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1、力学:P23,24题正确答案BD 说明:初中题目所说的匀速运动都是匀速直线运动,答题不能答匀速运动,要答匀速直线运动 李红文提供P3,21题正确答案为BD说明:测量出粉笔的长度为8cm左右 杜筠&陆思萌提供P11,12题正确答案为AP18,3题(2)正确答案为2500kg/m3P43,10题为单选说明:10昌平一模12题原题为单选 P伦提供p89,7题自相矛盾根据力量变化算浮力是1200N但是体积是0.5*0.5*0.5=0.125算出来浮力是1250NP92,7题为单选说明:09海淀一模第12题原题为单选 P伦提供p89,7题自相矛盾根据力量变化算浮力是1200N但是体积是0.5*0.5*0

2、.5=0.125算出来浮力是1250N1、他因自己所作的事感到自豪。2、对我们来说严格要求自己是最重要的。3、这个房子根本不属于她。4、我们外出度假时,一个小偷闯入屋内。5、 她毕生养育了五个孩子。 1. He was proud of what he had done.2. Its the most important for us to be strict withourselves.3. The house doesnt belong to her at all.4. A thief had broken in while we were away on holiday.5. She b

3、rought up five children in her life.6、他是偶然还是有意做了这件事呢? 7、老师说猫头鹰白天睡觉晚上工作。8、你最好不要请他来参加这个会。9、你介意替我照看一下这个孩子吗?10、他正忙于开展一个新计划。6. Did he do it whether by accident or design?7. The teacher says owls sleep by day and work at night.8. Youd better not call in him to have the meeting.9. Would you mind caring for

4、 the kid instead of me?10. He is busy carrying out a new plan.11、 恐怕我走得太慢,赶不上你们。12、我在伦敦一家旧书店里无意中发现了这本书。 13、我很高兴看到你的体力得到了恢复。14、我的父母从来没向我们要求过任何东西。 15、他告诉我这个帐单总计5镑50便士。 11. Im afraid I walked too slowly to catch up with you.12. I came across this book in an old bookstore in London.13. Im glad to see yo

5、u came back with renewed strength. 14. My parents have never come on us for anything. 15. He told me the bill came to five pounds fifty pence. 16、你愿意把这个工作比作一个机会吗?17、直到见到他我才祝贺他取得好成绩。18、铁路把城镇与首都连接起来。19、他一到就将处理这些问题。20、我认为把学生分成很多组不好。16. Would you like to compare the work to a chance?17. I didnt congratu

6、late him on his good grades until I met him.18. Railway lines connect towns with the capital.19. Hell deal with these problems as soon as he arrives.20. I dont think its good to divide students into lots ofgroups. 1、轻松点儿,越紧张就越糟糕。2、晚会因为天气的原因不得不取消了。3、你最好从容一些。4、他告诉我们新生事物总是会取代旧的事物。5、你应该接受我的建议,开始存钱。1. Ta

7、ke it easy. The more nervous, the worse.2. The party had to be taken offbecause of theweather.3. Youd better take your time.4. He told us the new always took the place of the old.5. You should take up my suggestion and start saving money. 6、前几天我看到过你上了公交车。7、每天弹钢琴太难了,不能坚持练习。8、她说我一到她家就会试穿这件毛衣。9、发生了没有意料

8、到的事情。 10、他过去常常问妈妈要钱。6. I saw you get on the bus the other day.7. Playing the piano is too hard to keep practicing.8. She saidI would try on the sweater as soon as I reached her home.9. Something unexpected has turned up. 10. He used to ask his mother for some money.11、 他一直以来习惯于在外面吃饭。 12、你计划明天几点钟启程?

9、13、等候迟到的人使我们不耐烦。14、如果我睡着了,要么就叫醒我要么把车停在路边。 15、花了我们一个小时找到了解决这个问题的方法。 11. He is used to eating out all the time.12. What time are you planning to set off tomorrow? 13. It makes us impatient to wait for people who are late.14. If I fall asleep, please either wake me up or park the car on the roadside. 1

10、5. It took us one hour tofind a way to work out thisproblem. 16、根据专家们的意见,他们马上放弃了这项试验。17、老实讲,我不同意给她发信息。18、昨天直到他到了我们才开会。19、结果他的一生拯救了这座森林里60的树木。20、他似乎是个万事通。16. According to expert opinions, they gave up theexperiment immediately.17. To tell the truth, I dont agree to send a message to her.18. We didnt have the meeting until he arrived.19. As a result, he saved 60% of the trees in the forestin all his life.20. It seems as if he knows everything.



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