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1、学 科English课 型New课 时2课时课 题What does she look like?班级2011级文秘班教 材中等职业教育规划教材 英语 (第二版)高等教育出版社出版教 学目 标知识目标(1)ask and answer questions about ones appearance using learned sentences. (2)compare people or things by using er and est.能力目标培养学生自学能力、创新能力、合作能力情感目标1、培养学生团结协作的精神,激发学生的学习兴趣2、培养学生坚忍不拔的品质教 学重 点adj+eradj

2、+est教学 用具多媒体教学自制课件、图片、录音机。教 学难 点Read and matchRole play教材 处理 思路本课以练听、说技能为主,同时呈现语法。本课中渗透了本单元的语法-形容词、副词的比较级的用法,要求学生通过题目自己观察,总结。其中:task1是一个词汇分类的练习,通过将所给词汇的分类,帮助学生积累更多的关于描写人物外貌的词汇;task2为对话练习,设计了一个场景,将功能融于真实的语境中;task3是一个机械的替代练习,就task2所出现的句子进行拓展训练;task4是把本单元语法和功能结合起来的练习,这里的语法只是起到呈现的作用,学生通过观察句子能看到语法现象就到达目的

3、了;task5是对主要句式进行交际训练;task6是对学习目标的检测。 教学环节教学内容教师活动学生活动设计意图Task1:read and matchListen and tick(5)1. hair:blond, long, short, gray, curly, straight, thick2. height:tall, short, average3. age:young, old, sixteen years old, in his/her twenties4. eyes:big, small, black, brown, blind5. build:thin, slim, fat

4、, strong, weak6. looks:handsome, attractive, pretty, lovely, ugly让学生根据要求把描述不同面貌的词汇分类填进表格。把不同的词汇分类并讨论。引出重点难点。Task2:listen and fill inAlice someone is waiting for you at the school gate.Who is it?I dont know. I forget to ask for her name.How old is she?She looks older than you, in her twenties.What do

5、es she look like?She has a short curly hair. She is taller than you.Does she wear glasses?Yes, she does.What clothes is she wearing?She is wearing a black dress.She must be my sister.播放录音,把重点单词讲解。听录音,把所缺单词填上。将抽象的语法融于具体的语境中。Task3:ask and answer1. How old are you? How old is she/he?(Im 18. hes about 1

6、9 years old. Shes in her thirties.)2. What does she/he look like? What clothes does she/he usually wear? What is she wearing?(he is very tall, the tallest in our class. She is pretty with long black hair. She usually wears a school uniform. She is wearing a suit.)提问并组织学生合作完成练习题。公布正确答案,纠错。根据答案找出错误原因。

7、对重点句型反复训练。Task4: look and comparejack Leomark1. After 20 minutes walk, jack is tired because he is (heavy).2. Leo is more tired because he is (heavier) than jack.3. Mark is the most tired because he is the (heaviest) in the three.展示图片,吸引学生的注意力转向重点句型。看图片并用课本的句型尝试描述人物。用图片引导学生的精力放在本课能力上。Task5:look and

8、describeexample:This is Leonardo. He is handsome. He is wearing a shirt.LeonardoBarbaraGeorge walker bushliuxiang提供参考选项,让学生自主选择描述对象。分组讨论。合作能力的拓展。板书、read and match、listen and fill in old older look short taller、ask and answer、Look and describe作业 1. Master the new words.2. understand the dialogues about describing a person教 学反 思本课的对话主要是培养学生的口语表达能力,并让学生初步感知语法。因此,教师应当让学生充分发挥他们的积极性、主动性,以多种方式组织学生练习对话,以达到本课的目的。- 1 -


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