADB完形填空-AMost parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story _1_ their children. And they must have realized how difficult it is to write a _2_ childrens book. Either the author has aimed (定目标) too _3_, so that children cant follow what is in his ( or more of

10、ten, her ) story, _4_ the story seems to be talking to the readers.The best childrens books are _5_ very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy(令人满意的) the _6_ who hears the story and the adult(成年人) who _7_ it. Unfortunately(不幸的是), there are in fact few books like this, _8_ the problem of finding the

11、 right bedtime story is not _9_ to solve. This may be why many of the books regarded as _10_ of childrens literature(文学) were in fact written for _11_ “Alice in Wonderland” is perhaps the most obvious(明显)of this. Children, left for themselves, often _12_ the worst possible interest in literature. Ju

12、st leave a child in a bookshop or a _13_ and he will more willingly choose the books written in an unimaginative (并非想象的 ) way, or have a look at the most childrens comics(连环图书), full of the stories and jokes which are the rejections of teachers and righting-thinking parents.Perhaps we parents should

13、 stop _14_ to brainwash(洗脑)children into accepting(接受)our taste in literature. After all, children and adults are so _15_ that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books. So I suppose well just have to compromise(妥协)over the bedtime story.名师点评本文说明了写一本供孩子读的好书并非一件容易的事,并且告诫家长不要一味强

14、迫孩子接受大人的观点,因为孩子和大人在兴趣方面不尽相同。本文具有一定的教育意义,有助于改变家长一些错误的观点。(C)1. A. toB. inC. with D. around 【解析】C。read to somebody 意为“读给某人听”,to后面接动作的对象。(D)2. A. short B. long C. bad D. good 【解析】D。根据下文可知,存在的困难在于如何把孩子们的书写好。故选 good。(C)3. A. easy B. short C. high D. difficult 【解析】C。书中的内容让孩子们无法理解,说明作者的目标定得高。故选 high。(C)4. A

15、. and B. but C. or D. so 【解析】C。与前文either 对应,这里应用or. “eitheror” 意义为“要么要么”。(B)5. A. both B. neither C. either D. very 【解析】B。与下半句的nor 对应,这里应用neither。 “neithernor” 意为“既不也不”。(A)6. A. child B. father C. mother D. teacher 【解析】A。satisfy的宾语除了读故事的成年人以外,当然就是听故事的孩子。故选child。(D)7. A. hearsB. buys C. understands D. reads 来源:Z#xx#k.Com【解析】D。孩子听的故事越来越少,家长把讲故事当成读故事。



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