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1、人教新目标八年级下册unit 6期末复习知识辅导(无答案)Page 41-421. shoot - shot - shotshoot“打死某人或某物”,强调结果。shoot at “向某人或某物射击”,强调动作。2. once upon a time = long long ago = a long time ago 从前3. try1) v. try to do sth 尽力做某事 try doing sth尝试做某事2)try on 试穿 (on是副词)3)try ones best (to do sth )尽力(做某事)4)have a try 试一试 (n)4. 1) work on

2、(介词)忙于,从事 2)work out (副词) 算出3)work for为-工作 4)work as 作为-工作5. be weak in在-弱6. move1) v. 搬运,移动 move to sw 搬到某地 move there搬到那儿2)v. 打动,使感动 We are all moved by the moving story.3) moving (adj) 令人感动的,动人的,通常修饰物。 moved (adj) 感动的,通常修饰人。After the earthquake, we heard of lots of _ stories, and all of us were d

3、eeply _.A. moving; moved B. moving; moving C. moved; moving7. finish doing sth完成做某事8. as soon as 一-就,引导时间状语从句,“主将从现”。1)People _ the ticket to her as soon as she _ back. A. will give; will come B. give; comes C. will give; comes D. give; will come2) I will do some cleaning as soon as I _ my homework.

4、 A. finish B. will finish C. finished D. have finished9. take away (away是副词)拿走If you bring snacks to the party, the teacher will _.A. take it away B. take them away C. take away it D. take away them10. 1) remind sb + that 从句,“提醒某人-”2)remind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事3)remind sb of sth / sb 使某人想起-(1)- The s

5、ong Where did the time go _ the old days and the love of family. - Sure. Its my favorite song. A. helps us out B. reminds us of C. lets us down (2 ) Please remind me _(clean) the room on time.11. the story of -的故事12. a good way to do sth一个做某事的好方法13. seem的用法1)seem+adj2) seem+to be+adj (to do sth)3) I

6、t seems that+从句4) seem like +nShe seemed worried. = She seemed _ _ worried. = _ _ that she _ worried.14. Angthing is possible if you work hard.如果你去努力,一切皆有可能。15. give up放弃1) give up接宾语如果是代词时,代词放在中间,即give it / them up2) give up doing sth = stop doing sth放弃做某事16. instead of1) instead“代替,而不是”,副词,常放在句首或句

7、末。2)instead of +名词/ 代词/ doing sth. “代替,而不是”17. Building a road is better and faster than moving a mountain. 简直一条路比搬运一座山更好更快。1) Its better to teach a man how to fish than _ him fish.A. to give B. giving C. to find D. finding2) Taking a bus must be a lot better than _ a boat.A. to take B. taking C. ta

8、ke18. neither1) 表示“也不”,句型:neither+助动词/ be / 情态动词+sb, “某人也不-” If you dont go there, _ _ I .(我也不去) Our class are going to have a picnic tomorrow. If you dont go, _. A. so do I B. neither do I C. neither will I 2)neither .nor “既不.也不”动词与临近的主语保持一致。即 “就近原则”. Neither you nor I am right.3) neither “两者当中都不”,

9、 反义词是both (l两者都)注意:either “两者中任何一个”, none (三个或三个以上都不”, 反义词是all (三个或三个以上都”4) A or B?Either is OK. / Neither, I like C.(1)_ you _ he is able to ski, but I am.A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor (2 ) _ of us wants to go to the park today, because we have to finish so much h

10、omework.A. Either B. Both C. Neither (3 ) - Which of the two T-shirts would you like? - _. I dont like their styles.A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None (4 ) -Would you like coffee or tea?- _. Some water, please.A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. All 19. possible 可能的 impossible不可能的as - as possible = as

11、 - as sb can 尽可能Write _ and try not to make any mistakes.A. as carefully as you can B. as carefuou as possible C. more careful 20. 动词不定式作目的状语 to do sth = in order to do sth 为了做某事 1)_ ( fight )bad people, the Monkey King useds a magic stick. 2) I want to go to Xiufeng Park. How can I get there? _ the

12、re, just go along this street and turn left at the third crossing. A. To get B. Getting C. Get 3)_ ( eat ) vegetables and fruit is good for your health. 4)_( eat ) an apple one dy to keep healthy. 5) What should I do, doctor? _ healthy, you should take more exercise. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D.

13、 Kept 21. hide隐藏,隐蔽,过去式hid, 过去分词hidden 22. solve the problem解决问题 23. have problems doing sth / with sth做某事有困难 24. a little bit = a little = a bit = kind of 一点a little 与a bit 的区别1)都可以作副词,后接形容词或副词Im a bit / a little hungry. She feels a bit / a little tired.2) 也都可作代词(或形容词),后接不可数名词,但有所不同。即: a little +不可

14、数名词 = a bit of +不可数名词(1) Why dont men do _ housework?A. a bit B. a few C. a little of D. a bit of(2)- Sorry, I cant work out this question. -Try it again. Its only _ difficult. A. a bit B. a lot C. very D. much tooPage 43-441. be able to / can 用法1)表示能力,与be able to同义,但can只用于现在时和过去时,be able to可用于各种时态。Two eyes can see more than one. 注:Can you ? Yes, I can / No,I cant.2).表示允许、请求用could比can 语气更加



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