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1、外研版(三起)英语四年级上学期期中考试试卷精选(含答案)1学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_评卷人得分一、单词拼写1根据语境写出单词。1. These bags are very h _.2. S_ there are small eggs in the big eggs.3. We can feed the birds. T_ lets feed them.4. Its not my shirt. W_T-shirt is it?5. There was a big p _in our school. We often played football on it.6. That n_ ,chi

2、ldren go to their n_ houses7. Come on,Lingling! L_ go to the supermarket!评卷人得分二、填空题2写出下列单词的ing 形式 1.read_ 2.write_ 3.take_ 4.swim_ 5.play_ 6.run_3选词填空。with at making nice also1. You want some rice and I _ want some.2. I want some noodles _ tomato.3. The girl is _ noodles.4. The dumplings are _. I wa

3、nt some more.5. Look _ that man. He is my teacher.4读句子,写出与划线单词属同一类的单词。15. I have a book. 610.I like maths best. 1115.Look at my study. 选择正确的句子,并抄写在四线格内。5它在一家超市的旁边。6火车现在在哪里?7我正在读一本关于中国的书。8她在玩玩具火车。9他们正在划龙舟。10按要求写单词(1)letter(复数形式)-(2)hot(反义词)-(3)photo(复数形式)-(4)newspaper(复数形式)- (5)rain(现在分词)-(6)listen(现

4、在分词)-(7)cap(复数形式)-(8)spring(对应词)-11我能根据图片提示完成句子。(1)(2)She is _. He is _(3)(4)I am _. They are_.评卷人得分三、选择题12Here _ noodles with meat. ( )Ais Bam Care13If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the _. ( )AhospitalBlibraryCcinema14They _ drinking soya milk. ( )AisBamCare15Lets to the cinema. ( )AgoBgo

5、esCgoing16Look _the people _the park.( )Aat, onBon, inCat, in17_ are you going? ( )Im going to the supermarket.AWhatBWhenCWhereDHow18What _ the children doing? ( )AamBisCare19How much _ it? ( )AamBisCare20Happy birthday. ( )_AThank you.BHappy birthday.CNot at all.21_ you want some rice? ( )ADoBCanCD

6、oes22_ is the train? ( )Its at the station.AWhatBWhere23- Where is the cinema? ( )-Its _the supermarket.AnearBdown24The Science Museum is near the school _the right.( )AonBatCin25-Is there a cinema near your home? ( )-_.AYes, there isnt.BYes, there is.CNo, there is.26He is a boat. ( )ArowingBrowsCro

7、w27 are they doing? ( )AWhoBWhatCWhere28_ is your school? ( )Its beside the supermarket.AWhatBHowCWhere29Amy and Lingling to music now.( )Aare listeningBis listeningClistens30Lets _ a look. ( )AhasBhaveChaving31Do you want some fish? ( )_. I am full.AYes, pleaseBNo, thanksCOK32-_ is the fish? ( )-It

8、s ten yuan.AHow manyBHow muchCWhat33- are you from? ( )- Im from China.AWhatBWhoCWhere34He _ playing basketball. ( )AlikesBlikeCliking35What interesting film! ( )A/BaCan36Im your left. ( )AinBon37Turn left _ the bookstore.AonBatCto38 What is the dog doing? ( )_.AIt is runBIts runningCIt ran39Lets _

9、the bus.Aget onBget toCgetting40Whats the elephant_?( )AdoBdoesCdoing41There were lots of little trees here. Now _ tall trees.Athere areBthere isCthere were选出不同类的一项,只填序号42AsunnyBwindyCsnow43AwinterBcoldCsummer44AroomBbookCpencil45AwarmBhotCpark46AbrotherBmotherCphoto47给下列单词选择相应的中文翻译,只填序号。( )(1) soon

10、 A很快,不久 B慢,很慢( )(2)dirty A干净的 B脏的( )(3) important A不重要 B重要的( )(4) top A底部 B顶部( )(5) minute A分钟 B小时评卷人得分四、连词成句连词成句。48stickers, have, how, do, many, apple, you(?)_49those, at, brown, look, monkeys(.)_50Mike, table tennis, can, play, too(?)_51a, like, pineapple, you, would(?)_52and, looks, it, funny, so, lovely(.)_连词成句53can, get, How, I, the, museum, to, science_?54wants, Mike, post, office, to, the, go, to_.55interesting, film, an, what._!56left, turn, bookstore, at, the_.57lights,



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