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1、江苏省南通市七年级(下)开学英语试卷含答案七年级(下)开学英语试卷题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXXXI总分得分一、单项选择题(本大题共20 小题,共20.0 分)1.I have a cat _ name is Mimi ()A. ItB. ItsC. ItsD. Itself2._ ! Can you_the birds singing in the tree ()A. Listen ; hearB. Hear; listenC. Listen ; listenD. Hear; hear3.Do you know people wear special costumes_mas

2、ks at Halloween ?()A. ofB. atC. asD. with4.Please help yourselves to some_ , boys and girls ()A. fishesB. vegetableC. chickenD. hamburger5.He never _ hamburger _ sweets()A. eats, andB. eat, orC. eats, orD. eat,and6.Dont eat _ sugar, you will get _ fat()A. too much ; much tooB. much too; too muchC. t

3、oo many ; too muchD. too much; too many7.Can you _ it _ English ?()A. say,withB. speak,inC. talk , toD. say, in8.He can speak Chinese, but not _ ()A. littleB. manyC. fewD. much9.Uncle Wang thinks the boots make his feet _ warm ()A. feelingB. feelsC. to feelD. feel10.-Can you give me _ minutes ?()A.

4、ten moreB. ten anotherC. ten manyD. ten other11.Is this room _the meeting ?()A. large enough to haveB. enough large to haveC. large enough havingD. enough large having12.- _ do you like best among all these T-shirts ?-I like the read one best()A. WhatB. What oneC. WhoseD. Which one13.Wenfeng Great W

5、orld _ at 9 a m and _ at 9 pm every day ()A.is open;is closeB.is openedis close;C. open; closeD. opens; closes14.At Halloween , if people dont give the children a _,they will play a _ on them ()A.trick;treatB.treattrickC.treat;tripD.trick;trip;15.Kate wants to buy some gifts different from _()A. San

6、dyB. SandysC. SandysD. Sandyes16._ students like sports They like doing _ on Sundays ()A. Most of ; exerciseB. Most of the ; exercisesC. Most ; exercisesD. Most ; exercise17.I need a dress to_ my white shoesDo you think this pink one_me well?()第1页,共 15页A. fit ; fitB. fit; matchC. match; matchD. matc

7、h; fit18.-Can I help you ?-_ , please!I want something to drink now()A. Two orangesB. Two glasses juiceC. Two bottles of orange juiceD. Two orange juice19.The price of the computer is not _ but cars are very _()A.high;expensiveB.;highexpensiveC. high ; highD. expensive; expensive20.I dont like this

8、pair of glasses Could you show me _ ?()A. the other oneB. the other pairC. another oneD. another pair二、完形填空(本大题共10 小题,共 10.0 分)Tomorrow Ill be one of the first students to travel into space Im so(21) ! The spaceship will (22) the Earth at 9am It will take us to the Moon I cant wait!The moon is about

9、 380,( 000kilometers (23) the Earth It will take us about four days to (24) there Theres no gravity(重力) in space,so we can (25) around in the spaceship We will have to tie(绑) ourselves to our (26) so that we wont float away in our sleep! Without gravity , our bodies may get (27), so we will have to

10、do exercise every dayWhen we arrive , Im going to walk on the Moon Ill have to (28) a spacesuit(太空服) to help me breathe(呼吸) (29) theres no air on the Moon Im going to take many photos if my (30) still works up there Im looking forward to it 21.A. hungryB. sadC. happy22.A. leaveB. goC. arrive23.A. fromB. forC. in24.A. runB. getC. walk25.A. swimB. flyC. float (飘荡)26.A. tablesB. chairsC. beds27.A. healthyB. weakC. strong28.A. playB. wearC. buy29.A. becauseB. orC. so30.A. TVB. radioC. camera三、阅读理解(本大题共20 小题,共40.0 分)A



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