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1、Unit 2 What should I do?structuresmodalscould, should;why dont you? (formulaic)target languagemy brother plays his cd too loud.what should i do?why dont you talk to him about it?vocabularyargue, loud, original, out of style, tutor, upset, adultlearning strategieslistening for specific information; c

2、ooperatingunit 2 what should i do?part 1: teaching design第一部分教学设计section agoals to learn to usecould, should; why dont you?to give advice to learn to use words: argue, loud, original, out of style, tutor, upset, adultprocedureswarming up by learning aboutshouldandcouldhi, everyone!we all have proble

3、ms. so we need to give and take advice. but how to give and take advice? well, we can useshouldandcould.shouldshouldis used to give advice and make recommendations and to talk about obligation, duty and what is expected to happen. reference is to the present and the future.shouldis similar tomustbut

4、 is not as strong asmust: you shouldalways wear ahelmetwhen you go out cycling on busy roads. once the pack is opened, the cooked meat insideshouldbeconsumedwithin three days. should i tell herthat her son is playing truant and skipping school? i thinkyou should.she should knowabout it.couldcouldcan

5、 be used to ask for permission, to make a request and express ability in the past. compare the following: could iborrow your black dress for the formal dinner tomorrow? of course you can! could youdo me a favour and pick pete up from the station? of course i will! i couldalreadyswimby the time i was

6、 three. could you really? i couldnt swim until i was eight.1alooking and writingeveryone has his problems. so do you, and so do i. now turn to page 10 to read the five statements of problems and put them into the right box.seriousnot seriousi dont have enough money.i argued with my best friend.my pa

7、rents want me to stay at home every night.my brother plays his cds too loud.my clothes are out of style.1b listening and circlingyou will go on to listen and circle the problems you hear in activity 1a.now you will read the tapescript tounderlineall the useful expressions.1c doing pairworkyou will l

8、ook at the problems in 1a and make conversations in pairs.a:whats wrong?b:i dont have enough money.a:maybe you should ask your father for some more money.a:whats wrong?b:i argued with my best friend.a:maybe you could go to your teacher for some advice.a:whats wrong?b:my parents want me to stay at ho

9、me every night.a:maybe you could watch tv for a change.a:whats wrong?b:my brother plays his cds too loud.a:maybe you could go and ask him to turn it down a little.a:whats wrong?b:my clothes are out of style.a:maybe you should buy some new ones.2a listening and circlingpeters friend is giving him adv

10、ice. circle the word “could” or “should” you hear.now you will read the tapescript tounderlineall the useful expressions.2b listening and drawinglisten again. why doesnt peter like his friends advice? draw lines to match the advice with the reasons.advicereasons that peter doesnt like the advice.1.

11、you could write him a letter.2. maybe you should call him up.3. you should say youre sorry.4. maybe you go could to his house.5. you could give him a ticket to a ball game.a. its not easy.b. i dont have enough money.c. i dont want to surprise him.d. i dont like writing letters.e. i dont want to talk

12、 about it on the phone.2c doing groupworknext you will role play the conversation between peter and his friend.a:whats the matter, peter?b:i had an argument with my best friend. i dont know what i should do.a:i think you could write him a letter.b:but i dont like writing letters.a:then you should ca

13、ll him up.b:but i dont want to talk about it on the phone.a:what? then you should say you are sorry.b:i know i should say i am sorry, but its not easy.a:maybe you could go to his house.b:i guess i could go to his house, but i dont want to surprise him.a:you could buy him a ticket to a ball game.b:we

14、ll, thats not a bad idea, but i dont have enough money.3a reading and writingyou will read the conversation on page 12. write “good idea”, “okay idea”, or “bad idea” next to each suggestion.eve: i need to get some money topay for summer camp. what should i do?anna:well, you couldget a part-time job.

15、 okay ideaeve: i dont have time.maria:ihave an idea. you couldborrow some money from your brother. good ideaeve: no, he doesnt have any money, either.dennis: i think you shouldask your parents for some money. bad ideaanna:or you couldsell your cds. good ideaeve: no, i dont think so. i love my cds.dennis: maybe you couldhave a bake sale. okay ideaeve: no, i cant bake.dennis: then maybe you shouldcall “teen talk”, the radio advice


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