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1、七年级英语下Unit5 Lesson29导学案 课题Lesson 29 A door to the world授课时间主备人授课人班级审核人阶段环节教学过程师生活动个性修改第一阶段预学案第二阶段教学案来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K第三阶段检测案目标导航教学目标掌握单词1.article2. differences 3. connect 4. opportunity 5. communicate 学生课前预习时明确教学目标及重难点学生根据预学案进行课前预习学生对自己的预习进行简单的测试教师对学生预习情况的反馈进行了解以便以下教学环节有计划地进行学生合作探究给出的问题学生交流展示讨论的结果教师就学

2、生探究的结论及在前面所有环节出现的问题加以总结修正并予以精讲点拨来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K学生当堂完成当堂测试,教师讲评 来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K来源:学|科|网来源:学+科+网教学重难点.I. With a good knowledge of English, students can have bright futures. 2. It connects you with the world. 3.English helps you communicate with people from all over the world. 自主预习预习自测 预习反馈:2mins合作探究:1

3、0min交流展示:8mins精讲点拨:15mins当堂测试10mins课外作业1. 自学单词2.熟读课文,把握其意,画出不理解处,小组之间交流,弄懂文意。 . 单词连线1. article a.toshowa relationship(联系)2. differences b. a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine3. connect c. a good chance for success4. opportunity d. to let someone know what you are feeling or thinking by tal

4、king or writing5. communicatee. things that are not the same. 句型展示1. 拥有丰富的英语知识,学生们就会拥有光明的未来。With a good _ _ English, students can have bright futures. 2. 它把你和世界联结起来。It _ you _ the world. 3. 英语帮助你和世界各地的人进行交流。English helps you _ _ people from all over the world. 要点探究1. knowledge n. 知识;学问With a good kn

5、owledge of English, students can have bright futures. 拥有丰富的英语知识学生们就会拥有光明的未来。Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。Mr. Brown is very knowledgeable. 布朗先生知识非常渊博。【探究总结】knowledge的用法(1)knowledge用作名词,来源于动词know。knowledge是不可数名词,但可用作单数,如a (good) knowledge _(非常)了解;(丰富的)的知识。(2)其形容词形式是knowledgeable,指人,意为“知识渊博的;有见识的”。【学以致用】

6、他对北京十分熟悉。He has _ _ _ _ Beijing. 2. connect v. 连接;联结It connects you with the world. 它把你和世界联系起来。A railway connects Beijing with Guangzhou. 北京和广州之间有铁路相连。People connect China with the Great Wall. 人们一提到中国就会联想到长城。【探究总结】connect的用法connect意为“连接;联结”,既可以指实物之间的连接,也可以指用想象把不同事物或人联系起来,常用短语connect. . with. . . 。【学

7、以致用】人们经常把学习和工作联系起来。People often _ study _ municate v. 交流English helps you communicate with people from all over the world. 英语帮助你和世界各地的人进行交流。He has no communication with his family. 他和他家里没有联系。Im in communication with my old classmates. 我和我的老同学有联系。【探究总结】communicate的用法(1)communicate用作动词,意为“交流”,常与介词_搭配,

8、构成短语communicate (well) with sb. 与某人交流(好)。(2)其名词形式是communication,不可数名词,常用于短语be in/have communication with,意为“与有联系”【学以致用】你是如何很好地与老年人交流的?How do you _ _ _ the old?课堂达标. 选择适当的介词填空around, from, to, for, in1. Some students _ different countries live and study in this school. 2. Study can help you open the

9、door _ the outside world.3. You can ask the police _ directions. 4. She found the news _ a newspaper. 5. English can help you communicate with people _ the world. . 完成句子1. 作为一名歌手,她有丰富的音乐知识。As a singer, she has _ _ _ _ music. 2. 与他人很好地交流是重要的。Its important to _ _ _ others. 3. 有些人常把幸福和金钱联系在一起。Some peop

10、le often _ happiness _ money. 4. 英语会给你一个周游世界的机会。English can give you _ _ _ travel around the world. 5. 这位老人独自一人生活。The old man lives _ _. 单项选择(15分)1. Its helpful for your English to talk with a _ friend. A. lazyB. proudC. sillyD. foreign2. Miss Liu is _; we all like him. A. such a good teacherB. such

11、 good teacherC. so a good teacherD. so good teacher3. Good _ you, Li Lei. We are all proud of you. A. toB. ofC. atD. for4. How do you do your homework? By _. A. meB. IC. mineD. myself5. Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Black, please? _A. Who are you? B. No, you couldnt. C. Yes. This is Mr. Black speaking. D. Yes, you could. 6. Bob is a lazy boy, isnt he? _, he sometimes helps his mother with housework. A. ExactlyB. Not exactlyC. ExactD. Not exact



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