【教学设计】Module 8 Unit 1(英语外研四上).docx

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1、 Module 8 Unit 1When did they come?教学设计 本课时编写:合肥永和学校段文哲 教材分析本模块的学习主要依然围绕着过去式的应用,着重学习动词过去式的特殊疑问句形式。在Unit1里,通过Amy和老师的谈话,学习动词过去式的特殊疑问句形式,同时也学习几个特殊动词的过去式形式。通过本课的学习,学生们掌握when did/what did句型,came/come, won/win, practise等动词。教学目标1. Students learn some special verbs, their past tense and some sentence patter

2、ns. Words: came/come, won/win, practice, gold, cup, competitionSentences: When did/What did2. Help the students use these words and sentences in activities and daily life.3. Students will practice their ability of speaking. 教学重难点:1. To master the basic question sentence “When did/What did”2. To know

3、 how to answer the question sentence.3. To master the past tense of some verbs “came/come, won/win”.4. To use the question sentence to ask questions correctly. 教学准备:Multimedia, cards, ppt, and CD-ROM.教学过程:1. Warm-up 1). Play a game: what did they do?Show them some pictures on the screen, and ask the

4、m: “what did they do?” T: Boys and girls, yesterday I went to the park with my friends. I saw some children. What did they do?S1: They S2: They S3: They T: Great! You did a good job.2). Activity 1. Listen and chant.T: Boys and girls, please look at the picture. Where is it? Ss: Is it a park?T: What

5、can you see?Ss: I can see many animals.T: So, who can tell me, where is it?Ss: Its the zoo.T: Great! The dog went to the zoo yesterday. What did the dog see?Ss: The dog saw a pig. T: Excellent! Lets listen to the tape.Play the CD-ROM.T: Lets read it together, ok?Ss: Ok!【设计意图】The pictures will draw s

6、tudents attention and their interests. They will have a review on some verbal phrases and their past tense. The chant will make them ready for the class, make them familiar with the new sentence pattern “what did?” and lead in the new topic of this lesson. 2. Presentation 1). Activity2. Listen, poin

7、t and find.T: Boys and girls, look at the picture. Whos she? Ss: She is Amy.T: What did she do? Ss: She talked with her teacher.T: What did they talk about? Ss: I dont know.T: Well, lets listen to the tape.Play the CD-ROM.T: Boys and girls, what did they talk about?Ss: Some English children came to

8、China last week. T: why did they come to China? Now, lets listen to the tape again. And answer my question. Question 1: why did they come to China?Question 2: when did they come?Question 3: what did they do?Question4: what can Amy do?2). Listen again for detailed information. Play the CD-ROM again.D

9、iscuss and check the answer.Learn verbs: come/come, won/win, practiceLearn nouns: gold, cup, competition3). Listen again and read.Play the CD-ROM again, and read after it.T: boys and girls, now we will listen to the tape again. This time, please try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.【设计意图】

10、This procedure is to learn the new text. The Task-based method is used to lead students to read the story carefully and get information from the text. Imitation and repeat will improve students pronunciation. 3. Practice 1). Role-play.Students will read the story by group, or by role.2). Practice Ac

11、tivity3 on page46.3). Group work: Activity4 on page46.Make a new story about this topic. Four students work in one group. And try to play it out.【设计意图】The new knowledge they have learned will be consolidated, and they will practice their skill of communication and expression. 4. Summary Students sum

12、 up the knowledge they have learned.【设计意图】The summary is another kind of consolidation. 5. Homework 1). Listen to the story 3 times and try to retell it to your parents.2). Copy the key sentence and key words 3 times.Words: came/come, won/win, practice, gold, cup, competitionSentences: When did/What did【设计意图】Let students do some exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they have learned.教学反思


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