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1、高二英语限时阅读训练(九)ASkiping classes violates(违反) school rules and a poor attendance record will damage your final mark. But some college students still try every means to escape classes. The number of these rebels may be much bigger than you think. Three students from Anhui Normal University However, its

2、good for schools and teachers to know via the website the reasons why students skip classes, according to Professor Xiao Haitao from Shenzhen University. Xao pointed out that some students skip classes because of laziness. Others play truant because the teaching is truly dissatisfactory, “Universiti

3、es can seek improvements to give a cure to the class-skipping problem,” said Xiao.Chen Yang, 21, thinks that he is “forced to skip some courses because of the poor teaching. The senior, majoring in English at Yangtze University, thinks that hes wasting time in the classroom when the teacher reads th

4、e textbook word for word or hands him outdated reading materials. He would rather skip classes to study in the library, watch online videos of Harvard or Yale lectures, or sit in on(旁听)other courses he is interested in. Chen draws a clear line between himself and those who skip classes in order to g

5、et more sleep or fool around on campus. He emphasized, “I skip classes with a clear goal, which is to probe into areas Im interested in andbroaden my horizons.”Li Sicen, President of the National Taiwan University, seems to be on Chens side. Li claimed that he supported those students who skip class

6、es for good reasons.However, Professor Xiao warns students that Li is not giving permission for students to skip classes. Xiao suggests that Li was just showing his understanding of truancy(旷课) in a limited number of cases.In Professor Pan Cuiqiongs opinion, students tend to jump to the conclusion t

7、hat a certain course is boring and useless. “To clear students misunderstanding, teachers should use materials closely related to students lives and adapt interactive teaching methods.” said Pan.Besides offering teachers more training, schools also need to give students different optional courses an

8、d ensure that they can attend the courses they are interested in, according to Professor Xiao. Many Chinese students have the experience of being kicked out of an optional course because its size is limited. They are then forced to choose courses they dislike and are likely to skip them. We may lear

9、n from Sydney University in Australia. There arent any problems with numbers-if a course is popular then there will be more than one class per week.56. The underlined word “rebels” in Paragraph One refers to “_ .”A. students who embarrass their universities B. students who establish websitesC. stude

10、nts who skip classes D. students who quarrel with their parents57. Chen Yang Skips some courses because _. A. he wants to get more sleep B. his school is more student-centeredC. he wants to fool around on campus D. the teaching style needs much improvement58. According to the passage, we learn that

11、Professor Xiao _. A. is giving permission for students to skip classesB. thinks the website will help to know why students skip classesC. thinks its embarrassing for the three students to establish ID. claimed that he supported those students who skip classes for good reasons59. Which of the followi

12、ng measures is NOT mentioned to stop students skipping classes?A. Schools should offer teachers more training.B. Students should be punished if they skip classes. C. Teachers should adopt practical materials and flexible teaching methods.D. Schools need to ensure that students can attend various cou

13、rses they are interested in.BReading is thought to be a kind of conversation between the reader and the text. The reader puts questions to the text and gets answers. With these answers he puts further questions, and so on.For most of the time this “conversation” goes on below the level of consciousn

14、ess (意识状态). At times, however, we become aware of it. This is usually when we are running into difficulties, when mismatch is occurring between our expectations and meaning of the text. When successful matching is being experienced, our questioning of the text continues at the unconscious level.repr

15、esents higher levels of comprehension. The balance between these is important, especially for the advanced readers.There is another conversation which from our point of view is equally important, and that has nothing to do with what is read but with how it is read. We call this a “process” conversat

16、ion as opposed to (相对) “content” conversation. It is concerned not with meaning but with the strategies(策略) we employ in reading. If we are advanced readers our ability to hold a content conversation with text is usually well developed. Not so our ability to hold a process conversation. It is just this kind of conversation that is of importance when we are seeking to


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