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1、北师大四年级上册英语看图写单词校外专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据图片提示补全单词。1dre_ 2 b_k3to_to 4sh_ts5c_t 6sch_l7sw_t_ 8li_t9b_ 10th_ty2. 根据图片写出单词。1 23 43. 仿照例子完成各题。例:lionAlionhasamane. 看图写句子,看看上个星期天Lucy的家人都做了什么?Last Sunday1. Father2. Mum3. My grandma4. My brother5. 根据图画完成小短文。I live in that building.There are five rooms in

2、my flat.There is a big_in the living room.There is a_on the wall.There is a_in the study.There is a_in the study,tooThere are some_in the kitchen.6. 请写出与圆心中的单词相关的词。1.2.7. 看图,补全句子。1Lets go to the_.2Lets go to the_.3Lets_.4Lets have an_.8. 看图,圈一圈,并写出与图片相符的单词。1i i-e_ 2o o-e_3a a-e_ 4u u-e_5-e -e-_9. 看图

3、完成句子。1. Are you a_? Yes, I am. 2. Whats the time? Its_oclock.3. Is she a_? Yes, she is. 4. Whats the time? Its_oclock.10. 根据图片提示选词填空补全句子。A. nurse B. He C. student D. She E. driver F. cook G. doctor H. uncle1_is a_.2_is a_3I am a_.4My father is a_.5This is my_. Hes a_.11. 看图片选单词。kite toy foot house c

4、inema donuts October park school computer1 23 45 67 8.9 1012. 看图,填入正确的单词补全对话。1Zoom: What are these?Zip: They are.2John: How manyare there?Mike: Five.3Sarah: Are they?Amy: Yes, they are.4Tom: What can you see in the picture?Bob: I can see two.5Chen Jie: Are those ducks?Zhang Peng: No. They are.13. 根据

5、图画中对应单词的语音组发音,选择正确的字母组。A. or B. le C. ee D. ir E. ar1 23 4514. 看图补全词组。1_lights 2_the street3_right 4dont_15. 根据图片及句子提示完成句子。1 Im going to eat_. And drink_, too.2Ill send you_from_.3 Ill see Big Ben and_.16. 看图片,写单词。1 23 4517. 根据下面每句话的意思和图片的提示,写单词,使句子完整。1Are these?2I love to eat.3I have three.4Look! Theare so big.5My uncles is very big.18. 结合图片,把句子补充完整,注意单词的书写。1-Where is my schoolbag?-Its near the.2What colour is your schoolbag?-Its.3Wu Yifan is tall and he has.4I can use.5My father is a.页码 / 总页数



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