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1、LESSON SEVEN CRIMINIAL LAWomission n. umin1: The act of leaving something out . 省略,遗漏,疏忽同义词:deletion2: A failure to do something; esp., a neglect of duty 不作为,疏忽,失职omit v. 省略; 删除;遗漏; 忘记; 怠慢字根miss, mit=to send(送),to throw(投,掷) 拉丁文mittere(=to send, to throw), 过去分词missusmissile a. 可发射的 n. 子弹;飞弹(被投掷)miss

2、ion n. 使命;使节团(奉命被送往)compromise v. 妥协;危及 n. 妥协(彼此共同约定)com=(together)+pro(forth)+mise(throw)pretermit v. 忽略;省略(飞快地丢了)preter-(past, beyond)+mit(to throw)liability n. laibilitiThe quality or state of being legally obligated or accountable; legal responsibility to another or to society, enforceable by ci

3、vil remedy or criminal punishment . Also termed legal liability; responsibility; subjection. ) (民事或刑事)责任;法律责任;义务含义广泛的法律词语,指根据法律或公正原则应履行的责任、义务,可因合同、侵权、纳税、触犯刑律等情况而产生,包括各种绝对的、偶然的或将来可能承担的并通过诉讼可以执行的责任、义务;也指实际或可能要承担责任的状态。它具有债务debt与责任obligation的所有特征,而含义较债务广泛。债务是已确定的,但liability或obligation的最终责任可能确定,也可能不确定,如某

4、人为他人担保,应对其担保的债务承担保证责任,但其最终责任应视被担保人的履行情况而定。defence(=defense) n. difens1:One or more defendants in a trial, as well as their counsel 辩护方;被告方 指在庭审中对一个或多个被告人的称呼。同义词:defense, defense team, defense lawyers2:A defendants stated reason why the plaintiff or prosecutor has no valid case; esp., a defendants an

5、swer, denial, or plea .答辩;辩护;答辩理由;答辩根据指民事诉讼中被告对原告起诉状中的主张和请求,或者刑事诉讼中被告人对控诉方的指控所作的否认、反驳,以及支持被告人反驳主张的理由、证据等。同义词:defense, vindicationdefenceless adj. 无保护的,无防御的defencelessly adv.defencelessness n. 无防御,无助,没有保护,无可辩护字根fend, fest=to strike(打击) 拉丁文fendere(-to strike)fend v. 抵挡;抵御(把对方打倒)defend的简形defend v. 保护;辩

6、护(打倒攻击是最好的防御)de-=downinfest v. 横行;骚扰(打对方)in-=againstguilty adj. gilti Having committed a crime; responsible for a crime .有罪的;有过失的被指控人通过对指控作有罪答辩plea of guilty,自认其有罪的;陪审团经审判后裁断被指控人有罪的。guiltily adv. 内疚地guiltiness n. 有罪,罪的自觉plead guilty 服罪,认罪;有罪答辩mens rea menz ri n. The state of mind that the prosecutio

7、n, to secure a conviction, must prove that a defendant had when committing a crime; criminal intent or recklessness . 犯罪意图; 犯罪心态 在普通法上,犯罪心态与犯罪行为actus reus是犯罪主客观方面的两个基本要素。犯罪心态指行为人在实施社会危害行为时应受社会谴责的心理状态,包括蓄意intention、明知knowledge、轻率recklessness和疏忽negligence。mensmenz n. 心, 精神defendant n. difendntA person

8、 sued in a civil proceeding or accused in a criminal proceeding. 被告co-defendantn. 共同被告actus reus .kts ris n.The wrongful deed that comprises the physical components of a crime and that generally must be coupled with mens rea to establish criminal liability; a forbidden act . 具有犯罪意图的行为; 犯罪行为 与犯罪意图men

9、s rea同为犯罪的基本构成要件。犯罪行为是犯罪的外在表现形式,犯罪意图是犯罪的内在因素。犯罪行为在不同的犯罪中表现形式不同,包括犯罪行为本身、犯罪结果、行为与结果的结合等。行为通常表现为作为或不作为。在具备正当、合法理由时,不构成犯罪行为,因此也不构成犯罪。conductkndktn. Personal behavior, whether by action or inaction; the manner in which a person behaves. Conduct does not include the actors natural death or a death that r

10、esults from behavior consciously engaged in but not reasonably expected to have this result. 行为,举动同义词:demeanor, demeanour, behavior, behaviour, deportment v. direct the course of; manage or control 引导,指挥同义词:carry on, dealcircumstance n. s:kmstnsAn accompanying or accessory fact, event, or condition,

11、 such as a piece of evidence that indicates the probability of an event. 情况;情节; (有关)事项, 事实circumstantial evidence 情况证据,间接证据manslaughter n. mnsl:tThe unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought. Also termed (in some jurisdictions) culpable(应受谴责的, 应受处罚的, 有罪的) homicide. 非预谋杀人罪 指无预谋恶意地

12、非法终止他人生命的行为。普通法把非预谋杀人罪分为非预谋故意杀人voluntary manslaughter和过失杀人involuntary manslaughter两类,对前者的处罚重于后者。现美国多数司法区仍采用此种分类法,但有些司法区采用了新的分类标准,如纽约州New York按刑罚轻重将非谋杀罪分为一级非谋杀罪和二级非谋杀罪;新泽西州New Jersey分为加重非谋杀罪和一般非谋杀罪。assault s:ltn. 1: Criminal & tort law. The threat or use of force on another that causes that person to

13、 have a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact; the act of putting another person in reasonable fear or apprehension of an immediate battery by means of an act amounting to an attempt or threat to commit a battery. (刑法、侵权法)威吓,恐吓 指威胁或使用暴力,使得他人合理地认为伤害性或侵犯性的身体接触即将发生;或者通过威胁实施殴打使得他人合理地认为殴打即将发生。2: Criminal law. An attempt to commit battery, requiring the specific intent to cause physical injury. )(刑法)企图伤害罪指意图伤害的殴击未遂,属于普通法上及制定法上的轻罪。v. to make an assault on 威吓,恐



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