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1、请将下面这段话翻译成英文:对于一名女子来说,传统美是她的唯一标志。她的皮肤应该天生丽质,没有皱纹,没有 疤痕,没有瑕疵。她的身材应该消瘦苗条,通常高挑个,双腿修长,其中青春年少则是首要 条件。所有在电视广告中出现的“花容月貌”的靓女都符合这个标准。这种形象是认为的, 是可以人工塑造的。许多妇女尽其所能来摆布和修改自己的容貌体态。参考答案:To a woman,the traditional beauty is her onlymark.Her skin should be born smooth withoutwrinkles,scars or flaws.Her body should be

2、 slim andthin,and usually she is tall,having long legs.Theyouth is the primary condition.All of the beautieswho have showed up in the TV commercials are fit for that criterion.This image is artificial andcan be made by people.Many women do their best to decorate and modify their looks andfigures.考点分

3、析:她的皮肤应该天生丽质,没有皱纹,没有疤痕,没有瑕疵。分析:本句中的“皱纹”,“疤痕”,“瑕疵”应选择意思最接近的英语词汇,可以译为wrinkle,scar,flaw。.实战演练:【汉译英1】波士顿咨询公司最近做的一项研究显示,到2020年中国将会有2.2亿家庭收 入在2万到100万美元的富裕消费者。这些消费者中75%住在“较小城市”。随着网络的发展, 较小城市的消费者的一种必然趋势是他们更加依赖社交网络服务上的信息。很多网络顾客都 是通过微信、微博和QQ空间分组的。据估计今年中国将会有2.5亿消费者进行网购,位于四 线城市的消费者平均每人会花费他们50%或者更高的工资在网购上,这一数据要比

4、一线城市 的消费者的花费高。【参考译文】A recen t st udy conduc ted by the Bos ton Consu lting Group says t here will be 220 million affluent consumers, who are from households earning between $ 20,000 to $ 1 million, in China by 2020, and 75 percent of them will live in “smaller” citi es. With the developmen t of the

5、Int erne t, an inev it able tr end among t hese consumers is t hey are much more dependen t on informa tion from social net working services. Many of the websites customers are “grouped” by Wechat, Weibo and QQ Zones. It is now estimated that 250 million Chinese consumers will shop online this year

6、and the average shopper in a fourthtier city in China will spend 50 percent or more of their income on ecommerce than those in toptier cities.【汉译英2】聘金是中国传统习俗的一部分。这一习惯在整个中国都很普遍。但是近几 年来其标准不断上升,致使大多数家庭都很难达到。高额的聘礼常常“抢劫” 了新郎父母必 生的积蓄,甚至引起家庭纠纷。此外,许多新婚夫妇被迫举行奢侈的婚礼宴会,在这个过程 中,大量债务的累积可能使他们的新婚生活变得辛酸,至少在最初阶段是这样。想

7、想老一辈 节俭的婚礼,虽然简简单单,但也幸福美满,没有给他们婚后的生活带来任何负担。【参考译文】Endowment may be part of Chinese tradition, but the standards have become so high in recent years that a majority of families are finding it difficultto mee t t hem. The high endowmen t amou nts often rob grooms paren ts of t heir lifes savings and cau

8、ses family disputes. Besides, many newly married couples are forced to host extravagant wedding ceremonies to keep up with the Joneses and, in the process, run up huge debts that could turn their married life sour, at least in the initial phase. Considering the frugal wedding of many parents, simple

9、 but happiness, didnt have any bearing on their married life.【汉译英3】我整整一生都处于对武术的痴迷之中。但是当我搬到一个有功夫俱乐部的城市 时,我才真正体会到了武术的魅力,同时也完全理解了为什么人们称它为一种艺术。它是一 种战斗同时也是在进行一种自我防卫,这其实也达到了让你更加了解自己的身体,从而使它 变得更加强壮和健康的目的。功夫是一门完整的哲学,而且是中国文化的重要组成部分。当 我开始练习功夫的时候,我才意识到它有多么地困难,哪怕是简单的一踢或者一打就需要几 个月的时间去练习。但是我太爱它了! 一个全新的世界正向我敞开它的大门

10、。【参考译文】My whole life I ve been interested in martial arts. But it was only when I moved to another city where there was a Kungfu club, that I really enjoyed it and fully understood why they call it an art. It is fighting and defending yourself, but it also understanding your body more, making it str

11、onger and healthier. Kungfu is a whole philosophy and is a big part of Chinese culture. When I started to practice kungfu, I realized how difficult it was and a simple kick or punch demanded months of practice. But I loved it! A whole new world was opening to me.【汉译英4】来自利物浦大学的科学家、心理学家和英文教授发现,阅读莎士比亚及

12、其 他古典作家的作品对心智发展大有裨益。这些作品能够抓住读者的注意力,引发读者的自我 反思。研究还发现,阅读书籍,尤其是诗歌,可以增加与“自传体记忆”有关的大脑右半球的活动频率,有助于读者根据阅读内容对个人经历进行反思和重新评价。学者们表示,这意 味着阅读古典作品比阅读自助类书籍更有帮助。【参考译文】Scientists, psychologists and English academics at LiverpoolUniversity have found that reading the works of Shakespeare and other classical writers h

13、as a beneficial effect on the mind, catches the readers attention and triggers moments of selfreflection. The research also found that reading poetry, in particular, increases activity in the right hemisphere of the brain, an area concerned with “autobiographical memory, helping the reader to reflec

14、t on and reappraise their own experiences in light of what they have read. The academics said this meant the classics were more useful than self-help books.【汉译英5】随着中国日益成为韩国的重要贸易伙伴,两国的联系从外交和贸易延伸到了 教育领域。中国是韩国最大的出口目的地,吸收了韩国约四分之一的出口产品,同时也吸引 了韩国超过四分之一的留学生。虽然在美国留学的好处之一是可以练习英语(对找工作的人 来说英语依然是最重要的语言),但韩国雇主对有

15、中国经历的毕业生的需求越来越大。比如 三星集团两年前说,具有中文语言能力的求职者会得到额外的加分。【参考译文】As Chinas increasing impor tance as a t rading par tner becomes palpable in neighboring South Korea, the connections between the countries are ext ending from diplomacy and tr ade to educa tion. The middle kingdom is South Koreas bigges t expo r

16、t des tination, t aking around a qua rter of its exportsand its also taking more than a quarter of its neighbors foreign college students. Part of the benefit of a U. S. education is practice speaking English, which is still seen as the most important language for job seekers, but Korean employers are increasingly looking for graduates with experience in China. Samsung Group, for example, saidtwo years ago that job applicants with C


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