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1、初三英语模拟试题(答题时间:90分钟,总分100分)I. 听力技能 (A)听音辨图(共5小题,计5分)听句子,选出与句子内容相符的图。 (B)反应(共5小题,计5分)根据你听到的内容和实际情况,写出简要答语。 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ (C)对话理解(共5小题,计5分)根据你所听到对话,选出最佳答案回答问题。 11. A. NO DRINKINGB. NO PARKINGC. NO SMOKING 12. A. PandasB. KangaroosC. Polar bears 13. A. On a bus.B. In a park.C. At a theatre.

2、14. A. Hes all right.B. He isnt well.C. Hes got a fever. 15. A. The Water Shoe-shop has got more shoes. B. The Water Shoe-shop is better than the Stone Shoe-shop. C. The shoes in the Stone Shoe-shop are more expensive. (D)听短文填空(共5小题,计5分)根据听到的短文,填写下面句子中空白处所缺信息。 16. Peter Brown lives on a _. 17. The b

3、uilding for cows is more modern than his own _. 18. He has about _ hens and ducks. 19. He often rides _ across the hills. 20. Peter Brown thinks farming is a _ life.II. 知识运用 (A)单项选择(共15小题,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确答案填空。 21. Dont worry about your broken pen. You can use _. A. myB. mineC. yours 22. Why di

4、d you come to school late this morning? _. I watched the Football World Cup until 12 oclock last night. A. IfB. BecauseC. Since 23. Kate is as _ as Maria. A. tallB. tallerC. the tallest 24. _ do you go to visit your grandma? Twice a month. A. How oftenB. How muchC. How long 25. The teacher asked us

5、_ the work on time. A. finishB. to finishC. finished 26. In the United States, Fathers Day falls on _ third Sunday in _ June. A. the; 不填B. the; aC. 不填;the 27. Paul is a _ boy. A. five-year-oldB. five year oldC. five-years-old 28. There is some water in that bottle, isnt _? A. thereB. itC. that 29. C

6、an you understand me? Sorry, I can _ hear you clearly. A. almostB. everC. hardly 30. If Mike _ up earlier, he can finish the work in time. A. getB. will getC. gets 31. Must I finish reading the book today? No. You _ if you have something else to do. A. mustntB. dont have toC. cant 32. Chinas sport s

7、tars Yao Ming and Liu Xiang _ Goodwill Ambassadors(亲善大使)for Shanghai. A. have been named B. has been named C. has named 33. _ October 12, 2005, Shenzhou VI was sent up into space successfully. A. InB. OnC. At 34. We can use QQ to talk with each other online. Really? Could you please show me _ it? A.

8、 what to doB. how to doC. when to do 35. In western countries _ is the most important festival, just like Spring Festival in China. A. Christmas DayB. Thanksgiving DayC. Mothers Day (B)完形填空(共15小题,计15分)通读下列短文,在各题所给四个选项中选出最佳答案。A) From Monday _36_ Friday, most people are busy working or studying. But i

9、n the evenings and weekends, they are _37_ and enjoy themselves. Some watch television or go to the cinema, others _38_ sports. This is decided by their own interests. There are many different ways to spend our free time. Almost everyone has some kind of hobby: it may be something from _39_ stamps t

10、o making model planes. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others dont cost anything _40_. Some collections are worth a lot of money, others are valuable(有价值的)only to their owners. 36. A. toB. andC. or 37. A. luckyB. busyC. free 38. A. think aboutB. take care ofC. take part in 39. A. collectingB. g

11、ettingC. making 40. A. in allB. at allC. of allB) One night, a thief broke into an old mans house. He _41_ a noise and woke up the old man and his wife. The husband told his _42_ to be silent, while he said loudly, “My dear, these days thieves are _43_. If they take _44_ their clothes and put them o

12、n the table, people in the room will fall asleep and _45_ wake up.”When the thief _46_ this, he took off his clothes _47_ and was ready to work. At this _48_ the husband suddenly shouted in a loud voice. “Stop thief! Stop thief!” The thief was very frightened. He ran away as _49_ as he could and _50_ his clothes on the table. 41. A. makeB. makesC. made 42. A. sonB. wifeC. daughter 43. A. betterB. fasterC. cleverer 44. A. offB. on


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