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1、形容词和副词在句中的作用Task 1 Please tell the function of the italics in English, and do the Chinese translation. 1) He is an honest boy. 2) He was angry with himself for making such a stupic mistake. 3) We consider him guilty. 4) The old lady was lying in bed, awake. 形容词在句中可以作_/_/_/_1) 我真的不知道怎么解决这个难题。_ _ 2) 她

2、妈妈看起来对他很满意。 _3) 请让门开着。 _4) 又饿又累,他决定停下工作回家。 _Task 2 Please tell the function of the italics in English, and do the Chinese translation. 副词在句中可以作宾补定语表语状语1) You speak English well. 修饰_词2) She is an extremely good dancer. 修饰_词3) He works very hard. 作_语 修饰_词4) There is a church right in front of you. 修饰_

3、词5) Probably he is right. 修饰_6) The meeting is over. 作_语 修饰_词7) The girl outsite is waiting for you. 作_语 修饰_词8) We found him out when we arrived. 作_语 修饰_词1) 请仔细阅读这篇文章。_ _(状动)2) 他们的生活极为幸福。_ _(状形)3) 他跑得相当快。 _ _(状副)4) 他们强烈反对这个观点。_ _(状介)5) 很遗憾我不能参加宴会。_ _(状整句)6) 她现在不在。 _ _(表动)7) 请注意上面的句子。 _ _(定名)8) 他昨天开车

4、送我回家。_ _(宾补)疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词Task 3 Please classify the following adverbs, and then do the Chinese translation. where how when why疑问副词 (引导疑问句) 连接副词 (引导主语、宾语、表语从句) 关系副词 (引导定语从句)u WhereWhere did you meet your fiancee? _副词 (引导_句)Can you tell me where you met your fiancee? _副词 (引导_从句)Where I met my fiancee

5、 is unforgetable to me. _副词 (引导_从句)The most unforgetable thing is where I met my fiancee. _副词 (引导_从句)It is in Paris where I first met my fiancee. _副词 (引导_从句)u HowHow do you plan to do this job? _副词 (引导_句)Can you tell me how you plan to do this job? _副词 (引导_从句)How I plan to do this job is not importa

6、nt. _副词 (引导_从句)The most important thing is How I plan to do this job. _副词 (引导_从句)This is the way how I plan to do this job. _副词 (引导_从句)u When她什么时候来看你呢?(疑问副词,引导疑问句)_你能告诉我她什么时候来看的你呢?(连接副词,引导宾语从句)_她什么时候来看你的不重要。(连接副词,引导主语从句)_重要的是她最后还是来看你了。(连接副词,引导表语从句)_她是上个周六来看我的。(关系副词,引导定语从句)_u Why她为什么哭了?(疑问副词,引导疑问句)_你

7、能告诉我她为什么哭了?(连接副词,引导宾语从句)_她为什么哭了很重要。(连接副词,引导主语从句)_你要弄明白的是为什么哭。(连接副词,引导表语从句)_她被炒鱿鱼了是她哭的原因。(关系副词,引导定语从句)_形容词在句中的位置一)一般情况形容词 + 名词 e.g. beautiful flowers terrible news red cup二)特殊情况1. Did he tell you a) anything interesting? b) interesting anything?2. 亨利八世 a) the Eighth Henry b) Henry the Eighth3. The we

8、ll is a) 10 meters deep. b) 10 deep meters. 4. Are there a) any available rooms? b) any rooms available? 总结:1)_ 2)_3)_4)_Task 4 Translation.1) 这没什么问题。_2)秘书长_ 军事法庭_3)他爷爷90岁了。_ 4)这是唯一可以采取的办法。_副词在句中的位置u 方式副词 (happily, warmly, patiently, comfortably, etc)1) 动词后: 他很简单地解决了问题。_2) 动词前,表强调: He gladly accepted my suggestions. u 时间副词 (yesterday, tommorow, early, late, since, yet)1) 动词后: 我今天早上起晚了。_



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