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1、Key: 1-5 F T N F F 5-10 T F T F T19Memory Lane Isnt What It Used to Be203-RF-0230Key: 1-5 T N F F T 6-10 T T F F T31She Wanted to Teach31Key: 1-5 T F N T F 6-10 F N T T T41Best of friends, Worlds Apart413-RF-0450Key: 1-5 FFTFN 6-10 TFFFT50Black Holes51One day in 1848 a carpenter named Marshall, who

2、worked in a saw mill on the American River in California,Key: FTFFT FTNFT71Directions: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.Key: N F F F T N T N T F84Starting Your Own Business843-RF F F T F T T F N T F88Why I Love the City88英语作文考试题目:素选课的利弊 1爱国 2素质。Key: 1-5 F T N F F 5-

3、10 T F T F T19Memory Lane Isnt What It Used to Be201. By saying “nostalgic”, the writer means that he misses his parents very much.212. The writer feels sentimental every time he walks along his street every year when autumn comes.211. Do you notice that a retarded child often shows a/an _ look?22A.

4、 hollow B. empty C. bare D. vacant22(Key: C)222. In many major cities there are more _ apartments than there are homeless people.22A. blank B. empty C. vacant D. bare22(Key: C)223. It is interesting that many animals can _ their ears and noses. But its not easy for human beings to do so.22A. tremble

5、 B. shiver C. quiver D. quicken22(Key: B)224. A _ computer of Apple brand costs far more in China than abroad.22A. comparative B. comparable C. comparing D. compared23(Key: D)235. We should be _ of the comfort of old people.23A. concerned B. careful C. considerable D. considerate23(Key: D)236. The l

6、eader of the expedition _ everyone to follow his example.23A. promoted B. aspired C. sparked D. inspired23(Key: C)237. After the English evening, the students said “Good night” to one another and went home _.23A. respectably B. respectfully C. respectively D. respectedly23(Key: D)238. All products f

7、or sale or on sale should be _ as far as quality is concerned.23A. protected B. pledged C. guarded D. guaranteed24(Key: D)249. The president called _ the people of his country to work hard for national unity.24A. up B. for C. out D. on24(Key: C)2410. It is not easy for chain smokers to _ from smokin

8、g.24A. restrain B. check C. refrain D. retain24(Key: C)2411. You should try to _ your ambition and be more realistic.24A. reserve B. refrain C. restrain D. retain24(Key: A)2412. To make good friends, one has to be a(n) _ person.24A. upright B. erect C. upward D. straight25(Key: B)2513. She cut her h

9、air short and tried to _ herself as a man.25A. decorate B. disguise C. pretend D. fake25(Key: A)2514. Our guide _ all of us and we could not find our way back to the hotel.25A. misled B. forgave C. forbade D. approached25(Key: B)2515. Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind th

10、eir desks, _ themselves.25A. expanding B. stretching C. enlarging D. extending (Key: D)2516. After four years in the same job, his enthusiasms finally _.25A. worsened B. boomed C. decayed D. drained25(Key: C)2617. Although the two players are _ in the tennis court, they are really good friends.26A.

11、partners B. enemies C. rivals D. companions26(Key: A)2618. The prospect of increased prices has already _ worries.26A. provoked B. prohibited C. inspired D. encouraged26IIIWB26Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word forms of the words given in the brackets.26(Key: delivery)261. The

12、next postal _ is at 2 oclock. (deliver)26(Key: vacant)262. There is a place _ over there where we can park our car. (vacancy)26(Key: faithful)273. The dog remained _ to his master. (faith)27(Key: simplicity)274. She believes everything with childlike _. (simple)27(Key: declaration)275. Please make a

13、 written _ of all the goods you bought abroad. (declare)27(Key: costly)276. Selling your house can be a _ and time-consuming business. (cost)27(Key: comparable)277. A _ car would cost far more abroad. (comparision)27(Key: acknowledged)278. Professor Hawking is _ as one of the worlds greatest living

14、physicians. (acknowledgement)27(Key: considerate)279. Your children are always very _ towards old people. (consideration)27(Key: restrain)2810. I had to _ myself from telling him what I thought of him. (restraint)284ECT28Directions: Translate the English sentences into Chinese.281答案:每当有人帮助你,不论事情大小,无论他地位高低,你都应对他说声“谢谢”。281When someone does something for you, no matter how small and no matter whether he is superior or inferior, it is proper to say “Thank you” to him.282答案:这个男孩的生活天天围着哥哥转,完全明白做什么来使哥哥高兴。2



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