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1、必修3 Module 1 EuropeI.高频单词必记1._prep.横过;穿过_vt.横过;穿过2._vt.面向;面对 3._n.山脉4._adj.位于 5._n.计划;项目;工程6._adj.古代的 7._prep.在对面8._n.特点9._adj.大陆的;大洲的_n.大洲10._n.象征;符号_adj.象征性的11._vt.签署 n.迹象;标志_n.签名12._vt.统治;治理_n.政府_n.统治者13._adj.坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的_n.形势;情况;地理位置_v.将置于II.重点短语1. look like看上去像;看起来像 2.more than多于;不仅仅3.be fam

2、ous for因而著名 4.work on从事;进行5.fromuntil从到 6.because of因为;由于7.last for持续;延续 8.all the time总是;一直9.be known as以闻名 10.ever since自此;自那时起11.next to靠近;紧挨着 12.refer to指;查阅;参考;适用于13.in terms of谈到;从方面;依据 pare with与比较15.have control over对加以控制 16.little by little逐渐地III经典句型必会一 Between France and Spain is another m

3、ountain range-the Pyrenees.法国和西班牙之间是另一座山脉-比利牛斯山脉。表地点的介词短语位于句首时,引起句子的完全倒装。完全倒装是指将句子的谓语部分全部置于主语之前,常见的情形有:A表示地点、时间等的介词短语放于句首时。On the ground lay an old sick goat.地上躺着一只有病的老山羊。Bhere, there, now, then等副词置于句首谓语动词是be, come, go, lie等时。There goes the bell.铃响了。Look! Here comes the bus.看,汽车来了。C表示运动方向的副词或地点状语如in

4、, out, away, off, up, down等置于句首且谓语动词是表示运动的动词时。Out rushed the children.孩子们冲了出来。全部倒装一般具有以下两个条件:1) 谓语动词是单个(即不带情态动词、助动词或be 动词)的不及物动词,且只限于一般现在时或一般过去时。2)主语只能是名词。巩固练习1._ and caught the mouse.A.Up the cat jumped B. The cat up jumped C. Up jumped the cat D. Jumped up the cat2._ and the lesson began.A. In cam

5、e Mr. Brown B. Mr. Brown in cameC. In came he D. came in Mr. Brown3.-Where is your father? -Oh, _.A.here he comes B. he here comes C. here does he come D. here comes he4.Now _ your turn to recite the text.A.will come B. comes C. has come D. there is5.At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the

6、 Jialing River _, one of the ten largest cities in China.A. lies Chongqing B. Chongqing lies C. does lie Chongqing D. does Chongqing lie6.Often _ them not to smoke here.A.we advised B. advised me C. did we advise D. had we advised7._ playing soldiers.A.Inside the room were two boys B.Inside the room

7、 two boysC.Were two boys inside the room D.Inside the room was two boys8.On the wall _ two large portraits.A.are hanging B.Among them was a soldierC.Among them a soldier was D.Among they was a soldier9.Next door to ours _, who is no less than eighty.A.that lives an old man B.does an old man liveC.li

8、ves an old man D.where lives an old man二Neither Amy nor Helen is English.埃米和海伦都不是英国人。neithernor连接两个主语时,谓语动词要用就近原则,采用就近原则的还有:notbut, not onlybut also, or, eitheror, whether or, there / here be三.The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people, twice as big as the popula

9、tion of the United States.扩大后的欧盟有5亿多人口,这个数目是美国人口的两倍。 巩固练习1._ the population of Europe in 2008?A.What was B.What were C.How many are D.How much is2.-_ is the _ of China?- Its more than one billion three hundred million.A.How many; popularity B.How much; populationC.What; population D.What; popularity

10、3.The enlarged school campus is _ the old one.A.as three times big as B.three times as big asC.bigger three times than D.as big as three times4.I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times _.A.as much B.as many C.so much D.so many5.Ten years ago the population of our vill

11、age was _ that of theirs.A.as twice large as B.twice as large asC.twice as much as D.as twice much as6.Paper produced every year is _ the worlds production of vehicles.A.the three times weight of B.three times the weight ofC.as three times as heavier as D.three times as heavier asIV.重点词语辨析1. agree w

12、ith, agree to, agree on 与agree that1) agree with表示“同意”某人或某种见解、观点,即两个人或两个以上协商一致,持同一意见。2) agree to sth.表示同意计划、提议、办法、事件、建议等。3) agree on sth.表示双方就某事达成一致意见。4) agree that+clause e.g. They have all agreed that he is guiltless.他们一致同意他是无罪的。He agreed to the plan.他同意这个计划。They all agreed on the plan.他们在这个计划上达成一

13、致意见。语言点专项练习1. The temple _ on the top of the mountain.A.is situated B.situates C.has located D.is locating2.The Great Wall winds its way from west to east, _ deserts _ mountains, and _ valleys, till at last it reaches the sea.A.over; across; across B.through; past; pastC.across; over; through D.past; through; over3.The library is on the _ side of the road from the school.A.across B.contrary


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