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1、A Journey to English Poetry 说课稿初三 孙慧蓉I 说教材一、 学情分析: 本课是为高一的同学们准备的,虽然同学们对中国诗歌耳熟能详,但对英语诗歌却还在启蒙阶段,所以针对这个特点选取的诗歌案例都是来自国外精选的儿童诗歌,其中一部分是来自美国著名儿童诗歌作家Shel Silverstein的有趣易学诗歌。二、教学分析 本课就高中英语诗歌教学提供了一定的素材和教学方法及学生活动,对初学者学习英语诗歌提供了有力的帮助,本文通过精心选材,选取一些简单易学,朗朗上口,节奏感强,韵律优美的诗歌激发学生英语学习的兴趣,为英语诗歌入门教学提供优质的案例。英语诗歌虽然不是考核重点,中考

2、高考也很少涉及,但是它却是帮助我们了解英语语言文学,提高学生学习英语兴趣,激发学生英语文字运用能力和提高英语语言思维能力不可或缺的一扇门。三、教学目标:Objectives: By the end of the session, most students will be better able to acquire the required information. This will be achieved by:A. Knowledge Objectives: 1) Be able to master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of

3、the names of the four types of poems: Limericks/Cinquain/Nursery Rhymes/List poems. 2) Be able to understand some key words and expressions: rhyme; rhythm; poetry; rhyme set AABBA etc.B. Ability Objectives:1) Be able to read aloud the poems and enjoy the secrets between the lines and imagine the ima

4、ges to express the emotions.2) Be able to create their own poems to express their own feelings to nature and people around.C. Moral Objectives: 1) Stimulate their interest in loving English poems and comprehend the implications of them. 2) Poems are images in peoples mind.四、教学重点难点: The teaching Focu

5、s1)Master the names of the four types of English poems. 2)The characteristics of the four types of poems.3)The creation of their own poems.注:本节课的内容是之前学生没有接触过的,因此他们没有一定的知识储备。让他们在40分钟内掌握较多的内容以及运用所学来仿写诗歌肯定有一定的难度。所以教学设计前半部分以循环反复呈现和理解为辅,后半部分为朗读欣赏独立创作为主。五、教学处理:Output & InputII. 说教学方法 一、 教法Task-based Appro

6、ach (任务型教学法) Communicative Approach (交际法) Audio Lingual Approach (听说法) Group Cooperative Approach (小组合作法)二、学法Task-based learning (任务型) Imitating (模仿) Self-presentation (自我展示)Communicative language learning (交际语言法)Group Cooperative learning (小组合作法)III. 说教学过程Step 1. Warming up & Leand in 歌曲和诗歌有相似相通之处,

7、英语歌曲是孩子们比较感兴趣的一种自由诗歌。这首由The Police 乐队演唱的 Every Breath You Take 节奏感强,押韵清晰。孩子们一边欣赏其动感十足的节奏一边很容易填出被挖去的单词,同时体会它优美的旋律。Every breath you take,And every move you make.Every bond you _break_,Every step you take,Ill be watchin you.Every single day ,And every word you _say_.Every game you play, Every night you

8、 _stay_,Ill be watching you.这首歌有很强的节奏和韵律,韵律和节奏也是一些好诗的基础。Rhyme and rhythm are essential to some good poetry as well.设计说明:学生边听边填,填完随机抽同学核对答案,以小组为单位,对一空得1分。最后再跟唱歌曲,同时体会它的beat 和rhythm.Step 2. Presentation of words and characteristics about the four poems1) Use the PPT to guide the students to read and l

9、earn about the four different forms of English poems and use some nice examples to help them understand its characteristics while learning. 2) Then the students guess what forms of the poems are by reading the following poems.设计说明:这几个单词一定要让孩子们熟读,使用电子笔反复从1(Limericks)到4(List poems),然后又从4(List poems)到1

10、(Limericks)在屏幕上教读,跟读,自读,到互测。为后面的环节做好铺垫。为下一步的讲解打下基础。根据诗歌特点学习猜测诗歌种类种类,以小组为单位,组内个人任意发挥,每题2分。Step 3. TasksEnjoy some poemsTips to enjoy poems: (1). Get the rhyme. (2). Read aloud again and again. (3). Enjoy the secrets between the lines. 如:Brother 兄弟 Beautiful, athletic 爱美,又爱运动 Teasing, shouting, laughi

11、ng 爱闹,爱叫,又爱笑 Friend and enemy too 是我的朋友 Mine 也是我的敌人1)What subject is the speaker writing about? His or her brother.2) Does the author like the subjects? Yes. Although the speaker describes a couple of negative aspects of his/her brother( teasing ,enemy) We can feel the affection that the speaker fee

12、ls for his / her brother3)What forms are those two poems above? Cinquain. 这首诗歌寥寥数语,却刻画出来兄弟间那种又爱又恨的情谊。设计说明:孩子们独立完成对这几首诗歌的解读,每小题两分,计入小组分数和个人得分,最后一题Poem D选对一个得1 分,选对 2-3个得两分,选对4个得3分。备注:谁能第一个回答出Poem C 中镜子碎了后爸爸打算给宝贝买什么可以得到一面漂亮精美的哈哈镜。Step 4. SummarySummarize the four forms of poems and their characteristi

13、cs.Step 5. Production-Writing A. Lets try writing poems. 根据提示让同学以小组讨论形式加独立思考共同补充完整下列诗歌。下面这些小诗的情景几乎都与孩子们的生活息息相关,使他们很容易联想到所填单词,而且只要符合上下文及韵脚,答案是开放性的。如:Remember: CarrotsWhen we try, They say that carrots are good for your eyes,Good, better,_best_! They swear that they improve your sightsNever have it re

14、st! But Im seein worse than I did last night.Till good is_better_, You think maybe I aint using em _right_?And better,_best_!设计说明:本部分要求孩子们根据上下文及押韵,重复等特点从填单词到填短语到填写句子,与前面所学相呼应。理解,分析,讨论得出自己的结论。每空2分。B. Self-presentation.下面是我的一首小诗,目的在于抛砖引玉,引导孩子们不拘一格,随意挥毫,有感而发,有情可写,抛开所有的条条框框,带上想象的翅膀,在诗歌的国度里激扬文字,挥斥方遒。When I passed by, I saw a lady whos merry.She looks cute but seventy-three.The lady turned out to be our teacher May.She said she would enjoy it but I prefer my way.I hope she wouldnt have a moment of delay.We need breaks to set us free.


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