鲁教版英语六年级上册Unit 1Good morning 第二课时word教案

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1、2020学年鲁教版英语精品资料课题 Unit One (2)课型新授教学目标1. 知识目标:1) Letters Aa - Zzand names.2) Drills:Good morning / afternoon / evening. 2、技能目标:(1). Be able to get the correct letters from the listening material.(2). Learn to greet people.3、情感态度价值观目标: Learn to cooperate with others. Learn to be polite.教学重 点 The 26 l

2、etters and greeting expressions.教学难 点 学情分 析本节课,学生继续学习26个字母以及它们的书写形式。同时学习简单的问候用语,对于初学英语的学生来讲,打好基础非常关键,因此本节课乃至本单元的学习内容能否掌握直接关系到进一步学习。小组帮扶和学生展示在课堂学习中起很重要作用,学生通过学习可以增长自信,促进互助,提高解决问题能力。教学准 备Recorder;picturesPpt教学过程: 结合学科特点,体现单元组教学环节,学习内容,时间预测,教师活动,学生活动,自主学习设计,问题探究,单元组合作,同层竞争,人人参与,精讲足练,联系实际,点拨升华, 集体备课个人备课

3、Step One: Self study (15分钟)1. Try to read and recite the 26 letters.2. Greet people with Good morning / afternoon / evening. Try to remember the useful expressions.3. Talk about what the letters in 3d mean, you can find help from the alphabet or your partner.Step Two: Show your work and directions (

4、10分钟)1. Recite the 26 letters in groups.2. Share your work about 3d in groups.3. Listen and number the letters you hear.Step Three: Practice(15分钟)Do exercises (配套P3, II ). Do by yourself, if you have questions, discuss in groups, or look through the text book for help, try to translate the short con

5、versations into Chinese. Step Four: Summary and test(5分钟)Check the 26 letters and the useful expressions learnt in this class by doing exercises(配套练习册: P4, IV 填单词,补全对话) Homework:1、 Review the 26 letters and rewrite them in your exercise book.2、 Review the new words learnt in this lesson.3、配套练习册:P4,

6、V 匹配对话 (G,H层选做)小结: 学科知识构建与板学Unit 1. Good morning! (Period 2)1. Useful expressions:Good morning, Helen!Good afternoon, Eric!Good evening, Alice!2. Short forms: HB, CD, NBA, kg, P, S/M/L, UFO, CCTV反思与重建附:Summary and testCheck the 26 letters and the useful expressions learnt in this class by doing exercises(配套练习册: P4, IV选词填空,补全对话 )Homework:1. Review the 26 letters and rewrite them in your exercise book.2. Review the new words learnt in this lesson.3. 配套练习册:P4, V (G,H层选做)最新精品英语资料


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