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1、新目标英语八年级下册Unit5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time! 第一课时教案鹤壁市淇县北阳镇第一初级中学 马树芬Unit5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time! Teaching contents :Section A 1a 1b 1cTeaching aims :1. Talk about consequences .2. if 引导的条件状语从句 。Key and difficult point :if 引导的条件状语从句。Teaching steps :(一) L

2、eading in . 首先,用歌曲If You Are Happy导入新课,让学生在歌声中轻松的进入学习状态,切入学习主题。并在歌曲中感知一下if 的用法。导入语:Hello, everyone! Are you happy today? (Yes/No) Im very happy now. If Im happy, I will listen to music. Do you want to listen? ( ) Now, Lets listen to If You Are Happy together. 播放音乐If youre happy and you know it Clap

3、your handsIf youre happy and you know it Clap your handsIf youre happy and you know itNever be afraid to show itIf youre happy and you know it Clap your handsIf youre happy and you know it Stomp your feetIf youre happy and you know it Stomp your feetIf youre happy and you know itNever be afraid to s

4、how itIf youre happy and you know it Stomp your feetIf youre happy and you know it Wink your eyeIf youre happy and you know it Wink your eyeIf youre happy and you know itNever be afraid to show itIf youre happy and you know it Wink your eye听完歌曲后问:What will you do if you are happy? (If Im happy, I wi

5、ll). 继续问一些问题进一步感知并运用if条件句,自然进入新课: If you have some money, what will you buy? If it rains tomorrow ,what will you do ?(二)出示课题, 让学生明确学习内容。承接上一步,老师边说边板书课题:Unit5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time! 帮助学生理解课题,并点出主句用一般将来时态,if从句用一般现在时态,切入难点。(三) 学习新课 1a 1b通过谈论图片和听听力材料理解对话学习if条件句,留下直观印象。. 1a Firs

6、t, look at the four pictures on the book and have students tell what the pictures are about.Second, ask two students to read the conversation in the first picture.Third, have students look at 1a. Match the statements and responses. Fourth, explain let sb in means let sb come in. 1b 听录音,判断句子搭配是否正确。(四

7、)当堂训练一 1c Pairwork Look at the pictures above and make conversations .Read the conversations .Recite the conversations . Act the conversations .(五)当堂训练二 拓展巩固 if条件句结构和用法给出话题 (get up late; eat too much; help others; watch too much TV; get enough exercise) 给出例子:例如:A: I think Im going to . B: If you , y

8、oull Work in pairs to make conversations . Act the conversations .(The eacher write the conversations on the blackboard .)(六)总结归纳 突破难点。让学生观察黑板上的句子并总结出if条件句中,主句用一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态。(if 如果 一现代一将 )(七) Homework 将刚才表演的对话写在作业本上。(至少三组)板书设计Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time! If I get up late, I will be late for school. If I get enough exercise, I will be healthy .If I watch too much TV , I will be tired .If I help others , I will be happy .主句(一般将来时态) 从句(一般现在时态)



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