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1、外研版初一英语(下学期)英语单词拼写 Module 1 单词拼写: 1. At this _( 时刻 ), it is morning in New Year. 2. Dont get in, they are getting_(穿衣服) 3. At _(正午), they have a break. 4. _(不管怎样), we must start now. 5. Dont _(说)goodbye to me. 6. He is _(躺) on the bed. 7. Please accept my _(问候) from China! 8. They are drinking_( 咖啡)

2、 9. The students are starting their_(课 ) at nine. 10. They are _ (跑 )in the street. 完成句子. 11. 世界上不同地方的人做着不同的事 People_are doing different things. 12. 他们在家里或在餐馆里就餐. They are_or in restaurants 13. 我正在给你写明信片. I am _ 14. 他们正在北京拍照. They_in Beijing. 15. 她没在买礼物. She _ now. Module 2 单词拼写: 1. There are two_(

3、节日) in this month. 2. He can draw_ ( 龙)very well. 3. Please_(带来 ) your homework here tomorrow. 4. How many_(餐,饭 ) do you have each day? 5. We want to _(涂 ) the house red and yellow. 6. The girl likes_(装饰 ) her room. 7. _(每个人 ) in our classroom loves Chinese. 8. What do you _( 意思) by saying that? 9.

4、Its very_(甜的 ), we like it. 10. They are _(切 )the paper in pieces. 完成句子. 11. 孩子们通常对圣诞老人很感兴趣. The children are usually _ Father Christmas 12. 她妈妈是一个长头发的高个子女人. His mother is a tall woman _ 13. 这种树全年都长得快. This kind of tree grows fast_ 14. 你准备好了去参观农场吗? _ visiting the farm? 15. 我家屋子前有几棵树. _ trees in fron

5、t of my house. Module 3 单词拼写: 1. His wife is a good _(厨师 ) 2. He loves to stay in a _(外国的 )city. 3. His_( 孙女) is very lovely. 4. We are going to do some_(游览 ).5.Would you like to go _(购物 ) with me this afternoon? 6. The _( 妻子)in that city love to stay at home. 7. He loves to lie on the _(海滩)in summe

6、r. 8. He works hard to try to pass the English_( 测验) 9. I am _ (复习 )for my lesson. 10. I will buy some _(衣服 )for my son. 完成句子. 11他不喜欢周末外出。He doesnt like_ 12星期天晚在广州有一场足球赛。 There is _in Guangzhou_ 13星期五将天晴。It_ on Friday. 14我们将坐飞机去上海。 We _to Shanghai 15他们去朋友家参加聚会吗? Are they_? Module 4 单词拼写: 1.We are ha

7、ving a happy_(生活 ) 2. The teacher wont write on the blackboard with _( 粉笔) 3. Sometimes the seas are_( 粗暴的) 4. There will be_( 大的)winds. 5. In the future we will have long _( 假日) 6. Farm _ (技术)is so important than a lot of students learn it. 7. In _ ( 秋天),the leaves turn yellow. 8. He is _(弱的 ) than

8、 her. 9. To climb up that mountain is his_(梦想 ) 10. _(每个人 )loves to have a trip there. 完成句子. 11我们学校用太阳能热水。 In our school ,we_ 12明天将刮大风,下大雨。 There _tomorrow 13那个工厂的工人有大量的空闲时间。 The workers_ in that factory 14一百年后将不会有便宜的石油。 _cheap oil in a hundred years 15将来没有人做粗重活。 In the future_ Module 5 单词拼写: 1. His

9、 _(家乡 )is a very beautiful village. 2. I study in a school which is hundreds of_( 公里)away from my home. 3. The teachers in our school are much_( 忙的) than those in that school. 4. How big the _(人口 ) is in that city! 5. There are many _(教堂 )in that small town. 6. The _( 山脉)are very high over there. 7. This is a _(宽的 ) river than that one. 8. Please listen to her , she is _( 回答)your question. 9. The temperature is very _( 底的) tonight. 10. Guangzhou is in the_(南方 )of China. 完成句子. 11广州和深圳是中国南海岸的大城市。 Guangzhou and Shenzhen are _ Chin



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