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1、九年级英语期末练习题二、单项选择:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(15分)( )21-HowdoyoulearnEnglish? -_studyingwithagroup. AIn BBy COn DTo( )22-_you_toplaythe piano? -YesIdid ADouse BDoes,used CDid,use DDid,used( )23-_itistooheavyforme? -Dont worryIll helpyou AHowaboutBWhatabout CWhatif DWhy( )24-Ithinkyoud bettergowithyourfathe

2、r-No,Idrather_athomeAstay Btostay Cstays Dstaying( )25. -Look! WhoseMP3isitonthefloor? -It_belongtoJimmyIboughtitforhimasagiftlastweek ACall Bmust Cneed Dmay( )26. -Jack_Englishbetterthanyou - Really? Adospeak Bdoesspeak Cdospeaks Ddoesspeaks( )27-Tellmethetruthplease! -_,Ivenoideawhodidit ATobehone

3、st BOK CNoproblem DToyoursurprise( )28-Itstoonoisyoutside -_closethewindow? AWhy BWhynotCWhynotto DWhy to( )29.-_youagoodtrip! -ThankyouAhopeB1ikeCwantDwish( )30Doyouthinktheorganizationwillbe_?Asetup B1ookedupCtakenup Dfixedup( )31Theemperor _that theleavesinthewaterproducedapleasantsmell Awatched

4、Bnoticed Csaw Dheard( )32By thetimehe_outside,thebushadalreadyleft Aget Bgets Cgetting Dgot( )33-HiLiMingAreyougetting_wellwithyourclassmates? -Ofcourse Aback Bup Cof D along( )34- DoyouknowTom,oneofmyclassmates,_fromCanada? - Yes, Ido A. is B.areCcome Dgo( )35-Wouldyouliketogotothe party? - If he d

5、oesnt go,_.A .neither do I B. neither I do C. neither will I D. neither I will三、完形填空(10分)Jimmy started painting when he was four years oldWhen he was six, he was already very good at itHe 36 many beautiful and interesting pictures, and people 37 a lot of money on themThey said,“This boys going to be

6、 famous when hes a little 38 ,and then were going to 39 these pictures for much more moneyThen we will get rich” Jimmys pictures were 40 from other peoples because he never painted on the whole piece of 41 He painted on half of it,and 42 half was always empty “Thats very clever,” everyone said,“ 43

7、else does that!” One day somebody bought one of Jimmys 44 and then said to him,Please tell me this,JimmyWhy do you paint on the bottom(底部)half of your paper,but not on the 45 half?”“ Because Im small,” Jimmy said, “and my brushes cant reach very high” ( )36Atook Bborrowed C1ent D. painted( )37Aspent

8、 Bbought Cwanted D. needed( )38Asmaller Bolder C. thinner D. taller( )39Afill Bbuy Csell Ddraw( )40Adifferent Bsimilar Caway D. good( )41Aglass Bwood Cpaper D. table( )42Atheother Bother Cothers D. another( )43. AAnybody BSomebody CEverybody DNobody( )44. Abrushes Bbooks C. pictures D. pens( )45 Ami

9、ddle Btop C. right D. left四、阅读选择(20分)A BillClintontookofficeonJanuary20,1993andbecamethe42ndUS president. HeWastheFirst U.SpresidentwhowasbornafterWorldWar.Hewas also oneoftheyoungestofall U.S. presidents. Clintonwasborninapoor family. Threemonthsbefore hewas born,hisfather ,William Blats,died .When

10、he was small,hismother remarried Norget Clinton,sotheboysfamilynamewas changedInthe summerof1963,ClintonWasaskedtovisitthecityofWashingtonDuringhisvisit,hemetPresidentKennedyintheWhiteHouse. Atthattime, hewantedto becomeapresidentAndsomeyearslaterhisdreamcametrue!( )46Clintonbecamethe 42ndU.Spreside

11、nt_Abeforehisfather died BonJanuary20,1993C. inthe summerof1963 Dwhenhewastwenty( )47.Clintons father died_A .after Clintonbecamethe 42ndU.SpresidentB. beforeClintonwas bornC. before WorldWar D. when Clintonwasyoung( )48.WhyWastheboysname changed?ABecausehebecameapresidentB. BecausehisfamilywasverypoorCBecausehisfather was deadD. BecausehismotherremarriedNorgetClinton( )49In1963Clintoncametothecity ofWashington_


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