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1、一. 课 题:Happy Birthday!二. 教学目标:1掌握十个英语单词one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten能自己听、读、认出这几个单词。2能听懂句型:Happy Birthday!3能懂one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten并能自己说出来。4掌握歌曲:Happy Birthday! 三教学重点:掌握十个英语单词one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten能自己听、读、认出这几个单词。四. 教学难点:1. 能听懂句型:H

2、appy Birthday!能懂one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten并能自己说出来。五教学工具:单词卡片、课件、钢笔、等。六教学过程:Step1.Greetings:1).Greeting and free talk :通过师生之间对话,营造英语学习气氛,并使学生进入学习状态。2).Sing the birthday song .让学生边唱英语歌,边做动作,激发学生学习的兴趣。Step2. Presentation:1).T:You did a good job . Now come here,we will h*e a birthd

3、ay *?通过引导蛋糕图片,教授one、two单词。2).Guessing game:Whats on the birthday cake ?How many ? 通过猜蜡烛游戏,增加学生学习的趣味性,从而教授新单词three、four、five、six、seven。3).T: I have invited some students came to the *. Lets count how many students are there.通过图片展示小朋友的照片,教授新单词eight、nine、ten。4).Drill all the new words 5).Games:1 Game 1

4、:When the teacher point the numbers cards ,students say it quickly .2 Game 2:e.g.When the teacher clap the hands three times,the students say the words-three.And then students practice in pairs .通过这些游戏,让学生游戏中带来欢乐,从而巩固以上所学的单词。6).Do the practice .Sentence:Happy Birthday!Step3. Practice:1). Read the ne

5、w words .2).Game 1:Point wordsWhen the teacher say the numbers words,students point to the big numbers cards .And then students practice in pairs .3).Game2:Find wordsWhen the teacher say the numbers words,The students go to the wall to find the words quickly . And when the music start ,the students

6、go back quickly.通过多种游戏,既可以培养学生的观察能力和合作精神又可以巩固本堂课的知识。4).Presentation.Teacher find a girl come out,and say,“This is a girl,one girl.”And then find two girls say two girls,and then直观教学,让学生直接地学习one girl,two girls,three girls,four girls,five girls,six girls 。5).引申boy和girlone boy,two boys,three boys,four

7、boys,five boys,six boys,seven boys,eight boys,nine boys,ten boys.one girl,two girls,three girls,four girls,five girls,six girls,seven girls,eight girls,nine girls,ten girls.6).找规律。学生通过观察来说出规律。7).学生用自己学过的单词练习单、复数。8).Game.这个游戏也是既可以培养学生的观察能力和合作精神又可以巩固今节课的numbers单词和单、复数的知识。Step4. Summy.1).总结2).Sing the songStep5. Homework.


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