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1、新外研版八年级上册Module6测试题一、单项填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)16. Theres a bird _in the tree.A. singB. singsC. singingD. to sing17. The girl from the USA wasnt _to carry the basket of bananas.A. too strongB. enough strongC. strong enoughD. so strong18. The old found _accept the youngs new idea.A. hard B. it hardC. it har

2、d to D. it is hard to 19. We all think nothing can make the brave soldiers _their country.A. turn againstB. to turn againstC. to turn toD. turn to 20. In the modern city it was difficult for the old woman from the countryside _a job.A. find B. to findC. look D. to look for 21. When we learn a second

3、 language, we should try our best _the spirit of it.A. masterB. holdC. take hold ofD. to master 22.In order to _the sunrise, today all the children got up very early.A. seeB. sawC. seeingD. sees 23. When Robert was a small boy, he _playing the piano.A. was interested in B. was good for C. was good w

4、ithD. was strict in24. If farmers _the land, the animals wont have any places to live in.A. took away B. put upC. took off D. put on25. The American dance made me _my aunt in Canada.A. look up B. look atC. think ofD. take care of二、完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)Hey, Im Simon. I have a strong and faithful dog, B

5、ruce. The dog likes 26 with me. Sometimes he also follows my father to work.One morning when my father worked in the field, he 27 his coat and put it under a big tree. He turned to the dog and said,“ 28 my coat, Bruce!”Bruce sat down on the coat. Later, my father remembered he had to buy some food.

6、29 he hurried to the shop. 30 shopping, he went home directly and forgot completely about his 31 and the dog.In the evening, I looked for my dog 32 in the house, but I 33 find him. At this time, my father suddenly remembered his coat and the dog. He went back to the tree 34 .He found that Bruce was

7、35 sitting on the coat! 26. A. playingB. dealing C. agreeingD. laughing 27. A. took outB. took offC. took awayD. looked after 28. A. WatchB. LookC. SeeD. Listen 29. A. But B. SoC. Because D. Although30. A. Since B. BeforeC. After D. Until 31. A. shop B. foodC. coat D. toy32. A. somewhereB. everywher

8、eC. nowhere D. anywhere33. A. couldB. couldntC. dont D. doesnt34. A. at once B. after all C. as usual D. other than35. A. yet B. evenC. still D. Already三、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)AWe all know that Taiwan is considered as the Treasure Island of China. It is very beautiful. Recently we have been closely conn

9、ected.Several months ago, a group of 19 Taiwanese children flew to Chengdu in order to begin a tour to study pandas. The middle school children were from Chiayi County in southwest Taiwan and were chosen because of their excellent performances at school.During the visit, the children saw pandas up c

10、lose. They were very excited to see so many pandas at the same time. The children also traveled to the Mount Emei scenic area and met local schoolchildren.At last, they said, “The pandas are very cute, and we are all happy.” They also said the children in Chengdu were very friendly to them, and they

11、 all liked there. They hoped to visit Sichuan again.36. Taiwan is considered as a _island of China.A. valuable B. richC. beautifulD. all above 37.Why did the group of 19 Taiwanese children come to Chengdu?A. Because they came to study here.B. Because they had never been here.C. Because they flew her

12、e for a tour to study pandas.D. Because they were from Chiayi County in southwest Taiwan.38.The children had a good chance to visit Chengdu because_ .A. they were interested in itB. they did well at schoolC. they were performing different rolesD. they were not from the same country39.When they visit

13、ed pandas, the children were quite excited_.A. to see so many pandas at a timeB. to climb the Mount EmeiC. to see pandasD. to find pandas very cute40.This passage mainly expresses that_ .A. the middle school students in Taiwan must learn about pandasB. there is a good relationship between the two pl

14、acesC. the children in Chengdu are very friendlyD. the students in Taiwan are excellentBLots of people were asking me the same questionHow did a 22-year-old woman row(划)a 19-foot boat for 70 days? Well, when I was on the sea alone, the biggest difficulty was the feeling of being lonely.I started on

15、January 3,2010.More than half the people who tried sailing alone often gave up in the first two weeks, so I decided to finish one-fourth of the sailing first, which took about 20 days.Day 20th,January 22 came! I said to myself that I should be happy. But I was feeling so bad. It seemed to be the hardest day for me. I didnt see land for over two w


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