Hypotaxis and Par英汉语言对比.doc

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1、The Comparative Study of Parataxi and Hypotaxis in English and ChineseI. Introduction Parataxi and hypotaxis is the most distinguishing features in linguistics between Chinese and English. Emphasis is laid upon the form in English texture while in Chinese upon the meaning. This difference in languag

2、e expression is deeply rooted in the culture, geography and history of each country. This paper aims at explaining the difference with examples and finding the the reasons for the difference.II. The definition of hypotaxis and parataxis Hypotaxis and parataxis are the performance of the language law

3、. 1. The so-called hypotaxis refers to the realization of the connection of the words or phrases, with the help of language forms (including vocabulary and forms). For example, I shall despair if you dont come. 2.Parataxis means a language construction method that does not depend on such language fo

4、rms but on lexical means or the logical relation implicated in sentences to realize some connections. For example, The rain fell; the river flooded; the house washed away. 3.The former one focus on the language cohesion in form, the latter focus on the significance of the continuous coherence. Hypot

5、axis and parataxis are means to connect sentences and paragraphs in all languages. Most linguists agree that English is more hypotactic while Chinese more paratactic. So I think that the most important difference in linguistics between English and Chinese is the contrast of hypotaxis and parataxis.I

6、II. The relation of sentence structure and hypotaxis, parataxis in English and Chinese 1. English is hypotactic in that the basic a tree hypotactic English is Structure of a sentence is subject and verb, and that all the other elements are added on via connectives. In other words, form is neededto c

7、onvey meaning. The structure of English can be compared to a tree. 2. Chinese is paratactic in that it has no a bamboo paratactic Chinese is Inflections and does not need connectives for sentence organization. The meanings of different parts help indicate the relationship within a sentence. The stru

8、cture of Chinese can be compared to bamboo.IV. The difference of parataxis and hypotaxis in Chinese and English To clarify the relations between words, phrases or clauses, English more often resorts to overt cohesion, frequently using various cohesive ties such as coordinators (e.g. and, or, but, ye

9、t, so, however, as well as, either or, neither nor),subordinators (e.g. when, while, as, since, until, so that, unless, lest), relative pronouns and adverbs ( e.g. who, whom, whose, that, which, when, where, why, how), prepositions and others. Here are some examples.1) 我们应该相互尊重,相互学习,取长补短,共同进步。We sho

10、uld respect and learn from each other and draw upon others strong points to offset ones own deficiencies for achieving common progress.2) 这是我个人的想法,不见得恰当。谢谢!This is only my personal view, which might be wrong. Thank you very much!3) 中国拥有广大的市场和发展需求,日本拥有先进的科学技术和巨大的物质力量,两国之间有着很强的经济互补性。China holds a huge

11、 market and great demand for development and Japan holds advanced science and technology as well as enormous material force. The economies of the two countries are therefore highly complementary with each other. China boasts a huge and great demand for development, while Japan owns advanced science

12、and technology as well as enormous material strength, which have together contributed to the strong economic complementarity between the two countries.4) 我们的主要调整方向应该是发挥公司的比较优势,当然就是技术优势了。Our objective of adjustment should be to bring into play the companys comparative advantage, which is the advantag

13、e in technology. Our adjustment should be aimed at using the companys comparative advantage, that is, the advantage in technology. Another famous example is the translation of天静沙秋思天净沙秋思马致远枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。English version 1Tune:Tian Jin ShaWithered vines hanging on old branches,Return

14、ing crows croaking at dusk.A few houses hidden past a narrow bridge,And below the bridge, a quiet creek running.Down a worn path, in the west wind,A lean horse comes plodding.The sun dips sown in the west,And the lovesick traveler is still at the end of the world.English version 2AutumnCrows hoverin

15、g over rugged old trees wreathed with rotten vinethe day is about done. Yonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream, and on the far bank, a pretty little village. But the traveler has to go on down this ancient road, the west wind moaning, his bony horse groaning, trudging towards the sinking su

16、n, farther and farther away from home. Comparing the English versions and the original one, we can see that the Chinese poem only use 5 fragments or phrases to present some natural objects but creates an beautiful artistic conception, which can be truly felt by readers. However, the English versions, no matter which, use complete sentences and present concrete ob


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