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1、学 校班 级姓 名考 号20122013学年度第一学期六年级英语期中测试卷 2012.11题 号一二三四五六七总 分得 分(考试时间60分钟,试卷满分100分)得 分一、找朋友 ( 共20分 ) ( ) subway A. 超市 ( ) tonight A. 北( ) supermarket B. 地铁 ( ) north B. 鞋店( ) take a trip C. 明天 ( )shoe store C. 交通灯( ) dictionary D. 去旅行 ( )traffic light D. 杂志 ( ) tomorrow E. 字典 ( ) magazine E. 今晚得 分二、单项选

2、择 ( 共20分 )( )1.-_do you go to the zoo? - By subway. A. Where B. Who C. How( )2. What are you going to do _the weekend? A. on B. in C. /( )3. The science museum is next _the bank. A. no B. to C. at( )4. -Where is the cinema? -Its _the left. A. by B.on C.for( )5. He is going to _his grandparents this

3、weekend. A. visit B. look C. watch六年英语,第 3 页 共 4 页( )6. I usually go to school foot. A.By; B.at; C.on( )7. -_ are you going? -This afternoon. A. What B. Who C. when( )8. -_,Where is the library? A. Excuse me B.Sorry C.Yes( )9.Stop_the red light.A. at B.on C.for( )10.I go to school _train. A. by B.on

4、 C.for得 分三、圈出每组单词中与其他不属于同类的单词 ( 共15分 )1.red light ; green light ; yellow light ; traffic rule;2.subway; bus; bike; park3.school; bike; park; zoo4.library; cinema; bookstore; excuse me5.what; stop; where; when得 分四、英汉互译 ( 共15分 )1.步 行 _2.by subway_3.与相邻 _4.到 达 _5.science museum _得 分五、根据提示写出所缺单词 ( 共10分

5、)1、 Where are you going this _ ?(o i n m r g n )2、 Im going to the _.(b o k o r e s o t)3、What are you going to _ ?(y u b)4、 Im going to buy a _(m i c o c) book.5、 What are you _ to do ? (n i g o g)得 分六、选词填空( 共10分 )how by on near stop at 1.My home is the hospital.2. do you go to school? I go to school foot.3.You can go the no.13 bus.4.Look the traffic lights.5. at a red light.得 分七、连词成句( 共10分 )1.go,on,I,school,foot,to2.do,to,park,how,the,you,go ?3.can,No15,go,bus,you,school,to,the,by ?4.is,where,cinema,the,please?5.what,you,to,are,on,weekend,the,do,going?_



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