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1、THE ACADEMIC WORD LISTabandon v. go away from (a person or thing or place) not intending to return; forsake; desert 丢弃; 中止, 放弃; 遗弃, 抛弃; 使放纵abstract adj. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical existence 抽象的; 纯理论的; 深奥的academy n. school for special training 学院; 研究院; 大学

2、; 学会access n. means of approaching or entering (a place); way in 接近; 使用; 进入的权利, 接近的机会; 门路, 通道, 入口; 病菌的侵入; 允许进入一个电脑系统和/或接受资料 (计算机用语) accommodate v. provide lodging or room for 调节, 使适应, 和解; 供应; 适应accompany v. walk or travel with (sb) as a companion or helper; escort 陪同, 伴随; 随着.发生; 为.伴唱, 为.伴奏; 伴唱, 伴奏ac

3、cumulate v. gradually get or gather together an increasing number or quantity of get (sth) in this way积聚, 累积; 积攒; 积成堆; 累积, 聚积accurate adj. free from error积聚, 累积; 积攒; 积成堆; 累积, 聚积achieve v. gain or reach (sth), usu by effort, skill, courage, etc实现, 完成; 赢得, 达到; 达到目的acknowledge v. accept the truth of ad

4、mit (sth) 承认; 告知收到; 对.打招呼; 答谢acquire v. gain (sth) by ones own ability, efforts or behaviour获得, 学到, 取得adapt v. sth (for sth) make sth suitable for a new use, situation, etc; modify sth使适应, 使适合; 改建, 改造; 改编, 改写; 适应adequate adj. satisfactory in quantity or quality; sufficient足够的, 能满足需要的; 胜任的; 适当的; 差强人意

5、的, 尚可的adjacent having a common endpoint or border also immediately preceding or following deisnt 毗连的, 邻近的, 接近 adjust v. put (sth) into the correct order or position; arrange dst 调节; 校正; 改变.以适应; 校准; 调整, 适应于, 校准administrate v. to administer调节; 校正; 改变.以适应; 校准; 调整, 适应于, 校准adult adj. grown to full size o

6、r strength调节; 校正; 改变.以适应; 校准; 调整, 适应于, 校准advocate v. speak publicly in favour of (sth); recommend; support拥护; 主张; 提倡; 鼓吹affect v. have an influence on (sb/sth); produce an effect on影响, 爱好, 假装; 影响; 使感动, 使震动; 对.发生作用; 侵袭aggregate v. sb (fml ) be formed or bring sb into an assembled group or amount grig

7、eit 使聚集; 总计达aid n. help帮助, 援助, 救助; 助手; 帮助者; 有辅助作用的事物albeit conj although :lbi:it 尽管, 虽然allocate v. sth allot or assign sth (to sb/sth) for a special purpose 分派; 分配, 放在一边; 指明某个任务或操作系统来源的一份 (计算机用语)alter v. become different; change in character, position, size, shape, etc改变; 阉割, 去势; 修改; 变样, 改变alternati

8、ve adj. available in place of sth else; other两者择一的; 替代的; 非此即彼的; 供选择的ambiguous adj. having more than one possible meaning模棱两可的, 含糊不清的amend v. correct an error in (sth); make minor improvements in; change slightly修正, 改进analogy n. partial similarity between two things that are compared类比, 相似, 类似analyze

9、 v. separate into its parts in order to study its nature or structure分析, 解析, 研究annual adj. happening every year每年的; 一年一次的; 一年生的anticipate v. expect预期, 期望; 预先考虑到; 预料; 预先做apparent adj. clearly seen or understood; obvious明显的, 表面上的append v. sth (fml ) attach or add sth (esp in writing) 附加, 添加 appreciate

10、 v. understand and enjoy (sth); value highly欣赏, 赏识, 感激, 领会, 意识到 ; 增值approach v. come near or nearer to in space or time靠近, 接近, 接洽, 要求,达到, 动手处理appropriate adj. suitable; right and proper适当的, 恰当的, 相称的approximate adj. almost correct or exact but not completely so近似的, 大约的arbitrary adj. based on personal

11、 opinion or impulse, not on reason 任意的, 专制的, 武断的, 霸道的aspect n. particular part or feature of sth being considered方面, 方位, 外观;外貌assemble v. come together; collect集合, 收集, 装配assess v. sth decide or fix the amount of sth评定, 评估, 估算assign v. sth to sb give sth to sb as a share of work to be done or of thin

12、gs to be used分配, 指定, 指派, 归因, 确定assist v. in/with sth; (sb) in doing sth (fml ) help协助, 帮助; 支持, 促进; 协助, 帮助; 出席, 到场; 参加assume v. accept as true before there is proof 假定, 设想, 承担, (想当然的)认为assure v. tell (sb) positively or confidently 使确信, 使放心, 确保attach v. sth fasten or join sth (to sth) 附上, 系上, 贴上, 使依附,

13、 使附属, 使附着attain v. succeed in getting (sth); achieve 实现, 获得, 达到attitude n. way of thinking or behaving态度; 看法; 姿势attribute v. sth to sb/sth regard sth as belonging to, caused by or produced by sb/sth 把 . 归于;归于, 属于author n. writer of a book, play, etc 作家, 作者authority n. power to give orders and make others obey权力, 官方, 当局, 职权, 权威automate v. cause to operate by automation使自动化available adj. that can be used or obtained可利用的, 可得到的, 有空的, 有效的aware adj. of sb/sth; that. having knowledge or realization of sb/sth


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