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1、公司新年晚会策划方案及经典游戏22020年4月19日文档仅供参考 Chinese New Years Party Plan公司新年晚会策划方案Theme活动主题 Chinese New Years Party 公司新年晚会Objects活动目的1.Inhance the team-spirit of company employees提升公司凝聚力;2.Strengthen contacts and communication among departments加强各部门同仁之间的沟通与联系Attendances参加对象All our saturnees, guests, van driver

2、s and cleaners公司全体员工、公司各级领导、班车司机和清洁人员Organization组织团队 Party coordinator: HR department组织协调:公司人事部Emcees: Gavin and Lisa 主持人: Gavin& Lisa Photographer: Hill 摄影: Hill Time活动日期/时间18:0021:00 Feb.1. 2月1日18:0021:00Address活动地点 Contents活动内容1.Dinner公司年夜饭2.General Manager speech 公司总经理致词3.Games and recreation 游

3、戏/娱乐活动4.Gifts 员工纪念品赠送Process活动流程Time 17:00 Leave office on time and take the right van(arranged by HR in advance) 17:30 On arrival of the restaurant, sign on the welcome guests book first and take seats时间17:00准时下班按照所排班车对号入座离开公司前往酒店 17:30 入场,签到,有序入座 Contents Chinese New Years Party Dinner/ Theme Game

4、(3 games) / recreation(2-3)活动内容 公司年夜饭用餐/主题游戏(三项)/歌唱及特色表演节目(二到三项)Instruction enclosed the game descriptions说明 附游戏规则Preparation预备晚会开始,致辞 (致辞由人事部和主持人共同准备)主持人上台宣布春节晚会正式开始,并请总经理上台讲话。Emcees announce Party begins and ask GM to give a speech1Game Guessing Game (enclosure 2)热身游戏我猜猜猜(游戏说明见附件)颁发优胜奖(3人)Prizes f

5、or two winners2Recreationsinging “walking by your side” 文艺节目慢慢的陪着你走 Draw the third place award first(10 people) 抽取三等奖(10人)3Theme GameScrabble (enclosure 1)主题游戏七拼八凑(游戏说明见附件) Team winner (9-11 people) 颁发最佳团队合作奖(9-11人) Draw the second place award first(2 people)抽取二等奖(2人)4Recreationpoem intonation “for

6、parents”文艺节目poem intonation 父母情 Active Participation Award (4) 颁发积极参与奖(4人) Draw the first place award first(1 people)抽取一等奖(1人)Draw consolation prize颁发阳光普照奖 由各桌派代表上台领取 Emcee announce party over主持人宣布晚会结束晚会现场彩色对联,四字主题贴,掌声拍子,哨子,签到本,抽奖箱等奖品/礼品一等奖:二等奖:三等奖:(主持人、后勤):最佳团队合作奖+游戏优胜奖:表演奖: 附件一:主题游戏七拼八凑9 , l( t! p

7、) n3 J8 ( p. Vc, s( T1 0 A4 j) c# K# M c9 S4 y+ C2 K七拼八凑/Scrabble1. All expect coordinators and emcees will be divided into 7 different groups, one table stands for one team. . % t( A7 T: E/ m O M, r9 R9 n B2 C* M7 Z I: n要求:参加人数72人(除活动工作人员以外所有人), 以每桌为单位分成7组2. Stage property: trays (7)4 U/ D8 R4 N9 k

8、9 E# m道具:托盘(7),背景disco音乐E3 E$ g3. Rule: One member of each team will hold the tray and stand on the stage, other members should collect those objects required by the emcee one by one, and the team which collects all objects in a shortest time will be regarded as the winner. 规则:每组先选出一名接收者,手持托盘站在舞台上.其

9、它小组人员按照主持人的要求提供物品放到托盘中.最先集齐物品的小组获胜.4. Process: Emcee starts to speak out objects, members will be given certain time to prepare and look for the object announced by emcee one by one, this time period will be shorten one after another, and the objects come from our daily life.过程: 2 L2 k) g+ m & x主持人开

10、始宣读物品,每一个相隔一定时间给队员准备,慢慢加快.采集物品来自日常的例如:眼镜,手表,皮带,口红,钱等,一定要有比较难的放在最后如药片,糖果,一毛钱., u4 i* b7 S0 。5. Referee: winner will be the team which collect all the objects first or collect the largest amount of objects till the end of the game time limitation.裁判:工作人员一到两名在舞台上负责裁判,最先收集完主持人念出所有物品或者在规定的时间内收集最多所报出物品的团队

11、获胜Objects 物品单(主持人按此顺序报出所需收集物品并控制时间) 1. One Yuan Coin 一元硬币 2. One piece of cigarette 一根香烟 3. One piece of Gum 一块口香糖 4. One packet of tissue paper 一包纸巾 5. Lipstick or Lip balm 口红或润唇膏 6. Lighter 打火机 7. Employee badge card 员工牌 8. One empty wallet or purse 钱包 9. Hair clip 发卡 10. Hat 帽子 11. One piece of p

12、en 笔 12. Mirror 镜子 13. 0.1 Yuan Coin 一毛钱 14. Belt 皮带 15. One pair of spectacles 眼镜 16. VIP card 会员卡 17. Notebook 记事本 18. Cellphone decorative chain 手机链 19. Ear-rings 耳机 20. Shoelace 鞋带附件二:热身游戏我猜猜猜我猜猜猜/Guessing Game1. 2 people make up a team and altogether 3 teams . % t( A7 T: E/ m O M, r9 R9 n B2 C*

13、 M7 Z I: n要求:参加人数9人, 每3人为一组 2. Idioms for guessing 4 U/ D8 R4 N9 k9 E# m道具:写在A4纸上的题目3. Rules: two members A and B work together in one team, A cant look at the board and B can remind A in words or gestures to express what he/she saw on the board but without mentioning any exact word on the board. An

14、d A speaks out the phrase according to Bs description. There will be “One”, “Two”, “Three” 3 groups of questions, each contains 20 words or phrased of the same difficulty level, group “There” is English questions. And among the 20 questions each, the winner should be the group which guesses out more

15、 correct answers than others.If two or three groups occasionally achieve the same correct answers, we will add one extra round. Two or three groups will probably face the same question at the same time; the one who first speak out the correct answer will be the final winner. 4. 规则:A,B,C人一组进行游戏,其中A背对出题面板,B和C看题目所示词条给与A提示,按照题目提示采取动作或语言方式(但不能够说到题目中的任何字词)提示A。A根据B和C的提示说出这一词条。游戏题目分为1,2,3难易程度均等三



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