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1、Unit 6 An old man tried to moved the mountains.Section A (1a-1c)教学设计 Linda设计主旨:创设教学情境,设计教学任务,激发学生兴趣,鼓励学生参与。整体设计思路及依据说明:新目标八年级下Unit 6的听说读写活动都围绕学生熟悉的中外传说故事展开,这一话题学生熟悉且感兴趣。本课时是该单元的第一课时,是一节以听说训练为主的新授课。通过听力引导学生学习愚公移山这一传说故事的英语表述,继语言输入过程之后,通过结对活动和小组活动形式完成语言输出:用目标语言讲故事并针对故事情节或主人公发表自己的观点,培养思维能力。我在设计教学活动时,体现“

2、以学定教”的思想,努力创设教学情境,优化教学过程,激发学生兴趣,使学生能成为学习活动的主人,在活动中大胆交流、合作、创新,并随着层层递进的任务型活动的完成而巩固目标语言。学生情况分析:八年级学生具有过渡性心理特点,英语学习方面处于两极分化现象开始凸显的阶段,学生的个体差异较大。因此,在设计教学活动时,我注重层次性,既面向全体,又尊重个体差异,充分调动每个学生的积极性。传说故事是学生熟悉且感兴趣的话题,因此我设计教学活动时注重引导学生联系已有生活经验,激发他们想学会用英语表述这些故事的欲望,为后来的课堂活动中积极参与语言学习、操练和实践奠定基础。教法学法:computer-assisted in

3、struction; activity-based teaching, student-centered teaching, task-based learning, communicative approach, pairwork and groupwork.教学目标Language goal:Tell a story.1) Key words and useful expressions:shoot, stone, once upon a time, sothat, instead of. Target language: How does the story begin? Once up

4、on a time, there was a very old man What happened next? Why was Yu Gong trying to move the mountains? Because they were so high and big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.2) Ability Object: Focus on improving Ss listening and speaking skills. Enable them to tell the stories using the

5、 target languages.3) Moral object:No matter how difficult things are, never give up.Key points:1) Key words:shoot, silly, once upon a time, instead of,so that2) Target language:How does the story begin?What happened next?Difficult points: Tell stories using the target language and express theirr own

6、 ideas about the stories.Teaching aids: Multimedia courseware. 教学过程设计Step 1 Brainstorm1. 多媒体出示有关传说故事的图片,提问学生What interesting stories do these pictures remind you of?导入本单元主题。T: What story is this picture about ? S1:Its about Yu Gong moves a mountain.S2: Its a traditional Chinese story.T: Do you know

7、other traditional stories?S1: Hou Yi shoots the suns.S2: Magic Brush Ma LiangS3: Change Flies to the Moon(设计意图:头脑风暴,激活思维,激发兴趣,有效热身)Step 2 PresentationAsk the students to look at the four pictures in 1a, then read the story titles in the box. Guide the students to talk about them by asking students t

8、he following questions.Do all of you know about the stories?Which one do you like best?What are the main characters in each story?Could you use your own words to tell the stories in English? Students finish 1a by themselves and then check the answers.(设计意图:培养学生通过观察图片联想和预测故事内容的学习策略,培养学生的观察能力、联系已有生活经验

9、进行推理判断的能力,同时为下一步完成听力任务做好预热)Step 3 Listening1. T: Tell Ss they will hear Anna and Wang Ming talking about a great Chinese traditional story. Listen and see who knows the name of the story.2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen.3. Ss who knows the name of the story may hand up.4. Play the recordin

10、g again. Let Ss check the facts they hear.5. Check the answers._ The two mountains were very high and big._ A very old man tried to move the mountains._ A man told Yu Gong that he could never do it.(设计意图:通过听力完成目标语言输入过程,训练学生听力技巧,同时为语言输出做充分准备)Step 4 Pairwork and Groupwork1. Read the questions in the b

11、ox in 1c.2. Ss discuss the questions with their partners.3. Let some pairs ask and answer the questions.e.g. A: How does the story happen?B: There were two very tall mountains in front of their house.A: What happened next?B: A very old man tried to move the mountains.A: Where would they put all the

12、earth and stone from the mountains?B: They would put them into the sea.4. Tell Ss to make a story chain. Ss tell the story one by one. 5. Let some Ss tell the story to the class.Step 5 Role play1. .Students works in groups of five. Role play the short play-An Old Man Tried to Move the Mountains.2. P

13、resent the play. 3. Discuss in groups of four: What do you think of the story?4. Students share their ideas with each other.(设计意图:通过小组分角色表演短剧和小组讨论活动形式实现语言实践运用过程)Step 5 Exercise Step 6 SummaryStep 7 Homework1.Tell the story Yu Gong Moves a Mountain in English to your partners. 2. Have a try: Write an ending to the story.


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