Fun time&Cartoon time17.docx

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1、Unit 5 How old are you?Fun time & Cartoon time一、教学目标:1、在第一课时基础上,能进一步建立单词nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten的音、行、义的联系。2、学生能初步听懂、会说、会读单词right, out, want,能初步听懂并会说句型What a ! Make a wish.能理解cartoon time 的幽默之处。二、教学重、难点:1.学生能听懂、会说、会读单词right, out, want,能初步听懂并会说句What a ! Make a wish.能理解cartoon time 的幽默之

2、处。2.能熟练掌握数字,进一步建立单词nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten的音、行、义的联系,并尝试在日常生活中使用这些数词。三、教学过程:Step 1 Free talk and motivation :1Sing a song.2. Play a game Super Hammer3. Listen and write :一人报电话号码,另一人听写。4. Fun time T: Lets play a game with the numbers. Ill give you a number, then you tell me the number

3、 after it and before it . Dont forget to lift up your number cards.T: Nine.Ss: Seven and ten.T:Sorry , youre out ./Yes , youre right.a Lets play together .b Lets play in groups.c Show time!5.Review story time6.T:Mike 、Helen and Tim are very happy, they get some toys from the Toy Museum .Do you want

4、to go to the Toy Museum ?7.T: Welcome to Toy Museum .There are many toys here,What do you want ?S: I want a Step 2 Presentation 1.T:Are you happy? Sam is happy, too. Why? Show the picture of Sam.Hes having a birthday party.2. Watch and answer: (1) How old is he? Hes two. (2) What does Sam want? T: I

5、ts Sams birthday, he makes a wish. 新授 Make a wish. 出示图4 和图5; I want a _ . I want a _. 继续出示 I want What a nice cake ! 出示多幅图理解这个句子。3.Lets discuss and act.出示Bobby 的表情, Why is Bobby not happy?指导朗读:Its time for the cake.4.Read after the tape. 在学生理解课文情节并已学会新句子的基础上,跟读,注意不同角色的语句。 领会幽默之处:Bobby is hungry. But

6、 Sam make a lot of wishes.5.Act in roles.Step 3 Consolidation1. T: Sam had a good time at his birthday party. How old are you? What do you want? Please make a new dialogue with your friends.Key sentences: Happy birthday!How old are you? Make a wish! I want a . Its time for the cake.2.Summary(1).当你想问别人几岁的时候,你会说:(2).当你想夸奖东西很好的时候,你会说:(3).当别人生日时,你会说:(4).当你生日时想许愿的时候,你会说:(5).当该做某件事情的时候,你会说:Step4 Homework1. Read Cartoon time 3 times , and listen to the tape.2. Talk about your birthday with your friends and your parents.


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