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1、最全适用的英语音标常有字数母组合发音规律寄音标学习知识精编版 最新资料介绍 最全的英语26 个字母及常有字母组合发音规律26 个字母发音规律:e? Name、able、cake、table、take、date? apple、cat、map、match、sad、and、angryAa : dance、last、pass、plant ? want、 what、watch、wash ?: waterBb b book、big、bag、boxCc k clean、climb、cup、clock、cook、clothess face、nice、pencil、city、cinemaDd d desk、do

2、ll、dog、dad、day、dish、does、deepi : He、she、me、evening、meterEe e elephant、egg、bed、pen、best、get、next、then? enjoy、English、eleven、because、forestFf f fine friend fly foot fan fall fightGg gun、glass、glad、go、get? age、orange、villageHh h hat her house honey happy have heavier hurt hospitalIi a? fine bike five i

3、ce climber hiking kind1最新资料介绍? is sit miss pig picture ill dinner him listen pickriverJj ? jeep jacket jump Jan. July JuneKk k kite cake thank kangaroo speak take walk worklake likeLl l leg left ruler flag lamp longer relax playl apple bowl tell old tail whaleMm m am map my mouth milkNn n no know ne

4、w hand? thank think thing uncle swing ?u old home nose coke tomato over hold pianoOo ? dog not clock box robot on from forest often stop? son month mother love youngu : who do whosePp p map jeep pig pen apple plant play pleasepolicemanq kw quite quilt quickr r radio brother read rabbit write mirror

5、librarys s sit miss this books spring swim sleep grassz nose those rose rulers seasont t it sit not that table little take left fruit but plantju : use usually excuse menu2最新资料介绍u ? bus us sun duck uncle up trunk funny must ? put pull helpfulv v five vapour very seven village livew w we window watch

6、 want wait water Wednesday winter withx ks box six fox relaxa? my fly why byey j yes yellow young yesterday? happy baby very windy snowy studyz z zoo zero元音字母组合发音规律:ai e? wait paintay e? May、play、day、sayair ? air hair chairal ?: tall small ballar : farther farm car arm garden hardly partyi : meat pl

7、ease tea read cleaner east easy leafea seasone head bread ready? theatere? greatee i : meet see bee feet jeep seed weekend sweet3最新资料介绍sweep? ear hear nearear ? bear 、wear : earth learneir ? theirer ? worker teacher November later : herere ? here ? where thereew ju : new fewu : flew grewigh a? right

8、 high brightir : bird girl shirt thirty thirdoa ?u boat coat road goatong ? long songoo ? book foot good looku : moon balloonor ?: short fork pork north : word world workoor ?: door floorore ?: more store soreou au out house mouth cloud south bounce4最新资料介绍our ?: four yourau ? our、hourow ?u bowl wind

9、ow know rowau now cow flower down howur : turnui u : fruit? biscuit辅音字母组合发音规律:tr tr tree train tripdr dr dress driverth thank mouth thin think twelfthe this that with togethersh ? shirt wash short ship shine shop show freshch t ? child chair catch teach watchk school Christmastw tw two twin twentywh

10、 w white wheel whath who whose whomts ts jackets kitesds dz birds friend元音的发音特色可归纳以下方面 :5最新资料介绍1、元音时,气流由咽腔到口腔自由流出,不遇到显然的阻挡。在发各样元音时,舌和唇也有一些变化,如舌头可前可后,可高可低,唇可开可较闭,可展可圆。这样就改变着气流通道形状,调理气流,从而发出不一样的元音。如发a时,舌头地点较低,口较开,而发i时舌头地点较高,口较闭。但即便在发舌头地点较高口较闭的元音时,固然气流通道较为狭小,但仍没有哪个部位形成显然的阻碍,气流能够不被闭塞、也不受摩擦地自由流出。2、发元音时,发

11、音器官的各部位肌肉平衡紧张。因为发音时不是某一部位对气流组成特其余阻碍,各部位肌肉紧张程度比较平衡。3、发元音时,声带抖动。因此,元音比较响亮。4、发元音时,因为气流要冲击声带使之振动,因此气流较弱。一与元音字母 A 有关的单词:1ei a 在开音节中:发字母音,后边有不发音的 eface脸;grade 年级; cake蛋糕; lake湖; make 制造; take 拿到;snake蛇; name 名字 ; plane飞机; date 日期 ; plate盘子 ;2? a 在闭音节中:dad 爸爸; sad伤心的; bag书包; lamp 灯; can能; fan电电扇; man 男人; a

12、nd 和;hand 手; thank 感谢;map 地图; cat 猫;fat 肥胖的; that 那个; hat 帽子; rabbit 兔子 family 家庭3a: ar组合:car 小汽车; far远的; star 星星; card 卡片; scarf围巾; marker 水彩笔 market 市场department store 百货商店 apartment building 公寓;hard 努力地,硬的; park 公园; arm 胳臂; farm农场;4ei ai组合;tail 尾巴; rainy 下雨的; train 火车;wait 等; waiter 男服务员; waitres

13、s 女服务员5e? air组合:air 空气; hair头发; chair 椅子 stairs 楼梯6最新资料介绍6ei ay组合:day 天,日; today 今日; play 玩; may 能够; May 五月; say说;way 道路,方法; stay 停留7. i ay组合:Sunday 礼拜日 Monday 礼拜一 Tuesday礼拜二 Wednesday礼拜三Thursday礼拜四 Friday礼拜五 Saturday 礼拜六8 ?: al组合:talk说话; walk 走; chalk粉笔;9. ?:l all组合:all 所有的 ball 球; small 小的; tall 高的; wall墙; mall 大厅;call 称号,打电话; fall 秋季,跌落10 a:s as或 ass组合ask问;class班级; glass玻璃杯; pass传达; grass草; last 最后的;11. ? a 在 w 后边wash洗 what 什么 watch 看,腕表 want 想要12. ?: aw组合paw



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