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1、1. After he had heard the humorous story, he laughed off his head.2. Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War, but in a few years, he was completely defeated.3. Fifteen years ago medicine was the hot field for Americas young people.4. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔

2、5. The police said they are close to knowing the cause of the fire.6. Ruth was upsetting the other children, so I showed her the door.7. One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.8. Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around.9. He is said

3、 to be a rough diamond.他是一块浑金璞玉10.I would draw a further conclusion, which I believe is central to assessing China s future place in the world economy.11.For the international community, the most striking consequenceofthesechangesisthatChinahasgrownrapidly tobetheworldssixthlargesteconomy,andissetto

4、growfurther.121314151617181920212223242526If you are unfair to me, I will certainly hang out all your dirty linen 如果你多我不公平,我将把你的丑事公诸于众The students were on tenterhooks before the examination began. 考试之前学生们感到焦躁不安He is ill, that accounts for his absence.In this battle he accounted for (解决掉) five of the

5、 enemy.I want you to account for every cent you spent 我 要你把花费的每一分钱都交代清楚 .It is not right for children to sit up late. 熬夜She tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery. 她尽她所能为他丈夫的抢劫罪申冤I want my martini dry. 我要不加糖的马提妮酒There are still some dry (禁酒) states in the United States.She pr

6、efers dry bread. 没抹奶油的面包The cows are dry 这奶牛不产奶 .He gave us a dry (枯燥的) lecture yesterday.I am sure what he presented was a dry (铁一般的)fact.Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources.Intheearly1600s,theHollandersweregreatfarmers. 早在 17 世纪,荷兰是一个农业大国27.If there should be any last-minute change in

7、the sailingtime, we ll contact you by telephone.在出发前如果有什么 变动,我们将打电话联系你28. Formality has always characterized their relationship.29. I knew the train was coming as I had seen the passengers swarm into the platform.30.He took out his camera and really wanted to get that picture.31. Thoughtheidealcuref

8、ornoiseistostopitatitssource, this may in many cases be i m p oss i b l e 尽管理想的阻止噪音 的方法是在声源处消除它,但是在大多数情况下这是不可能的32. Much progress has been made in computer science in less thana century. 不到一个世纪 计算机科学就已经取得了很大的进步33.I am no drinker, nor smoker.34.She closed the door very quietly, as she was afraid of wa

9、kening the sleeper.35.The authorities were alerted to the danger. 当局对这个危 险提高警惕36.She dozed off (睡着了)while the television was on.37. Anacquaintance ofworld history ishelpful to the study of current affairs.38. His very appearance at any affair proclaims it atriumph 无论什么事只要他一出现就一定能成功39. Traditionally,

10、 there had always been good relations between them.40. We are conducting a careful study of these matters. 我们对这些问题作出细致的研究41. The policemen a re a comprehensive investigation of this case. 警察队这个案子做了方位的调查42. A fool and his words are soon parted; a man of genius and his money.43.Since air has weight, i

11、t exerts force on any object immersed in it.由于空气有质量44.S tude nts should learn from t eachers and vice versa.学生应 该向老师学习,老师也应该向学生学习45. We have to face different problems.46. Mr. Hobbs didnt talk over my suggestions with his brother un til yes terday aft ernoon.直到昨天下午,hobbs先生才和他 的兄弟商量我的意见。47. An old do

12、g likehimnever barks invain.Whenever he barks, he always has some wise counsel worth listening to.48. The study site , a 7-ha field located in Franklin County , Idaho , has been cultivated for many years 49. Rubber is not hard ;it gives way to pressure 橡胶很软,只要对它施加压力,它就会变形。50.It is commonplace that a

13、 society reveals its reverence or contempt for history by the respect or disregard that it displays for older people.普遍认为,一个社会对老年人是尊 重还是漠视,可以显示出它对历史是尊重还是藐视。51.I was, and remain, grateful for the part he played in my release. 我过去,现在都感激他带给我的轻松感。52. He dismissed the meeting without a closing speech. 他没

14、有 致谢幕辞就解散了这个会议。53. This ty pewr iter is indeed cheap and fine这个打字机真是物 廉价美。54. This requires care and, for difficult problems, great experience. 这个问题只需要仔细,但对于困难的问题,则需要 丰富的经验。55. He hated failure, he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others.56. They are sanguine about build

15、ing up a near peace.57. These fighters are able to cope with various emergencies. 这些消防员能够处理各种各样的紧急情况。58. These early cars were slow, clumsy, and inefficient.这些早期的汽车速度缓慢、体型笨重并且效率不高。59. But it will be a long time before the measures they approved take effect in cleaning up the sea. 但是离他 们证实净化海水的措施生效还有

16、一段时间。60. The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitorsto Peking 万里长城是北京外国游客的必游之地。61. Governments are force to introduce still further police to face the energy crisis.62. Amelia took the news very palely and calmly.63.It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being c


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