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1、Unit 11 Alex Wants to Be a Pilot Part I Listening and Speaking指导思想与理论依据1 注重听说能力的培养依据新课标的教学理念,遵循以学生为中心,以兴趣为支点,以交际为目的原则,主要运用任务驱动、情景体验、交流评价等教学策略,把单词、句型和会话的教学,学生的操练、交流和合作融为一体,达到了话题、语言、功能、结构、任务和评价的有机结合。2 采用合作方式1)英语学习是一个合作互动的学习,多元互助的合作学习,可以激发学生的主体参与意识,获得更多的成就感,学会从不同角度理解问题和分析问题。2)小组成员为了完成共同目标,相互协作,促进学生合作精神

2、和合作能力的不断提高。因此,我在运用环节设计了小组讨论;我设计了小组合作完成写作任务的活动以提高学生写作兴趣和写作效果。3 利用多种教学资源 新课标中指出,教师要充分利用现代科技,开发教学资源,丰富教学内容。本课是一节听说课,为了避免枯燥,加强直观效果,我采用了图片,歌曲等形式,一方面有助于学生直观的感受情境,另一方面激发学生兴趣,培养学生观察、想象力。教 学 背 景 分析1、 本课为北京市义务教育课程改革实验教材 七年级英语第十二册 Unit11 “Alex Wants to Be a Pilot” Part Listening and Speaking。2、 学生已经学习过有关职业的单词,

3、本节课主要指导学生能够学会谈论自己与他人的职业并表达自己或他人将来想从事的职业选择及理由陈述。学 情 分 析本课的教学对象为初一年级的学生,他们活泼好动,喜欢尝试新事物,既好奇又好强,表现欲强;学习英语的热情高,擅长模仿,长于形象思维,乐于表演。有强烈的与他人合作,交流的意愿。知识技能方面,学生们已经有了一定的英语基础,掌握了一些职业的词汇表达及相关的询问职业的基本句型。教 学 目 标 设 计知识目标 1) 听懂并掌握与职业有关的词汇: tour guide, pilot, scientist 2) 熟练掌握并运用what, why 引导的特殊疑问句询问职业。能力目标 1)听懂并掌握有关职业的

4、对话,并掌握一定的听力技能和技巧。 2)谈论自己与他人的职业。 3)能够谈论自己或他人将来想从事的职业并陈述理由。情感目标 通过完成各种教学任务,使学生从小树立正确的职业观,明白行行出状元的道理,并拥有自己的职业理想。教 学 重 点 和 难 点教学重点 1) 听懂并掌握与职业有关的词汇: tour guide, pilot, scientist 2) 熟练掌握并运用what, why 引导的特殊疑问句询问职业。教学难点 能够谈论自己或他人将来想从事的职业并陈述理由。教 学 资 源Handouts 多媒体课件 录音机教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图时间安排Step1 Lead in1.

5、introduce myself 2. The teacher ask the students to listen to a song about jobs.T: Actually, we heard about teacher, doctor, farmer, they are words about jobs, Today we are going to learn more words about them.Do you want to have a try?3. show students some pictures about jobs, and learn the new wor

6、ds: Scientist, pilot, librarian, tour guide.4. lets play a game about different jobs. I can this game “stand up”Listen carefully and write down the words about jobs.Look at the pictures and learn the new words.Listen carefully and stand up quickly to answer the question歌曲的选用,为本课的教学奠定了良好的铺垫,既在不知不觉中使学

7、生复习了相关的职业,又自然地引出了话题。通过呈现图片的方式,使学生在语境中学习单词。 通过游戏活跃了课堂气氛,使学生进一步巩固了所学生词。7Step2Pre-listening1.T: Im sure that all of you have remembered all the new words now. Among these jobs, what do you want to be in the future? Why do you want to be .?2.Ask the students to practice the sentences in pairs. think and

8、 answer teachers question. students practice it in pairs 通过小组两两对话巩固所学句型5Step 3 While-listening1. listen and choose the right words about jobs from the box.T: just now you talked about what do you want to be in the future, next lets listen to four description . We are going to listen to four peoples

9、jobs.Listen and guess what do they do? 2. listen and choose T or F.1) let the students predict. Whats Yanglins fathers job? Whats Yanglins mothers job?2) let them choose T or F.3) read after the tape.3.listen and fill in the blanks1) let the students predict the main idea about the dialogue.2) liste

10、n and fill in the blanks3) let the students read the dialogue and explain some difficult words.listen and choose the right words about jobs from the box.Predict and choose the answersPredict the answer.Listen and fill in the blanks.通过听并选词,巩固学生对所学生词和句型的运用预测环节的引入,有利于学生听力能力的不断培养,让学生跟读,可以训练学生的语音,语调,语感,

11、为下一步教学做好铺垫由预测信息到 感悟词汇, 再到词汇输出,层层递进,使听的能力达到了有效的训练10Step4Post-listening1.Ask the students to choose the paper and make dialogues:A. What does Harry porter want you to be?B. He wants me .A. Why does Harry porter want you to be ?B. Because they think . But I dont like it. A. What do you want to be in th

12、e future?B. I want to be . A. Why do you want to be ?B. Because I think .2. write a composition about your ideal job, and why?3. disscuss with the studentsT: boys and girls , I know that all of you have beautiful dreams. But how can you make your dream come true?Ss: work hard.T: yes. You must study

13、hard from now on. And if you do it, Im sure that your dream will come true in the near future.Work in pairs And make dialogueWrite a compositiondisscuss通过情景的创设让学生进行对话练习,易于学生理解和接受。 讨论在讨论的同时, 使思想教育融入课堂,使学生意识到人的一生中要有理想导航,但它们的实现要靠我们一步一个脚印踏踏实实地奋斗努力。15Step 5 sum uphelp the students to sum upconclude归纳总结本节课的重点2Step6 HomeworkHomework for today:Correct your own writing.听、记作业提高、完善写作。1板书设计What do you want to be in the future? I want to be . Why do you want to be .? Because I think .



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