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1、基本句型英语句子成分的排列顺序与汉语不同。汉语放在前面的,英语可能要放在后面;而汉语放后面的,英语可能放在前面。即使是同样一句话,如果用词不同,句中的次序也会有变化。我 每天 骑自行车 上学。I go to school by bike every day.I ride to school every day.句子成分详解一览表及巧记口诀句子成分意义及位置充当词类例句主语The Subject表示句子说的是“什么人”或“什么事”。通常在句子前部。名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、短语或句子。We study in No. 17 middle school.Jim is an American

2、boy.Two heads are better than one.谓语The Predicate说明主语“做什么”“是什么”或“怎么样”。通常在主语后(除疑问、倒装句外)。由动词或动词词组充当。Time tries all thing.(时间检验一切)Lucy is dancing under the tree.Her parents are both workers.宾语The Object表示动作、行为的对象。在及物动词或介词后。同主语的充当词类Love me, love my dog. (爱屋及乌)These girls like English.Did you see him yes

3、terday?表语The Predicate与系动词连用,一起构成谓语部分、说明主语的性质、特征。常在系动词之后。同主语的充当词类His father is a bus driver.My car is white.We were at school yesterday.Health is wealth. (健康就是财富。)定语The Attribute用来修饰名词或代词。单个词常在修饰的词前,短语或句子在被修饰的词之后。形、代、数、名、介词短语或相当于形容词的词或短语。The red one is mine.What is his name?A friend in need is a fri

4、end indeed. (患难见真情。)状语The Attribute修饰动词、形容词、副词,表示动作发生的时间、地点、目的、方式等。位置较灵活。通常由副词、介词短语或相当于副词的词或短语来表示。Our teacher works very hard.She often helps Mike.They had a meeting in Shanghai.宾语补足语The Object Complement宾语的补足语,逻辑上与宾语是“主谓”关系。在宾语后。由形容词、名词、介词短语等充当。We named the baby Lily.She made the room clean.同位语The

5、Appostive重复指代并进一步说明名词及名词性词语。在被修饰词后。名词、名词性短语、从句等。They all work hard.John, a friend of hers, has gone.句子成分 学记口诀主语谓语是基础,宾表定状补辅助。宾主来自名代数,动词作谓不可无。简单句的五种基本句型句型种类主语谓语部分谓语动词表语宾语宾补1. S + Vi. 主语+不及物动词Birdsfly.2. S + Vi. + O 主语+及物动词+宾语Heplaysthe piano.3. S + V. + P主语+系动词+表语Weare(系动词)friends.4. S + Vt. + IO + D

6、O主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语Igave him a pen(间宾)(直宾)5. S + Vi. + O + OC主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语Tommademe cry.6.There be 句型二、 新课讲解【宾语从句】(一) 宾语从句的概念:一个完整的句子在另一句中担当宾语的从句叫宾语从句,宾语从句可作谓语动词的宾语,也可做介词的宾语。 eg,:He said he was good at drawing. (动词宾语) He asks him how long Mike has been down . (动词宾语) Miss Zhang is angry at what you

7、 said. (介词宾语)【考点扫描】中考对宾语从句的考查主要集中在以下几个方面:1. 引导宾语从句的连词和代词选择;2. 宾语从句的语序;3. 宾语从句的时态。考查的主要形式是单项填空、完型填空、短文填空和完成句子。阅读理解和书面表达肯定也要用到宾语从句。 (二) 宾语从句的种类宾语从句是一种名词性从句,在句中作及物动词的宾语,或介词的宾语,或形容词的宾语。根据引导宾语从句的不同连词,宾语从句可分为三类。1. 由that引导的宾语从句。that只有语法作用,没有实在的意义,在口语和非正式文体中可以省略。例如: He said (that) he wanted to stay at home.

8、 She doesnt know (that) she is seriously ill. I am sure (that) he will succeed.2. 由连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which和连接副词when, where, why, how引导的宾语从句。这些连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中充当某个成分。例如: He asked whose handwriting was the best. Can you tell me where the No.3 bus stop is? I dont know why the train is late.3.

9、由if或whether引导的宾语从句。if和whether在句中的意思是“是否”。例I want to know if (whether) he lives there. He asked me whether (if) I could help him.由if或whether引导的宾语从句。表示“是否”,二者通常可以互换。例如: Lily asked if/whether she liked it.莉莉问她是否喜欢它。I want to know if (whether) he lives there.我想知道他是否住在这儿。He asked me whether (if) I could

10、help him.他问我是否可以帮助他。但语义有点区别:whether的范围比if广1)whether强调犹豫和选择,多见于书面语中;if 只限于条件,常用于口语。例如:Write and tell me whether Im to come. 请写信告诉我,我是否该来。Write and tell me if Im to come. 如果我该来,请写信告诉我(相当于说:若我不必来,那就不用费心写信给我了。)2) whether可引导各种名词性从名和让步状语从句,if 只能引导宾语从句和条件状语从句。由if引导的从句,首先要弄清楚是宾语从句,还是条件状语从句,然后再确定时态。若是引导条件状语从

11、句,主将从现,主情从现;若是引导宾语从句,主现从根据实际情况来定,主过从过。例如:If you dont go soon, youll be late.如果你不马上去就会迟到。3)whether和if都可以与or no连用。但if与or not之间常需要用词语隔开,而whether与or not可连用,也可隔开。例如:Can you tell me whether or not the train has left?(=Can you tell me whether the train has left or not?)你能告诉我火车是否离开了吗?I dont care if your car

12、 breaks down or not .我不在乎你的汽车是否坏了。4)下列情况,只用whether作引导词:引导主语从句、同位语从句、表语从句、让步状语从句。例如:Whether he comes or not doesnt concern me.他来不来与我无关。I am in doubt whether I ought to give this plan my approval.我决定不了是否该同意这项计划。What I want to know is whether you can help me.我想知道的是你是否能帮助我。Whether we go or stay, the res

13、ult is the same.不管我们是走还是留,其结果是一样的。5)与不定式连用:例如:I dont know whether to accept or refuse.我不知道是该接受还是该拒绝。6)在介词后作介宾。例如:I am not interested in whether you like the plan or not.我不在乎你是否喜欢那项计划。(三) 宾语从句的语序宾语从句的语序应为陈述句的语序。例如: I think (that) you will like this school soon. Can you tell me how I can get to zoo? P

14、lease tell me when well have the meeting.1.注意:疑问词做主语的适合,语序不变I ask what is wrong with Tom. = I ask what is the matter with Tom?2.注意:当do you think后接特殊疑问句转化成宾语从句时,句式结构应为特殊疑问词do you think陈述句语序。 Where do you think Tom went yesterday?3.注意:如宾语从句有自己的宾语补足语,则用it作形式宾语,而把宾语从句后置。其句型为:“主语+谓语+it+补足语+宾语从句”。如:We think it important that we should master at least one foreign language.我们认为掌握至少一门外语是重要的。 (四)宾语从句的时态 1. 如果主句的时态是一般现在时,宾语从句该用什么时态就用什么时态。如: I dont think (that) you are right. Can you tell me how I can get to the railway station?Do you think he will


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