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1、优选-初中八年级的英语上册的期末测试卷习题一、 听力 考(每小1 分,共 15 分). 依据你听到的句子,出与所听内容符合的片。每 个句子 两遍。1. _2. _3. _4._5. _. 听,并依据提出的正确的答案。和都 两遍。() 6 . A. going to the park.B. visiting her grandmother.C. spending timewith her friends()7.A. She was working in the park.B. She was hitting the motorbike.C. She was walking.()8.A. Bill

2、.B. Tom.C. Ann.()9.A. She takes the bus to school.B. She walks to school.C. She rides a bike to school.()10. A. She has to study for a test.B. She has to go to school.C. She has to go to the doctors. . 音中有一篇短文,短文 三遍,依据 你听到的短文 内容判断以下句子正 ,正确的用“T”表示,不正确的用“F”表示。( )11. Jim usually gets up at six in the m

3、orning.()12. Jim has lunch at school on weekdays.()13. Jim doesn twatch TV on Sunday evening.()14. There a re 3 people in Jims family.()15. Jim goes to bed at 9oclock.二、填空(每小 1 分,共 15 分)() 16.hot it is today! Let us go swimming. Good idea!A. HowB. What aC. What()17. Will you please _ the TV? I want

4、to see the Animal World.A. turn offB. turn downC. turn on()18. The banana is too big.You can _ first.A. cut up themB. cut them upC. cut it up()19. Therea concert sometime next week.A. is going to beB. are going to beC. is going to have() 20. Hi, Amy! How _ your school trip to the beach?Hi, Tom! We _

5、 a good time there.A. is, havingB. was, hadC. are, had()21.IfitSunnyto morrow, we will go swimming in the river.A. isB. wasC. is going to be()22.The box isheavy for the boycarry. let us help him.A. too toB. so, thatC. too,that()23.There ismeat butcakes on the plate. Please have one.A. a littlea fewB

6、. littlea fewC. a fewa little() 24.It is easya chicken sandwich.A. makesB. to makeC. making()25. It was an _soccer game. The soccer fans were very _. / A. exciting, exciting B. exciting, excitedC. excited, excited()26. It s raining. You _ out now.A. had better not goB. had not better goC. didn thave

7、()27.I am going to Beijing for a holiday.A. GoodbyeB. Have a goodtimeC. Really()28. _ we keep the room clean enough all the time?No, you _.A. Must; doesnthave toB. Do; don thave to C. Must; mustnt()29 What s _ food in China?A. popularB. more popularC. the most popular()30. Although he is very old,he

8、 works very hard.A. andB. butC.不填三、完形 填空(每小 题 1 分,共 10 分)What do the people usually do on weekends? Some people like to31 at home, but others like togo out for a walk or play football. Mr Smith32 hard in a factory during (在时期) the33 . On theweekends, he usually34the same thing. On Saturday he washes

9、 his car and on35 he goeswith his family to a village(乡村 ) by car. His uncle and aunt36a farm there. It isnt a big one, butthere is always37 to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them some38 .Mr and Mrs Smith help in the field. At the end of the day, they are all39and Mr Smi

10、thsaunt 40 them a big meal.3 l. A. playB. stayC. beD. so32.A. worksB. doesC. m akesD. studies33.A. dayB. yearC. weekD. month34.A. doesB. doC. makeD. has35.A. FridayB. SaturdayC. ThursdayD. Sunday36.A. haveB. hasC. bringD. find37.A. manyB. muchC. anyD. most38.A. foodB. riceC. cakesD. fruit39.A. fullB

11、. angryC. hungryD. happy40.A. giveB. putsC. makesD. does四、阅读理解(每小 题2 分,共30 分)AOne of the most popular items (项 ) in the school newspaper is the advice column (专栏 ) Here aresome of the questions asked and their answers -Q: Im always late for schoolI try not to be late, but I cant help itPlease advise

12、 me about what todo Tommy A: You are probably late for school because you dont really like schoolMy advice to you is to enjoyschool more, and then you wont be late so oftenQ: I find it difficult to make friendsWhat do you think I should do? SaraA: I cant advise you until I know more about youYour pr

13、oblem may be that you are shyOn the otherhand, it may be the oppositeYou may be too bold(勇敢 ) Write and tell me more about yourselfQ: Im always at the bottom of the class What do you advise me to do? MollyA: I advise you to try to improve your grades in one subject at first Next, try to improve your gradesin another subject If you d



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