Lesson 1 Enjoy the Story 习题 2.doc

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1、Unit 4 Lesson 1 Enjoy the Story同步练习 2一、连线。1. January 十二月2. October 十一月3. December 一月4. February 十月5. November 二月6. April 三月 7. September 八月8. August 九月9. March 四月二、改错题。( ) 1. Sally has lots of homework yesterday.A B C( ) 2. August is the eight month of the year.A B C( ) 3. Its cold and windy and som

2、etimes it snow in winter.A B C( ) 4. Mike gives Sally gifts for her birthday yesterday.A B C三、单项填空。( ) 1. -_-Hes four.A. How old are you? B. How old is she? C. How old is Mocky?( ) 2. They _ the calendar and checked their birthdays one by one.A. see B. look at C. looked at ( ) 3. -_-Its September 19

3、th.A. Whats Anns birthday? B. When is Anns birthday? C. Which season is it?( ) 4. My birthday is _ spring.A. in B. on C. at( ) 5. There are four _ in a year.A. season B. month C. seasons四、作文。My Birthday Party与生日有关的活动参考词汇:hold a party举办聚会,invite friends邀请朋友,celebrate birthday庆祝生日,light the candles点燃蜡

4、烛,sing a birthday song唱生日快乐歌,make a wish许愿,blow out the candles吹蜡烛,cut the cake切蛋糕,open the presents打开礼物,sing and dance唱歌跳舞,watch videos观看录像,play games玩游戏参考答案一、略。二、1. A 改成had 2. B 改成eighth 3. C 改成snows 4. A 改成gave三、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C四、My Birthday PartyEvery year,when its my birthday,my parents

5、 will hold a party for meThey invite my friends to come to my house to celebrate my birthdayI can get many beautiful presents every yearIn my party,we can do many things:(1)Light the candles(2)Sing a birthday song(3)Make a wish(4)Blow out the candles(5)Cut the cake(6)Eat the cake (7)Open the presents(8)Sing and dance(9)Watch videos or play games(10)Say goodbye to each otherThis is my birthday partyIs it interesting?



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