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1、Unit 9 The English ClubThe second period : B look read and learn教学目标:a. 能听懂,会说,会读,会拼写单词:China, Chinese, USA, American, UK, British, Australia, Australian, Japan, Japanese, France, French b. 进一步掌握句型:Where are you from ? Im I speak教学重难点:a. 掌握四会单词b. 进一步掌握句型:Where are you from ? Im from I speak教学准备:国旗图片

2、,录音机 ,世界地图教学过程:Step1: warm up1. Greetings2. Act and reviewShow the picture of part A, act Tony , Wang Bing, Nancy, David, Ben, Liu Tao.Step2: Presentation1. 呈现:China Chinese 展示中国的国旗,学习:China Chinese ChineseIm from China , Im Chinese , I speak Chinese .将图片叫给学生,T:Where are you from ? S1: Im from China

3、, Im Chinese, I speak Chinese. 问另一位同学:T:Where is she from ? S2: Shes from China, Shes Chinese,she speaks Chinese.2. 同法教授其他的国家,并且突出强调:来着美国,英国,应该说from the USA ,from the UK.3. 总结Country (国家)Nationality (国籍)Language (语言)ChinaChineseChinesethe UKBritishEnglishthe USAAmericanEnglishAustraliaAustralianEngl

4、ishJapanJapaneseJapaneseFranceFrenchFrench4. Read a. after the tape We have learned about the six countries. 我们学习了六个国家名称、国籍和语言。Now listen and repeat. (听录音跟读)b. Read by themselvesStep3 Consolidation 1. GUESSIll show you some pictures. Look and guess.What country is it? 老师给你看些图片,你来猜猜看,这代表哪个国家?(PPT出示国旗) What country is it? Its China/ Japan/ France2. 小组竞赛用事先准备好的地图,让学生黏贴上教师所说的图片,让学生再用Im from . Im . 句型描述,看看哪一组粘的多,说得快。Step4 Assign homework 1. Listen to the tape 2. Copy the words Step 5 Blackboard design Unit 9 The English Club Where are you from ? Im from Im .



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