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1、形容词的基本概念及用法一、形容词的定义:形容词是用来修饰名词或代词的,在句中可用作定语、表语和宾语补足二、形容词的用法: 用作前置定语,即放在名词前修饰该名词。例如:China is a great country with a long history. 中国是一个历史悠久的国家。 用作后置定语。形容词修饰不定代词或形容词短语修饰名词时,需要后置。例如:He has something important to tell you. 他有重要的事告诉你。She is a girl good at singing. 她是一位擅长唱歌的女孩。 用作表语。例如:It was rainy yester

2、day, but today it is sunny. 昨天下雨,今天天晴。Your mother seems angry. 你母亲看上去生气了。The milk in the glass has gone bad. 玻璃杯里的牛奶发臭了。The leaves turn yellow in autumn. 树叶在秋天变黄。注意: 有一些形容词在句中只能用作表语, 我们称之为 “表语形容词 ”。初中英语中常见的表语形容 词有: afraid, alive, alone, asleep, glad, ill ( 生病的 ), ready, sorry, sure, unable, well ( 健

3、康的 )等。 例如:I m sorry not to have been ready for the party. 很抱歉,晚会我还没有准备好。The children were asleep ju st now, but now they re 孩 Wa 们 e 冈U才在睡觉,现在醒了。They were unable to help us. 他们没法帮助我们。 用作宾语补足语。例如:The news made her happy. 那个消息使她很开心。Who left the door open? 是谁没把门关上? 三、名词化的形容词:th + e形容词”具有名词的功能,泛指一类人或抽象事

4、物。用作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。可以这样用的形容词有:blind, dead, old, poor, rich, young等。例如:The young are the hope of the country. 年轻人是国家的希望。The rich are not always happy. 有钱人并不总是快乐。四、形容词的比较等级:1. 比较等级的构成:形容词比较等级分为原级、 比较级和最高级三种。 比较级和最高级的构成有规则变化和不规 则变化两种。规则变化由原级+ -er”勾成比较级、原级+ -est构成最高级,女如:small -smaller -smallest ;形容词比较级的勾成

5、规则 : 单音节和部分双音节形容词或副词通常加后缀er和-est构成比较级和最高级。如:long T Ion ger 宀 Ion gest clevercleverercleverest fewfewer fewestsmall smaller smallest 原级以字母e结尾,则只加-r和-st;如:large 宀 larger 宀 largestnice nicernicestcute cutercutest 原级以辅音字母+y”结尾,则应将y改为i,再加-er和-est构成比较级和最高级;如:busy T busier 宀 busiest easyeasiereasiest happy

6、happierhappiest . 原级为重读闭音节结尾, 且末尾只有一个辅音字母, 则双写这个辅音字母后再加词尾 -er 和-est构成比较级和最高级。如:big tbigger tbiggest fatfatterfattest thin thinnerthinnest hothotterhottest red redder reddest wetwetterwettest .多音节和部分双音节形容词在其前加more 和 most 构成比较级和最高级。如:useful tmore useful tthe most useful difficult tmore difficult tthe

7、most difficult beautiful tmore beautiful tthe most beautiful . delicious tmore delicious tthe most delicious popular tmore populart -the most popular important tmore important tthe most important interesting tmore interesting t the most interesting expensive t more expensive t the most expensive 部分双

8、音节词也遵循此变 化规律: careful tmore careful tthe most careful useful tmore useful tthe most useful 少数单音节词也是这样,如:pleased tmore pleased tthe most pleasedtired tmore tried tthe most tired 比较级和最高级的不规则变化如下表:原级比较级最咼级bad/badly/ ill (有病 的)worseworstfarfartherfarthest (指距离之“远”)furtherfurthest (抽象的远,深度)good/wellbette

9、rbestlittlelessleastmany/muchmoremostoldolderoldest (强调年龄,指人、物)eldereldest (强调长幼,只指人)说明:(l)farther / farthest 和 further / furthest作为形容词都可以指距离。例如: The village was father / further than the bridge. 那个村子比那座桥更远。 What is the farthest / furthest place you ve ever been 你最远去过哪里? further 可以用来修饰抽象名词,表示 进一步的;更

10、多的”。例如:a college of further educatio n 继续教育学院;进修学院He will n eed further help. 他将需要进一步的帮助。elder / eldest只用于人,表示兄弟姐妹间的长幼(排行)。elder指(年纪)较大的”,eldest指(年纪)最大的”。 elder 不与 than 连用。例如:He is my elder brother. 他是我的哥哥。(比较: my younger brother 我的弟弟)She is my eldest daughter她是我的长女。(比较:my youngest daughter 我最小的女儿)2

11、. 比较等级的基本用法: 形容词和副词都有比较等级的用法,以下内容含有对副词比较等级的介绍。原级用于两者之间进行平级比较,其结构是“Ais asas B.”,意思是“a和B 样”。例如:Mary is as tall as her sister.玛丽和她姐姐个子一样高。He can speaks En glish as well as an En glishma n他英语说得跟英国人一样好。She can read twice as fast as he does.她阅读速度比他快一倍。该结构的否定式为“A is not as / so as意思是“A不如B那样 ”。not as多用于语,no

12、t so多用于书面语。例如:This room is not as bright as that one.这间房间没有那间房间亮。It is not so hot today as it was yesterday 今天不如昨天热。He doesn t work as haas me.(= as hard as I do.他工作不及我努力。比较级用于两者之间进行比较并且其中一者在程度上超过另一者,其结构是“A is-er thanB. ”,意思是“A比B更”。例如:The sun is bigger tha n the earth.太阳比地球大。My room is smaller than

13、yours 我的房间比你的小。The houses here are higher tha n the ones over there.这边的楼房比那边的楼房高。最高级用于三者或三者以上之间进行比较并且其中一者程度最甚,其结构是“A is th&estof /in意思是“A在其中最。形容词最高级前要用定冠词the。例如:The earth is bigger tha n the moon. The sun is bigger tha n the earth. So it is the biggest of the three. 地球比月 亮大, 太阳比地 球大, 所以太阳是三者中最大的。 Th

14、is building is the tallest in the city. 这座大 楼全市最高。 Tom works hardest in his class. 汤姆在班上学习最努力。注意:最高级的比较范围如果是所在群体内的成员,就用of引出;如果是群体所在地,就用in, among 等词引出。请比较:This is the best picture of the three.这是三幅图画中最好的。This is the best picture in the hall. 这是大厅中最好的图画。3 比较级前常见修饰语总结: 比较级前可以有一个表示程度的状语,表示“得多”或稍”之类的意思。

15、. 比较级前可用 a little, a bit, a little bit, 等修饰,表示 “稍微”、“一点”。如: Its a little coldertoday than it was yesterday.今天比昨天稍冷一点。They re a little bit better now.现在他们稍好一点儿了。 比较级前可用 much, far, by far, a lot, a good deal, a great deal, rather等修饰,表示“得 多”。如: She sa good deal better today.她今天好多了。 There are far more people than we expected.人比我 们预计的多得多。注意:quite也可修饰比较级,表示“得多”,但该比较级通常只限于better。如:He s quitebetter now. 他现在好多了。 上匕较级前可用even, still修饰,表示 更”。女: It was even colder than yesterday.今


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