英语必修5外研版module 3同步学案(测试题及答案)[ 高考]

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1、英语必修5外研版Module 3同步学案测试题及答案课时作业(二十七)Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学和电影中的奇遇.单项填空1Mr Turner looked_he had completed the task by himself.But in fact,he had little contribution to the achievement.Aeven thoughBin thatCnow that Das if2He focused on his test papers,_never_the same mistakes.Adetermi

2、ned;to repeat Bbeing determined;to repeatCdetermined;repeating Ddetermining;repeating3He was_by the loud noise and a_look appeared on his face.Afright;frightened Bfrightened;frighteningCfrightened;frightened Dfrightened;frightful4Having walked in the desert for several days,we felt exhausted,but we

3、had to find a pool before the water we had in the bottle_.Aran out of Bran awayCran out Dran off5Can I speak to Alice,please?_Ill go to ask her right away.AGet a move on. BHello!CHang on a minute. DWhos that?6Its been raining for a week on_end,as if it would never come to_end!A/;an Ban;/Can;an D/;/7

4、Although Jim is well known for his sense of humour,he is in no_for telling jokes today.Aattitude BemotionCmood Dfeeling8Young children are_about everything and quickly learn to imitate what they see.Aobvious BcuriousCanxious Dserious9The two boys_each other in appearance but differ widely in their t

5、astes.Aare resembling BresembleCare resembled Dresembled10I wore my evening suit and turned up in all my glory,only_everyone else was casually dressed.Afinding BfoundChaving found Dto find11He was dismissed,because he had been_to be punctual but was late again.Awarned BencouragedCallowed Dforbidden1

6、2She was invited but she didnt want to go to the party,so she_an excuse.Aput up Bgave upCmade up Dshowed up13Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas,wind and other forms of_.Aenergy BsourceCpower Dforce14(2021年海淀一模)When Madam Curie did the science experiment again,she was more careful

7、 where she_a mistake.Amade Bhas madeCwas making Dhad made15He bought many lottery tickets,never_any prize.Awinning B to winCwon Dhad won.完形填空 (201*年东北三校第二次联考)I first met her on the beach near where I live.I drive to this beach a_1_of three or four miles,whenever Im feeling down.At that time she was_

8、2_something.Looking_3_,she said,“Hello. I nodded,not wanting to_4_with a small child.“Im Wendy and Im building something, she said.“I see.But what is it? I asked,not_5_.“I dont know.I just like the_6_of sand.A sandpiper (矶鹞鸟) flew by.“Thats a_7_.Mum says sandpipers come to bring us joy.“Goodbye,joy,

9、 I thought to myself,“hello,_8_. and walked away.My life then seemed completely out of_9_.“Come again, she called,“and have another_10_day.But the days and weeks that followed_11_to other people:naughty boys and a_12_mother.One morning I suddenly realized I needed my_13_and headed for the beach.The

10、breeze was cool,but I walked along,trying to recapture (捕捉) the inner peace I needed.I had almost_14_the child so I was surprised when she appeared.“_15_do you live? I asked.She pointed toward a summer cottage.Then one day,I rushed to my beach in great pain,even in no_16_to greet the girl.“If you do

11、nt mind, I said coldly,“Id rather be_17_today. She seemed unusually_18_ and out of breath.“Why? she asked.“My mother died!“Did it hurt when she died?“Of course it hurt! I shouted,misunderstanding her.When I next went to the beach,she wasnt there.Feeling_19_,and admitting I_20_her,I went up to the co

12、ttage.A woman answered the door.“Wendy,my daughter,died last week.She had leukemia (白血病)Maybe she didnt tell you.BdistanceCspaceDreach2A.observingBdrawingCbuildingDcollecting3A.upBout Cdown Dover4A.work BplayCsay Dtalk5A.caring BseeingCwanting Dworrying6A.feel BsenseCsmell Dcomfort7A.sorrow BjoyCpit

13、y Dlie8A fort BpleasureCkindness Dpain9A.balance BsightCmind Drange10A.sad Bhappy Cbusy DfineB.ledC.belongedD.relatedB.poorC.lonelyD.sickB.sandpiperC.chanceD.holidayB.knownC.noticedD.forgottenB.WhatC.WhereD.WhichB.timeC.wayD.placeB.lonelyC.uniqueD.specialB.paleC.goodD.powerfulB.excitedC.coldD.puzzledB.lostC.troubledD.missed.阅读理解(201*年英语周报模拟六)Living in a green area can make you live longer,according to research published today.The research also shows that the difference in life expectancy (预期寿命) be



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