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1、第一章 快速阅读基础篇Passage 1 1. N. 该题定位在第二段,是对beaver(河狸)特征的描述。第一句话讲到河狸有incisor(门牙),但不能就此判断河狸只有门牙,本段最后一句话说到”Four upper and four lower teeth located on the sides of the jaws are short, square and used for grinding(磨)food.” 所以本题错误。2. Y. 该题在”Habits”这一小节下 “The dams hold back water, increasing its depth and surfa

2、ce area. This gives the beavers better protection from predators(掠夺者,食肉动物) and closer access to food.” 堤坝有助于保护河狸不受攻击,而且更加靠近食物。所以该题正确。3. N. 该题还是对河狸习性的一个判断,应该在”Habits”这一小节下寻找答案,这一小节的第五段讲到”Theyre most active at night and the twilight periods of dusk and dawn.” 据此可知河狸晚上是很活跃的,该题错误。4. NG. 第六段是对河狸修建堤坝的描述,但

3、没有谈到本题的描述,无法判断。5. N. 该题后半部分是正确的,但前半部分描述错误。在”Reproduction”这一小节中提到”they are able to swim at birth,”, 我们可以判断,河狸从一出生就会游泳,这是遗传因素。6. Y. 该题在”Food”这一小节中,答案很明显。7. Y. 该题在最后一小节”Conservation”中的第一段讲到的,是正确的。8. building dams. 答案在”Habits”这一小节下的第一段。9. September. 答案在”Habits”这一小节下的第二段。10. 3 to 4 young. 答案在”Habits”这一小节

4、下的最后一段。Passage 2 1. A. Make an apology. 从文章第三段第二行 I thought she was coming over to apologize,可以推知。2. D. Its possible for one to get into lots of trouble.定位到文章第四段第二句 Dealing with other peoples children has become a minefield, minefield原义为布雷区,引申为棘手、难于处理的问题。3. B. hurt.从文章第七段最后一句then thats somehow a cri

5、ticism of me可以推知。4. A. Talk to them directly in a mild way. 从文章第九段Usually a quiet reminder that “we dont do that here” is enough.5. C. people are reluctant to point out kids wrongdoings. 从文章第十六段所举例子语气可以推知。 For Andrew Fuller, the child-centric nature of our society has affected everyone, “The rules a

6、re different now from when todays parents were growing up,” he says. “Adults are scared of saying “Dont swear”, or asking a child to stand up on a bus. Theyre worried that there will be conflict if they point these things outeither from older children, or their parents.”6. B. Its difficult to create

7、 a code of conduct. 从文章第十七段He sees it as a loss of the sense of common public good and public courtesy,可以推知。7. D. Theyd put the blame on their kids. 从文章第十九段 “I got into trouble”, and Dad said, “ You probably deserved it.”可以推知。8. challenged. White believes our notions of a more child-centered society

8、 should be challenged9. can be proud of. We treat them as objects whose appearance and achievements are something we can be proud of.10. stay silent. 原文最后一段:He recommends that we dont stay silent over inappropriate behavior, particularly with regular visitors.Passage 3 1. Y. 本题定位在第二段开始,是文中原话,正确。2. N

9、. 本题错误,原因在于文中谈到了两种适应途径,一是通过BMR,另一种是脂肪酶。3. Y. 本题定位在第五段,是该段的总结,正确。4. N. 文中第十段中提到 “In other words on the second yo-yo cycle, it took more than twice as long to lose -weight, and only one-third as long to regain it.” 错误在于数字,是1/3,而不是一半。5. Y. 本题考查Weight Cycling Project的相关问题,从相关段落寻找答案。本题是文中原句。6. N. 文中倒数第五段

10、提到None of this means that dieting is ineffective or foolish. 所以本题错误。7. NG. 文中未提到此点。8. heart problems. 答案在第二段最后“new evidence indicates that repeated cycles of losing and gaining weight may raise the risk of heart problems.”9. basal metabolic rate (BMR). 答案在第四段。10. exercise. 答案在倒数第四段第二句。Passage 41. Y.

11、 在第一段中作者列举了以往大多数人不健康的度假方式即命题中所描述的,在第二段作者明确表明“it does not have to be this way”。 2. N. 第三段中“We dont expect you to take up jogging, backpacking”.3. N. 在第四条建议中作者表示“whether you are propelling them(boats) or not, they all burn calories and engage your muscles”.4. Y. 在第六点中作者认为 “ no matter how beautiful the

12、 scenery is, great, memorable vacations do not happen in a car seat”.5. Y. 在第七点中作者提出虽然badminton, horseshoes是 old-fashioned, 但是他们也是outdoor games, 是active games。6. N. 在第九条中作者提到Miniature golf will not incinerate fat.7. Y. 在第十点中作者建议“limit yourself to one food splurge a day”.8. a chance to have active fu

13、n. 第八点最后一句话。9. several hours/a couple of hours. 第十一点第三句话。10. activity. 最后一点的第二句话。Passage 5 1. N. 第3段第1句To save money, the Eldreds bypassed new furniture stores and tried 2nd Debut, a used furniture store.可知这对夫妇并没有去新家具店,而是去了一家二手店,本题关键在于对bypass一词的理解,其意为“绕过,不去”。2. Y. 由第4段第2句 Once the virtually exclusiv

14、e domain of low-income shoppers and tightwads, the “used business” is rapidly moving mainstream可知,“旧货交易曾为低收入和吝啬的购物者所独有,而现在正迅速成为主流”,题干是本句的原意表述。3. N. 由第8段末句Industry experts predict the market will expand 20% to 50% this year as secondhand stores branch from urban areas to suburban strip shopping cente

15、rs and regional malls.可知题干混淆了发展的方向,应为由城区向郊区的发展,这里还考查了对urban和 suburban词意的理解。4. N. 由第16段首句Laura added a bridal business to her secondhand clothing store in New York City two years ago. It turned a profit its first year.可知Laura的婚纱店第一年就赚了钱。题干内容错误。5. Y. 由第13段中 The CarMax “experience” includesfive-day mon

16、key-back guarantees and 30-day warranties.可知题干即为此句的变换表达。6. Y. 由第16段中间Once, buying a secondhand wedding gown would have been considered declasse. She says. “We have had a 180-degree-turn. Now its trendy and chic to shop consignment and resale. Saving money has become smart and stylish.”可知人们现在和过去的观点有了180度转弯。由此可猜出题



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